How to quickly wash the dishes

Every person at least once in his life, but washed the dishes, so the question: how to quickly and easily wash the dishes - topical. Some do this daily, others a day or two, depending on the mood or availability of assistants. One way or another, this process is an integral part of our life.

Each mistress must have her own secrets and proven funds. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with professional advice that will make your routine become an easy game, and your dishes will be like new.

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How to wash the dishes?

How to quickly wash the dishesTo easily cope with even the most difficult contaminants, perform work in sequence in 2 stages.

The first step is soaking

  1. Put all the items in a large bowl.
  2. Add detergent.
  3. Pour in hot water.
  4. Leave on for 15 minutes.

Note: if there is no bowl, soak directly in the sink so that there is water up to the top drain. If all items do not fit, wash in batches.

The second stage - washing dishes

If soaked in a bowl:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Apply a drop of detergent.
  3. Remove one item from the bowl.
  4. Wipe with a sponge.
  5. Put in the sink.
  6. When the sink is full, turn on the water.
  7. Rinse the washed items.
  8. Put on the dryer.

Note: this method saves water, although in time it is slightly longer than the next.

If soaked in the sink:

  1. Turn on the water with a low pressure.
  2. Take a sponge.
  3. Apply a few drops of detergent.
  4. Remove the cookware.
  5. Wipe with a sponge.
  6. Rinse.
  7. Put on the dryer.

Note: the duration of the procedure ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of objects, their size and level of contamination.

A few additional tips on how to quickly and efficiently wash the dishes:

  1. Wash immediately after eating.
  2. Do not stack or soak together objects stained with grease and dishes with slight contamination.
  3. Soak items that are greasy, always soak in hot water.
  4. Wipe festive services, glasses and appliances immediately with a dry towel.
  5. Dry the tableware and kitchen utensils in a special dryer by placing it on the rib so that the water drains faster.
  6. Use non-abrasive products.
  7. After washing dishes in a cleaning solution, rinse 2-3 times with clean water.
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How to quickly wash the dishes?

If you have run out of special detergent, and there’s no time to go to the store for a new one, look into the kitchen. Every housewife has available folk remedies that will help to cope with dirty dishes quickly, efficiently and “naturally”.


Method number 1. Suitable for a small number of items:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Sprinkle mustard powder on it.
  3. Rub the plates.
  4. Rinse off.

Method number 2. For a large number of dishes:

  1. Take a basin or large bowl.
  2. Put dirty dishes in it.
  3. Pour in hot water.
  4. Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mustard.
  5. Stir in water.
  6. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  7. Wash the dishes with a sponge.
  8. Rinse in clean water.

Note: More information about mustard:

  • to quickly deal with very dirty dishes, add a little vinegar to the mustard powder;
  • mustard removes chemical residues well, therefore it is recommended to rinse the dishes with it after the detergent;
  • mustard is delicate in application, therefore it is possible to wash non-stick coatings with it.

Baking soda

      1. Take a sponge.
      2. Moisturize her.
      3. Dip in soda.
      4. Rub the pollution.
      5. Rinse the dishes.

Note: Features of using soda:

  • Do not use on dishes with a special coating (Teflon, non-stick) - it may scratch;
  • easily copes with fat and deodorizes;
  • well suited for glass, porcelain, cutlery.

Soda ash

How to quickly wash the dishesTo quickly and efficiently wash cups, plates and cutlery, use soda ash:

      1. Take a liter of hot water.
      2. Add 1 tablespoon of this soda.
      3. Dip a sponge into the solution.
      4. Wash the dishes.
      5. Rinse with running water.

To wash larger items (pots, pans, trays, etc.), this method is suitable:

      1. Take soda ash.
      2. Add water until a paste forms.
      3. Take a sponge.
      4. Apply paste to contaminated areas.
      5. Rinse with running water.

Note: soda is an alkaline substance. Wear gloves when using it.

Wood ash

This tool is easily accessible to villagers and those who have a fireplace. Wood ash absorbs and dissolves fats well. You can use it like this:

      1. Wet the dishes.
      2. Sprinkle on top with chopped ash.
      3. Wipe with a sponge.
      4. Rinse well.

Note: ash should be clean, free of chemical impurities.

Homemade Washing Paste

This excellent detergent can be easily prepared with your own hands. It will remove any pollution and is safe for health. It is prepared as follows:

      1. Grate 1 bar of laundry soap.
      2. Add 1 tbsp. baking soda.
      3. Pour in hot water.
      4. Mix well.

Note: You can add aromatic oil for smell and vinegar for effectiveness.

To quickly cleanse the dirt, use the paste as follows:

      1. Take a sponge.
      2. Apply a small amount.
      3. Wash the dishes.
      4. Rinse with running water.

So easily, without polluting the environment and your body, you can wash the dishes. Having spent a minimum of time, effort and money. But the water should be hot - not lower than 50-60 ° C, since in cold - the effect of drugs is reduced.

Note: the exception is faience and crystal, which can only be washed with warm water. If this rule is violated, the glaze may break, and the crystal darken.

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Useful Tips

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A few more recommendations that will definitely be useful for you in a quick dishwashing:

      1. Wipe tea items and crystal with a dry towel only.
      2. Wash gilded porcelain saucers and cups with laundry soap.
      3. Remove brown deposits in porcelain with a solution of baking soda, poured into a teapot or cup overnight.
      4. Aluminum pots and pans will shine if you use the following composition: add 1-1.5 buckets of slightly heated water to 80-100 g of office silicate glue (previously dissolved in water), then add 100-125 g of soda ash (caustic). Boil for 20-30 minutes and leave in solution until it cools. In the same way, gas burners can be washed.
      5. It is good to wash dishes with a narrow neck (decanters, vases) with a solution of detergent in which eggshell or pieces of paper are added.
      6. Grease stains from the glass can be removed with water with the addition of ammonia - 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
      7. Wash bowls from milk, eggs, dough with cold and then hot water.
      8. Clean metal sheets from the oven with moistened metal powder or baking soda, then wash with running water, wipe and heat in the oven until the moisture evaporates.

Check out our recommendations in practice! You will be surprised how quickly and effortlessly you can cope with this daily work! You surely now have a few extra minutes for a pleasant stay, instead of washing dishes for a long time.

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