How to deal with mold on the walls in the apartment?

We all heard about mold on the walls, and we all hoped that this would not happen to us. Therefore, as soon as we notice a black, green or blue coating on decorative coatings, a little panic and a natural question arise, how to deal with mold on the walls in the apartment? A fungus is not the most pleasant thing that can happen in a house, but if you correctly approach this problem, you can deal with it. How exactly - you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Existing mold species
Mold spores are everywhere - in water, land and air, but they begin to develop only in places that are comfortable for themselves. In order to effectively fight against fungi, you need to know several basic types into which they are divided.
Mold fungi
They grow on concrete, painted surfaces, stones. They look like dots of brown, black, green or blue colors. Often there is a luminous and phosphorescent colony of fungi.
Blue molds often affect the fiber of wood, in this regard, painting the surface of the house in gray-blue colors. The whole thing is not limited to simple aesthetic damage, because the fungus penetrates the paint and varnish coatings, and then paves the way for water to penetrate, which by itself further increases the percentage of wood moisture.
Important! More than other trees, pine is directly affected by this ailment.
Rotting fungi
Rotting fungi attack wood exclusively. There are three types of rot:
What is the difference:
- Bacterial rot causes decomposition of cellulose, and also corrodes the wood from the inside. It is because of this that the tree blackens, darkens, and its strength deteriorates significantly.
- Because of the white rot, the tree does not change color, because this rot decomposes not only cellulose, but also lignin. White home fungus is the worst enemy for wood - the thickness of the boards, which is 4 cm or less, it destroys in 1 month.
Important! In the old days, if this mushroom was noticed, the house was burned to the ground in order to save the rest of the buildings in the village from infection with this rot.
- Brown rot causes wood to split.
The reasons for the appearance of black mold on the walls
Black fungi quickly destroy any walls, so you need to deal with mold on the walls in the house at the first sign of their appearance.
Any mold in our homes appears due to excess humidity, inadequate ventilation, and temperature fluctuations due to uneven heating.
Important! If the heating power is insufficient, all moisture contained in the air condenses on the ceilings and walls, which ordinary batteries cannot dry. With all this, a thermal cushion forms under the ceiling, which contributes to the appearance, and then to the spread of fungus.
Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: black mold appears in the house or apartment, thanks to favorable conditions.
There are a large number of conditions for the favorable existence and development of mold.
Marriage development:
- They include such a factor as marriage during the construction of a house - poor insulation of the interpanel seam, residual moisture of building materials, during which the same black mold begins to appear.
- Oblique rain flows down the outer wall instead of the laid gutters and drains, causing through-wall blotting of the wall, resulting in mold.
- The cause may also be capillary blotting of the walls from the foundation, if there is no waterproofing in it, then the appearance of mold must necessarily occur.
- In modern apartments and houses, black mold most often appears on the walls because of corners that have increased thermal conductivity.
- Loss of heat may also be the cause. In the end rooms, the loss is greater than in the ordinary ones, because the area of the walls that face the street is larger than the thickness of those located in the middle of the building.
- Improperly installed plastic windows can cause mold on the walls. They isolate the apartment from noise, and also help to keep warm, but at the same time disrupt the natural ventilation process, and this is what causes the rooms to increase humidity.
Mold Processing - Types of Work
Moisture condenses in a room with high humidity, and very frequent washing, domestic plants, as well as animals, and poor ventilation of the room can contribute to this. Therefore, more often and more intensively, black mold begins to germinate between the tiles in the bathroom and the kitchen.
The room on the walls of which there is mold looks uncomfortable and even repulsive, but this is absolutely not the main reason for the fight against this fungus.
In order to completely eliminate mold, follow several steps in sequence:
- Clean the surface affected by black mold to the base.
- Treat the surface with an antiseptic.
- Restore the finish.
to contents ↑Important! In the event that you take these measures without first finding out what caused the appearance of mold and then not eliminating the very reason for its appearance, the fungus will reappear in the shortest possible time. That is why before you figure out how to deal with mold on the walls of the apartment, find out the reason and make sure that it no longer appears.
Effective mold control - the subtleties of the process
Mold must be eliminated along with damaged plaster areas, which is a loose black mass. Guaranteed to save the house from mold on the floor, as well as the walls, only the complete destruction of a favorable environment for it.
Preparatory stage
Before you begin to deal with mold on the walls, do the following:
- Warm up external, and also internal walls, a ceiling and a floor.
- Dry the corners of the ceiling as well as the floor.
- Ensure a uniform and constant temperature in the room.
- Get rid of excess moisture.
To effectively deal with fungus and mold in the apartment:
- Ensure that the heating and ventilation function properly. Heating appliances must be installed wisely in all rooms.
- As a first and emergency aid, treat the first spots you have discovered with table vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
- Do not forget about the timely ventilation of the room.
- The doors of the kitchen and bathroom should not be closed all the time - the free circulation of air helps to even out humidity and temperature.
Folk remedies
Perfectly helps to defeat mold:
- copper or iron sulfate;
- sodium fluoride.
Any of these agents must be dissolved in water. For the same purpose, you can mix copper sulfate together with acetic acid, and then dilute with water. The solution prepared in this way is heated to 50-70 C, and then apply with a brush or spray to places affected by fungal mold.
Important! Folk remedies can stop mold growth, but only for a short period of time.
Professional Tools
The main and main substance in the fight against fungi of all types, including mold on the surface of the walls, is antiseptics, that is, a special chemical composition that has antimicrobial and fungicidal effects on fungi.
Important! Often, these funds include turpentine or white spirit.
An oil-based antiseptic is Creosote.
Important! Universal remedies for the effective fight against mold on the walls do not yet exist. Therefore, you may have to try several means in order to achieve the desired result.
to contents ↑The effects of mold on human health
On the health of people, and in particular children, the elderly, black mold is detrimental. Mold spores are saturated with all the air in the room where it is located, and with each inhalation, these spores settle more and more in the lungs.
Black mold often enough causes asthma, allergies, infections, and diseases of the internal organs.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that in our article you have found for yourself the information that you were looking for and now you can correctly deal with mold on the walls in the apartment.
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