Dark living room interior

A living room is a room where the whole family gathers and greets guests. Therefore, it is very important to consider the future interior design down to the smallest detail. Today it has become fashionable to use a dark finish on the floor, because it always looks elegant, and the contrast of dark and light is an unbreakable classic. Therefore, if you decide on such a radical change in the design of the room, our experts will tell you how to correctly and stylishly decorate the living room with a dark floor.

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We take into account all the nuances

Before proceeding with the replacement of the flooring, you should definitely weigh the pros and cons of using dark tones in the design.

The main advantages of this design include the following:

  • The dark floor creates an association of resilience, reliability and durability.
  • On this basis, small impurities, such as footprints from shoes, go unnoticed.
  • It is a classic, so it easily fits into any stylistic design of the room.
  • Provides the ability to visually narrow the space.
  • As close as possible to woody shades, which gives an association of the naturalness of the coating.
  • Adds nobility and respectability to the interior.

In addition to advantages, the design of a living room with dark parquet has a number of its disadvantages:

  • Visually reduces the space, so it is not suitable for rooms with a small area.
  • Despite the fact that small contaminants on such a floor covering are invisible, settling dust can be seen instantly, even in the photo.

Important! If you decide on the design of the flooring in dark colors, you need to be patient and plenty of detergents, as you have to wash it daily.

  • Slight scratches and scuffs are also quite visible.

Important! The main and most important advantage of the flooring of dark tones is that the above disadvantages are solved. You can decorate the floor with a carpet in places of frequent passability or “play” with textures. In this case, it all depends solely on the layout of the room and your taste preferences.

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Choose the flooring of the desired shade

Most often, the following decorative options are chosen for the design of the living room:

  • Parquet is a noble coating, which is made of dark wood, such as cherry, oak, wenge, walnut, ash.
  • Laminate is a more budgetary analogue of parquet, which in its visual qualities is in no way inferior to a more expensive coating.
  • Porcelain tile - emphasizes the chic of the room and creates the atmosphere of a palace hall.
  • Bulk floor is a budget and quite stylish modern solution.
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Color palette

After you have decided on the type and material for finishing the floor, it is very important to choose the right shade. A classic of the genre is a living room design with black parquet. But if you approach the solution creatively, you will see that the dark shades are quite diverse and allow you to create a stylish and unusually designed interior:

  • Using brown gives you a ton of possibilities.For example, depending on where the rays of light fall, the surface of the floor will “play” with different shades of the given color scheme. Brown flooring looks the most advantageous in classic and minimalist styles.
  • Gray tones add sophistication and comfort to the room, create an atmosphere of coolness and relaxation.

Important! When designing the floor in gray tones, white or beige doors will look most advantageous.

  • The use of rich orange and burgundy is a very extraordinary solution, thanks to which a feeling of warmth and comfort in the interior is created.
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Decorative wall decoration

When choosing a color scheme for wall decoration, it is very important to consider some of the nuances that arise when creating a room design with a dark floor:

  • The most standard option in this case will be decorative wall decoration in light colors. In addition to the fact that such a decision will visually increase the room, it will also bring harmony and comfort into it.
  • Decorating the walls in gray and chocolate tones can add darkness to the room.

Important! If, nevertheless, you decide to finish the walls in gray tones, you can dilute such a composition with light decorative elements.

  • The use of milky and beige tones will create an atmosphere of romance and comfort.
  • Black and white gamut is most appropriate for a minimalist style.
  • The use of gold and bronze shades will add to the room high cost, emphasize the good taste of the owner of the house.
  • The green color of the walls in combination with the dark floor will add naturalism and give a feeling of closeness to nature.
  • Turquoise shades and aquamarine help to relax and contribute to a quiet family vacation.
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Proper lighting is the key to success:

  • In this case, the lighting should be sufficient so that the flooring is not too dark.
  • Rays are best sent to the sides. Thus, the light will not be strongly absorbed, and the room will visually become larger.

Important! In the case of a glossy finish, the opposite should be done - the direction of the rays should be done directly on it. So you can scatter the light, and the room will gain additional space.

  • An excellent solution would be the installation of multi-level lighting, so that the living room will become much brighter.

Important! Using multi-level lighting, the room can be divided into functional zones or emphasize the interior features.

  • Also, various floor lamps and sconces are well suited and complement the overall design to illuminate the living room.
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Choosing furniture in the living room

When choosing furniture, it is very important that it does not merge with the floor. Therefore, the furniture should be light or bright and rich colors. The first option is more classic and standard. As for the use of bright colors in the interior design, in this case, you can create a rather creative, stylish and unusual design.

Important! Try to choose not bulky pieces of furniture, as due to the dark flooring they will seem even larger.

Also, do not clutter the living room with a lot of furniture so that there is no clutter effect. Do not forget that the main emphasis in the room is your gender. If, nevertheless, you are missing something, then additional decorative accessories will help add completeness to the interior.

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Small design tricks

In order to make the living room more interesting, you can use decorative elements that will perfectly shade the floor and add creativity to the overall design:

  • A carpet of bright and rich colors will look very stylish.
  • The floor figurine will refresh, dilute the overall design.
  • A variety of paintings, photographs will be a great addition to the interior.

Important! A great solution for light walls will be paintings or photographs with a black and white image.

  • Textiles will perfectly emphasize your style in interior design, add a finished look to it.

Important! For the living room, an excellent solution and a bright accent will be the use of pillows of rich colors with various ornaments.

  • Ethnic accessories will add some mystery to the room.
  • White doors are suitable for absolutely any design, refresh the interior.
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Helpful hints:

  • Avoid combining dark sex with acid shades. Contrasts need to be placed correctly so that there is no pumping effect.
  • Choose a floor covering with a pattern in the shape of the letter V. This pattern is located along the walls. Thus, the room becomes larger.
  • Always keep your floor clean.
  • Try not to move the furniture again or do it very carefully so as not to scratch the surface.
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Creating a design of a living room with a dark floor is an absolutely win-win solution, because due to the richness of tones and a huge assortment of different decorative finishes, you will revitalize the room and ennoble the interior. With the help of the above tips from our experts, an atmosphere of luxury and gloss will reign in your living room, and there will be no end to the guests!

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