What are the spiders in the house for?

The web in the house is a frequent phenomenon and people associate it with various omens. What are the spiders in the house for? What can this or that behavior of such a neighbor tell us? Why do they settle next to us? People have been collecting answers to all these questions for years. We will try to state them all in this article.
to contents ↑What spiders live in houses and apartments?
Next to people, in their homes there is a huge variety of species of spiders. All of them are considered absolutely harmless to humans, that is, they represent no danger. The only people to whom they can cause significant harm are people suffering from arachnophobia. So called panic fear of these arthropods. In all other cases, you may not even notice that such liveliness is present next to you, but the answers to the questions: what are the spiders in the house and where do they come from are unlikely to interest you.
Where do the spiders in the house come from?
Where the spiders in the house come from is easy to understand if you look closely at someone else who has settled in your house without your knowledge. These arthropods feed on other small insects living next to humans:
- flies;
- cockroaches;
- bedbugs;
- two-tailed.
When the arthropod has nothing to eat, they will leave. They come and go in the following ways:
- open windows, doors;
- hoods;
- cracks in window frames;
- on your things from the street or from other rooms.
What are the spiders in the house for?
The superstitions associated with the appearance of these creatures in the house are quite diverse. They are found in the legends of all the peoples of the world, but everyone has a different attitude towards them. Someone is afraid of them to unconsciousness, and someone gets a black spider instead of a pet.
Many signs contradict each other. Some believe that killing a spider is to bring misfortune, while others specifically destroy arthropods in order to extend their life and attract good luck. From this article you will learn what signs and observations have been preserved from their ancestors.
Spiders in the house
It is believed that this is a good sign. He brings luck to this house, and the web absorbs all the negativity. Esotericists believe that corners are places of accumulation of negative energy, and spiders neutralize it by weaving a web there.
When a spider falls on a person
Soon this person will receive unexpected profits - an inheritance or win the lottery.
Black arthropod descends down
Expect sad news from loved ones.
See the spider on the table while eating
Bad omen, which indicates the acquisition of a new hidden enemy. To neutralize the negative, say: "To the guests - turn around, to the news - go down." What he will do - wait for that.
See the creature creeping up the wall
Expect soon guests.
Red spider creeps on your clothes
For a quick new thing or a big profit. Catch and put the baby in your pocket and money will constantly come to you.
To the well-deserved and long-awaited profit.
See in the morning a spider sitting near a stove or fireplace, and also not weaving a web
A bad omen. Arthropods are considered the guardians of the hearth and if they do not weave a web, then dramatic and sad events will occur in this house soon.
See the arthropod weaving a web
Get the long-awaited news soon.
A white individual webs a web over your bed
To a long and happy life for the one over whose bed she wove it.
Spider in the apartment
A good omen foreshadowing luck for the tenants.
See a spider hanging on a cobweb
Take a thin thread on your finger and say: “For good or for evil?”. If it creeps up - for good, down - unfortunately.
Spider in the bathroom
Leaks and losses. This can be a monetary loss, as well as a leak of important classified information. Be on the lookout.
Kill the arthropod
Many argue that this is to big trouble. If you want to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor, just take him outside your home.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Spiders by their nature help people by destroying parasites and small harmful insects. This arthropod deserves, if not a place near you, then a respectful attitude to itself. Do not rush to kill him, take a closer look at your house, maybe you are far from everything is in order with respect to cleanliness and this creation does you a great service, cleaning up what you do not have time or do not want.
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