Amazing DIY paintings

The refined interior of the house is not only beautiful and fashionable furniture, original lamps and expensive finishing materials. Since ancient times, paintings are considered one of the ways to decorate your own home. The paintings, written by professional artists, are stylish, modern, but the interior paintings with their own hands are the highlight that can give your design a soul and make it more interesting and lively. Consider a few ideas and useful tips for creating such decoration elements.

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Where to begin?

If you decide to decorate the interior of an apartment or house with your own picture, then you should start with a source of inspiration. Absolutely any ideas, even the most abstract, artsy or banal, will be useful to you in the process of creativity.

Important! Prepare a separate container in which you will put things - you will need them to create a picture.

Rummage through your creative reserves and try your hand at different genres. For instance:

  • If you always liked sewing, then try to make a panel of fabric. Such products have always been incredibly fashionable.
  • And if you like to embroider, you can make panels for the interior of the house using embroidery. This will be one of the easiest ways to make a picture.

Important! Start with something simple, and later on you will be able to create real works of art.

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Workshops on making paintings on the walls

If you cannot determine exactly what you would like to do, we offer several ideas with step-by-step instructions. Surely this can help you create an original decoration for your home.

Idea No. 1 - Abstract painting of blue tulle

To make this picture you will need the following:

  • Canvas.
  • Trimming color tulle (nylon ribbon or chiffon).
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Foam sponge.


  1. Choose a fabric for work related colors, for example, blue and turquoise.
  2. Cut the fabric into strips of different widths.
  3. Arrange the prepared strips on the canvas in random order, and then fix them with glue.
  4. Blot the glue with a foam sponge.
  5. Hide the ends of the strips on the wrong side of the canvas.
  6. Fasten them.


Idea No. 2 - Painting of gold paint and natural material

This picture for the interior with your own hands is good because it will not require any complex materials to create it, but still you have to stock up on the following:

  • A piece of plywood or thick cardboard.
  • A cut of any plain fabric.
  • Brush.
  • A tin of paint.
  • A branch of mountain ash or another tree.
  • Glue in a pencil.
  • Gold spray paint.


  • Cloth plywood or thick cardboard.
  • Paint it with a brush or foam sponge.
  • While the paint dries, put a rowan branch for a couple of days under the oppression, so that it dries.
  • Glue the prepared twig to the fabric.

Important! There should be too much glue.

  • Apply gold spray paint to the entire surface of the canvas.
  • Once the paint is completely dry, remove the twig.

Important! Using this method, you can do more than one picture. Using paint of different colors and branches of different trees, you will be able to create a whole story composition of several elements.

Idea No. 3 - Painting of black and white beans

Even ordinary black and white beans can be an inspiration for making unusually beautiful panels.

To create you will need the following:

  • White and black are not large beans.
  • Plastic or wooden photo frame.
  • Paint brushes.
  • A simple pencil.
  • PVA glue.
  • A sheet of plywood or thick cardboard.
  • Acrylic lacquer.


  • Cut a blank of the required size under the frame from plywood or cardboard.
  • Transfer the image of the future picture to the base with a simple pencil. In our case, this is a couple of cats in love against the backdrop of the rising moon.

Important! Those who find it difficult to hand-draw a similar or any other pattern can do this with carbon paper.

  • After the sketch is done, take the white and black paint, color the picture. In our case, the silhouettes of cats and the main background is made in black, and the moon in white. Leave to dry completely.
  • Take the beans and begin to glue them densely with each other, filling the entire space of your picture, observing the arrangement of flowers. Simply put, fill the black part of the picture with black beans and the white with white.

Important! Make sure that the beans are glued in the same direction and position, then the picture will be neat and beautiful.

  • After the glue is completely dry, take an acrylic varnish and coat your work with one layer - it will give the image a light shine and completeness.
  • When the varnish is completely dry, insert the finished panel into the frame.

Important! By the same principle, you can make pictures with your own hands, not only from beans, but also from other materials, for example, cereals or natural materials.


Idea # 4 - Modular Picture

Recently, designers often use modular paintings for room decor, which are created, like regular paintings in a variety of techniques.

To create such a picture, you need the following:

  • Styrofoam sheet (thickness 1-1.5 cm).
  • Hacksaw.
  • Colored acrylic paints.
  • Foam sponges.
  • Ruler.
  • Sandpaper (nulevka).
  • A simple pencil.
  • Brushes.


  1. According to our idea, the picture should consist of three rectangular modules of the same size (width - about 40 cm, height - 1.5 m). To do this, use a simple pencil and a ruler to draw your sheet of expanded polystyrene accordingly and carefully cut it into three equal parts.
  2. To keep the edges of the modules flat and smooth, sand them with sandpaper.
  3. Put all three modules in one canvas and start drawing. Using foam sponges dipped in white and blue paint, using the printed movements, create the main background of the future picture.
  4. After the main background has completely dried, take a brush, moisten it abundantly in dark blue acrylic paint, make elongated sprays over the entire surface of the canvases in different directions.
  5. After the paint has completely dried, hang the modular painting on the wall.
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We hope that our ideas and recommendations will help you make a picture that will become a beautiful and original decoration of your home.

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