How often do I need to change water meters?

Apartment owners very often raise the topic of water meters, because the use of such devices guarantees water savings in the process of its consumption. Now to purchase such a device is not difficult, since all devices differ in quite reasonable cost. But after the acquisition, many people have a question, how often do water meters need to be changed and is it even necessary to do this? In order to understand this issue, you need to be at least a little enlightened in the subject. This is what we will do in this article.

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Checking water meters without fail

The water meter is an accurate meter. But sometimes it happens that the water meter shows inaccurate data, and you can overpay for incorrect calculations. Neither you nor Vodokanal will like this fact.

What turned out to be the cause of this problem?

Cold and hot water have a different effect on the meter of the amount of fluid consumed. Hot water is supplied with some chemical additives.

As a result of exposure to high temperature and chemical impurities, the details of the measuring mechanism may break. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly check such devices. With the help of verification manipulations, it is possible to identify a malfunction that needs to be eliminated, or, on the contrary, confirmation of the operability of the device.

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When is it necessary to change water meters?

Hot water meters can be changed every four years. And on the cold - once every six years. But it is worth remembering that the replacement of water meters should be carried out only if a serious malfunction or breakdown is detected.

Important! The average life of a water meter is approximately 12 years. Due to the long-term use, it is often not necessary to change the counters.

Check and replace meters in a timely manner. It is recommended to do this one and a half or two months before the completion of the test interval. The supplier may notify you of the verification by written notice.

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How are water meters checked?

Verification is carried out using special equipment. But not everyone knows that the client himself can choose an organization to test his water meter. First, perform the following manipulations:

  • Before the inspection, it is necessary to notify the Housing Office about this and turn off the water supply.
  • Give access to water pipes.
  • Pipes must be in satisfactory condition.
  • In the house, check the locking units for local water shut-off.

Important! The organization carries out verification in two ways - without and with the removal of the counter.

You can call the plumber from the company to check the water meter. The removed meter will be taken for verification, and a paper will be drawn up about the removal of the device. You need to have a passport and documents for a water meter with you. The verification process is carried out using a calibration installation that accurately displays the water meter data.


Important! Often the duration of the verification process takes no more than a day.

At the end of the diagnosis, the organization issues the following documents:

  1. Water meter installation agreement.
  2. Act of done manipulations.
  3. A document confirming the operation of the water meter.
  4. Passports for cold and hot water meters.
  5. Certificates for the device.
  6. Maintenance contract.

If the counter is broken, a replacement is required. The new water meter is installed in the same place as the old one. It can be operated until the next scheduled inspection.

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Are verification services paid or not?

You need to pay for such verification services. Payment of verification work can be done via the Internet without commissions. It is not difficult to organize a check and replacement process.

There are three methods of verification services:

  • Water utility check with meter removal.
  • Independent verification with the help of a special organization that has all the rights to carry out such manipulations.
  • Diagnosis by a special organization on site.

Important! The last two verification methods are very fast and do not take much time. In addition, specialists from the organization notify suppliers of the counter about the work done.

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Untimely verification work: what to do?

If there is a document on the verification work with the counter, its owner should carefully monitor so as not to miss the following scheduled manipulations. A faulty water meter is considered unsuitable and you can’t pay for it. Thus, you will pay for the testimony of water at the average price set by the water utility. In simple terms, you will pay for water as if you never had a water meter.

However, the number of people living in your house is taken into account. Therefore, the numbers on the receipts will be very different from those that were then when your water meter was operational.

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Now we have figured out how often we need to change water meters and when to check them. Follow these rules, and then you do not have to overpay for utilities, unexpectedly spending the family budget for other purposes.

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