How to quickly remove double-sided tape from furniture

Perhaps, every person faced a problem when, after using adhesive tape, ugly sticky traces remain on the surface of objects, which are very difficult to get rid of. But experienced housewives have their secrets on how to quickly and easily remove double-sided tape from furniture made from any kind of material.

How to quickly remove double-sided tape from furniture

Folk remedies

As a rule, when it is urgent to remove double-sided tape from furniture, there are no suitable means capable of coping with this task. But it is quite possible to use the help of folk methods that are time-tested.

The best helpers are:

Oil stains on furniture

Vinegar essence

  1. Vegetable oil. An ordinary vegetable oil, which is found in any kitchen, can be perfectly eliminated by sticky spots, you can take sunflower or olive. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to apply a small amount of oil to the problem area, leave it for 15 minutes, so that the adhesive tape swells well. At the end, wipe the surface with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  2. Stationery eraser. A regular eraser perfectly removes the remains of an adhesive base, moreover, he will do it very delicately, without leaving characteristic stains or scratches. To do this, you just need to walk the rubber band over the surface, and after mechanical action, brush off the mote. But it is worth adding that it will take a lot of time to clean a large area. This option is suitable for cleaning the phone screen after removing the protective glass.
  3. Baking soda. If you dissolve the soda in water to a mushy state, and then apply this mixture to a dirty surface, you can remove the double-sided tape from the furniture, even the most old. This tool removes stains from glass, wood, plastic. It is suitable for varnished products.
  4. Vinegar essence. Two effective agents can be made immediately from acid. In the first case, it is diluted with water, and in the second with citric acid at the rate of 1 tbsp. ½ teaspoon of the essence of lemon. After this, it is necessary to moisten the sponge in the solution and rub the remaining adhesive tape with an effort. Then you need to leave it for 10 minutes, and at the end wash the furniture with plain water.
  5. Dentifrice. In addition to the powder, you will need shaving foam to make the next cleaning composition. The components should be mixed in an equal volume, mixed thoroughly. After applying the mixture to contamination, hold for five minutes and rinse with water. After that, you can tear off the tape, as a rule, this is done without difficulty.

In fact, wiping off a single-sided adhesive tape is much easier than double-sided. This is due to the fact that its composition has rubber, which provides a stronger fixation.

Emergency methods

There are other ways that help remove double-sided tape from a wooden surface, from glass doors to cabinets, mirrors, and even metal products. These methods provide faster and better cleaning of contaminants:


Aerosols for glasses

  1. Using a hairdryer. The longer the adhesive tape is used, the more difficult it is to peel off subsequently, since the adhesive base deeply eats into the surface. You can fix the situation with a construction or regular hair dryer. To do this, it is necessary to warm up the fixing material, and then simply pick it up with a knife or sharp scissors and tear it off. But with furniture made of plastic, it is necessary to act extremely carefully, since high temperature can deform it.
  2. Ethyl or ammonia. Another effective tool, for its application it is required to moisten a cotton pad in the solution, and then wipe it with contaminated places, and then properly polish the surface. Before use, it is recommended to test the composition, this can be done in an inconspicuous area, as traces may remain on lacquered, painted furniture. Also, with accuracy, it is worth processing the laminate.
  3. White spirit or nail polish remover. These solutions perfectly degrease the top layer. You need to dampen a soft cloth in the liquid, and then rub it into the dirty areas. After that, you can wash the surface without any effort. But one should not allow long contact, since after these auxiliary means white stains and spots may remain. This option is also suitable for cleaning upholstered furniture.
  4. Petrol. It is best to use the gasoline that is designed to refuel lighters, it is not so aggressive. To clean double scotch tape, it is necessary to moisten a sponge in gasoline (can be replaced with kerosene), treat the surface of the table or walls, and then rinse everything off with clean water. The furniture then acquires a beautiful sheen. But it is worth noting that an unpleasant smell will remain in the room after such an option of removing the tape.
  5. Aerosols. In car dealerships, you can buy special tools for cleaning glass, they will help to quickly remove not only tape, but also stickers. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions, but usually it just needs to be sprayed in places of pollution, and then wipe everything with a clean damp cloth.
  6. Mechanical cleaning. You can undo the tape using a drill and a rubber nozzle, but you need to work using medium speeds, then you can not worry about the safety of the furniture. Basically, this method is used if you want to clean a large area. All these home methods are quite effective and simple, everyone can cope with them.

Household chemicals

You can use the help of purchased cleaning products.. The list of the most effective included:

Soap solution.

Glass Washing Liquid

  1. Dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to pour the gel into a bowl of water and whisk it in the foam as much as possible. Then treat the dirty areas with a warm solution. The increased temperature of the liquid contributes to the swelling of the paper and adhesive base, after which it remains only to tear off the tape with a sharp object.
  2. Soap solution. This liquid perfectly removes glue residue from hard surfaces. If you need to clean a soft cloth, then it should first be soaked in a hot soapy solution, and then washed. But you need to check in advance if there are any temperature restrictions.
  3. Dry detergent formulations. Double-sided tape can be cleaned with purchased mixtures of "Comets" or "Pemolux." To do this, sprinkle powder on sticky spots, and then rub the surface with a damp sponge. Leave in this condition for 5 minutes, and then rinse off with a clean, soft cloth. But you should act very carefully, since scratches can remain from the composition.
  4. Glass washing liquid. When choosing a remedy, you should take one that contains ammonia, only he can cope with the sticky residue from the tape. The best solutions are Mr. Muscle or Mr. Proper. It is also desirable that the bottle be equipped with a spray bottle. You need to spray the mixture on the dirt, and then walk on it with a dry cloth or napkin.

One of these methods is sure to cope with tape. The main thing is to choose the right composition, and then apply it according to the instructions, this will help not only reduce cleaning time, but also save furniture from unwanted damage.

General recommendations

Regardless of the coating that requires cleaning, as well as the means used, for a successful result, you need to follow some recommendations. They will greatly facilitate the task. Experienced housewives advise:

How to remove double-sided tape

  • as a rule, instructions for use are attached to each scotch tape, compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid negative consequences;
  • when removing sticky impurities, it is worth considering the type of material, since some have limitations on exposure to chemicals;
  • before using the tool it is worth testing it in hidden places of furniture;
  • it is necessary to use compositions with coloring agents with special care, there is a risk that they can change the color of furniture;
  • do not remove double-sided tape with alcoholic beverages that contain granulated sugar.

It is also worth adding that it is better to abandon any mechanical effect on fragile surfaces, as this can seriously harm them.

In this case, it is worth using a more suitable remedy.

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