Perfect match for Libra

People born under the sign of Libra are distinguished by their delicate taste, special charm and sophistication. They are extremely confident in themselves, constantly trying to achieve justice, in addition, they love everything original. The ordinary seems to them gray and boring, they are constantly looking for new experiences. It is not easy for such a person to like it, but it is even more difficult to keep him close to him. Perfect match for Libra - what is it? We’ll talk about this now.
to contents ↑How old are you?
It is common for every person, including someone born between September 23 and October 23, to seek a suitable partner. Scales, entering into a relationship, are absolutely sure that everything will work out in the best way. And they are extremely surprised when the situation does not change the way they would like. There is a need to quickly make a decision, but Libra does not like this. Any decisive actions cause them internal rejection, they always hope that everything will work out. Is it really?
Young Libra
It happens with some signs of the zodiac. Time passes, everything is decided by itself and it turns out that this sign is the perfect pair for Libra. For young Libra people, the most suitable partners are:
- Twins;
- Aquarius.
Important! With Libra, these two signs are united by the element - Air. These are soul mates, and there are many chances to create a lasting alliance.
True, the twin partner must fully meet the requirements of someone born under the sign of Libra:
- immediately choose a life path;
- firmly follow the intended path;
- Do not try to achieve a beautiful life in easy ways.
From Aquarius requires more. Aquarius must overcome its isolation and accept the friends of the partner or partner, and all, regardless of gender and age.
Libra, which for ...
Youth passes, and with it, addictions. Of course, Libra is capable of a lasting alliance that lasts for decades. But situations where a person who is over forty already forced to build a new life is not so rare. In this case, the best pair for the scales:
- Sagittarius;
- A lion.
True, Libra has certain requirements for ideal partners, otherwise there will be no alliance at all.
Mature Libra and Sagittarius
Scales are extremely demanding both to themselves and to others. Actually, because of this, they most often have problems in family life. A career for them is by no means an empty phrase, but a vital necessity. By the age of forty, Libra usually achieves high positions and a stable financial position. They demand the same from Sagittarius.
Unfortunately, ardent and keen Sagittarius do not always satisfy the requirements, which they themselves consider to be overstated. But if Sagittarius agrees that he needs a high social status, and even managed to achieve a stable position - the union will be the most reliable of all possible.
Union with Leo
Lions quite often have a penchant for gambling. These are the most avid casino visitors who, moreover, go there not for the sake of hanging out, but with the goal of winning. Losing knocks them out of their rut, the Lions try to recoup and ... lower everything in their pockets, and even manage to get into debt. Libra is not inclined to endure such frivolity. If Leo does not give up addiction, the union will break up very quickly.
to contents ↑The perfect match for women
What is the compatibility of the scales with other signs and who fits the scales the most of the girls? Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius combine well with Libra, regardless of whether it is about love or friendship. But do people born under these signs always create ideal families with Libra? It must be said that there are no ideally matching horoscopes in nature. People are all different, and even among people born under the same sign, life aspirations can be very different from each other.
Libra woman liked a man, but he was born under the wrong sign, under which it would be necessary? There is nothing wrong, true love is able to overcome all obstacles and smooth out all contradictions, even stellar ones. But first, look inside yourself and see how you match your sign and whether you are compatible with others.
Women Libra:
- appreciate art;
- possess natural grace and grace;
- they love beautiful places and beautiful people - they are breathtaking from the beautiful view from the window or the exterior of the person sitting opposite;
- very sensitive and easily distinguish true beauty;
- distinguished by high intelligence and logical thinking;
- tend to listen to other people's opinions and agree with reasonable arguments;
- they are attentive to the words of their man and rejoice in his approval;
- trust their loved ones and do not seek to convict them of something bad;
- they are critical of themselves and are able to emphasize advantages, distract attention from shortcomings;
- do not abuse cosmetics and do not seek to ruin their life partner by buying expensive outfits and luxurious jewelry.
Accordingly, the partner must possess qualities that are in harmony with these features. The ideal pair for Libra women is the man who:
- loves art;
- must be a scholar and be able to conduct smart conversations on a variety of topics;
- values and knows how to create beauty around him;
- admires her beautiful lady;
- gives her a sense of security and self-confidence;
- calmly refers to the fact that she is going for a long time and can return from half the way just to change clothes.
Since the Libra woman is not indifferent to everything beautiful, she is unlikely to be interested in a man who does not pay attention to his appearance at all. In addition, the man must be patient - it is impossible to rush things in this case, because Libra is called so because they weigh every little thing. They do not give in to minute impulses. At the same time, a man who connected his life with a Libra woman should calmly relate to noisy companies and crowded holidays.
to contents ↑Important! Libra Woman does not forgive vulgarity and stupidity.
Little bit about sex
Libra women prefer beautiful sex. For them, this is, first of all, art, sex must be preceded by effective courtship, flowers, gifts, interesting conversations. No random connections, no weird places. Only your own bed in an elegant clean room. Libra women in this sense are real aristocrats, and a man should take this as a due.
At the same time, the ladies born under this sign, very great craftswomen to seduce. They are attractive, they are able to emphasize their qualities. But they also relate to flirting, as to art, as to a game with strictly defined rules. Therefore, ideal men for such women often become those who are either similar in everything or very different:
- Aries;
- A lion;
- Libra:
- Calf;
- Sagittarius;
- Aquarius.
Aries Man
Opposites are said to attract. This fully applies to the pair “Libra - Aries”. They are very different, but this is what creates the basis for stable relationships, which very often last a lifetime.
a lion
Leo suits Libra, regardless of gender and age.As for the couple, when a woman is born under the sign of Libra, and a man under the sign of Leo, then the basis of relationships very often becomes male vanity. Leo is proud of his lady, emphasizes her dignity, beautifully looks after - in a word, does everything that his life partner likes.
Scales + Scales
The exact opposite situation occurs when both partners are Libra. They perfectly understand each other, they don’t have to adapt, they have common tastes and common life aspirations. Only one thing can hinder an ideal relationship - if one of the partners starts working too hard for the public.
Sagittarius - freedom-loving, he does not know constraint and openly shows his attitude. At first, to Libra woman, he may seem rude, but after a while she will be able to discern and evaluate his true essence. He will often emphasize her merits with strangers, and Libra really likes this.
In Aquarius men, women Libra fall in love at first sight. The basis of harmony is sexual attraction. Libra woman not only falls in love with herself - she skillfully falls in love with a man. These relationships usually last a long time.
Important! Sometimes, disagreements arise between partners, but they do not lead to serious discord. It’s just that even in perfect relationships you need small shocks that only strengthen the internal connection.
Taurus is the most suitable partner for sex. He is sensitive, attentive, knows how to speak beautifully, appreciates the beauty of his partner. However, such unions are not always ideal. Taurus does not like Libra's sociability, they do not like noisy companies and are generally quite secretive, closed.
The best pair for female weights in sexual terms is the twin man. He not only attracts a potential partner with his appearance. These two can talk on a variety of topics, they both love art, strive for beauty. Both love fantastic sex, and this very often unites them for many years. The twin man is also a reliable friend.
to contents ↑Not a good choice
With some signs, Libra women may well get along, but it all depends on the circumstances. Such signs include:
- Cancer;
- Fish.
Cancer and Libra can fall in love with each other, but it is usually difficult for them to build relationships - they are too different. But if true love, union can be very lasting. Relations with Pisces is also quite possible, if both partners have the patience to overcome Pisces' indecision.
to contents ↑Bad choice
The most unfortunate options for Libra women are Virgo and Capricorn. A man born under the sign of Virgo is very demanding of his partner, but he forgives himself everything. Sex is usually interesting, however, sexual relations cannot replace the rest:
- mutual understanding;
- common interests;
- attention to the strengths and weaknesses of partners.
With the Capricorn man, the Libra woman quarrels very often. The reason for the disagreement is a different attitude to material well-being. For Libra, it is secondary, for Capricorn - the main.
to contents ↑The perfect match for Libra
All people born under the same sign have some common features, which means that Libra men also love art, value external beauty, they have a logical mind, they ponder a decision for a long time, do nothing by sudden insight. For male Libra, unions are ideal:
- with Aquarius;
- with twins;
- with Sagittarius.
Aquarius Woman
Libra man not only falls in love with such a woman. This alliance is strong because partners not only have sex, but are friends. They can conduct intellectual conversations on a variety of topics, they are interesting and fun together. Quite often, partners are truly creative individuals who achieve great success together.
Twin woman
She is desperate, spontaneous, constantly surprising her partner. This couple will always look for vivid impressions, and will certainly find them.Partners do not care about everyday problems, both strive for pleasures, understand each other perfectly. In general, the twin woman and the male Libra are what they call “husband and wife are one Satan”.
Sagittarius Woman
The restraint of Sagittarius in such an alliance is balanced by the sociability of Libra. Their relationship is beautiful. The Libra man surrounds his partner with tenderness, emphasizes her strengths in every possible way, and the woman responds with admiration and devotion. The partner perceives the Sagittarius woman as an adventure hunter. It doesn’t matter if this is so. However, she usually does not disappoint him.
to contents ↑Unsuccessful unions
The Libra man will feel somewhat uncomfortable with the Pisces woman. He will not like the partner born under the sign of Cancer. With Pisces, it usually starts well. The first days of the novel promise a long, happy life together. A partner gives luxurious gifts, is ready to drink champagne from a shoe. Both speak sweet words to each other.
However, the Libra man cannot provide Pisces with the reliable protection that the partner desperately needs. On this basis, conflicts most often arise. Libra is very skeptical of such manifestations, consider them an ordinary female whim. Frivolity sometimes costs them dearly - relationships deteriorate forever.
In a relationship with a Cancer woman, a Libra man lacks decisiveness, certainty. A partner needs to be appreciated, she also needs protection. The partner cannot provide either one or the other. As a result, there is a coldness, alienation, which often ends in a complete break.
Taurus Woman
Complex relationships in Libra men and with Taurus women. Taurus really do not like frivolous entertainment, Libra also dislikes them. A woman born under this sign is unlikely to like it when her partner constantly spends time in noisy companies. She does not understand that this is important for him. In turn, he cannot accept the seriousness, decisiveness of Taurus, who sometimes border on tyranny. The union is possible if one of the partners wants it so badly that it is ready to give up its natural inclinations.
Half in the middle
With a woman-Aries, a Libra man can have a successful relationship. Both partners like qualities that are not in their own character. Aries is impulsive, often acts under the influence of a minute - Libra never does this. But the Aries woman is stubborn, often striving to prove her innocence at all costs. If a man accepts this, the relationship will develop well.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Of course, the stars most likely leave some imprint on our lifestyle and character. But true love can unite even those people who, according to friends, never get along together. Look for your perfect match by the call of your heart and your own vision of a person, and not by stellar combinations and the advice of others!
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