How often do you need to change bedding

Each of us has our favorite set of underwear, which seems already native, and some people do not want to change it for this reason. But they are completely wrong, because they do not know how often to change bed linen. We will try to explain to you why it is so important to change bed linen more often.

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Why is it necessary to change bed linen in a timely manner?

Pillows, mattresses and blankets absorb a lot of house dust, absorb our sweat while we sleep, keep particles of food eaten in the bed in front of the TV, dandruff, pet hair, of course, if any.

Wash or clean them is not easy, for this reason we use pillowcases, duvet covers, mattress covers, sheets - they can easily be removed and replaced with fresh ones. But in order to determine the optimal replacement mode for yourself, you need to know how often to change bedding according to hygiene standards, but make an allowance for the conditions of your own life.

Probably, everyone will agree that sleeping on clean, fresh bedding is much more pleasant, and even breathing easier and somehow.

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What is the danger of dirty laundry?

Properly organize your life and decide how often you need to change bedding, it is necessary not only from an aesthetic point of view and personal degree of disgust.

There are specific factors in favor of the regularity of such a procedure. Here are some of them:

  1. Ordinary house dust that has accumulated on linen contains not only the smallest fibers of fabric and soil particles that have flown into the window or transferred to the house on outerwear. Mold spores, bacteria and other microorganisms are also present in it.
  2. By constantly inhaling dust, you can reward yourself with irritation of the respiratory tract, depression of the immune system and the development of allergies.
  3. Microscopic mites live in the dust, which is impossible to see with the naked eye. Fortunately, they cannot bite and do not tolerate infections; they feed on scales of dead skin that have clogged into the tissue. They do no harm to furniture or bedding. But the products of their vital activity are the strongest allergens, especially if these mites create a connection with mold fungi.


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How often do you need to change your underwear?

In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences and maintain precious health:

  1. It is necessary to change the used bed linen for fresh one time a week. In the summer, namely in extreme heat, this is especially true, in winter it is not so critical, so you can extend the time and change bed linen about 1 time in 2 weeks.
  2. Of course, the frequency of changing bed linen is affected not only by the time of year. If your laundry is heavily soiled or if a person has already learned to change it according to his own special schedule once every 3, 5, 7, 8, or 9 days, then naturally you must adhere to your schedule. The main thing is that even in extreme cases, the linen can be changed 1 time in 2 weeks, in no case less often.
  3. Pillowcases need special attention. If your hair gets dirty quickly, then the pillowcase should be changed even more often.
  4. If a person is sick with any infectious disease or has a fever, washing clothes is required more often. In some cases, it makes sense to change the bed every day. And you should definitely change the bedding as soon as recovered.
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How to wash the linen?

It is important not only to change bedding often, but also to handle it correctly. Only in this case will it become really clean and fresh.

Initially, pay attention to what is printed on the packaging from under the set of linen, because the composition of the fabrics can be completely different, which means it requires different care.

General rules are as follows:

  1. Ordinary cotton or linen sets are washed at a temperature not exceeding 60 C.
  2. For greater disinfection, you can add a small amount of chlorine bleach.

Important! Chlorine bleach can be added only if the fabric is white.

  1. After washing, the laundry is best dried with hot air in a dryer specially designed for this purpose.
  2. You can also simply steam it with an iron after ordinary drying on the balcony.

Important! With such steaming of linen with an iron or hot air, you can be completely sure that all pathogens have died and can no longer harm your precious health.

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How to care for bedding?

In order to keep your beautiful bedding clean and tidy, it is very important to know how to properly wash each element of the kit and take care of it.


Duvet covers and sheets:

  1. Wash them in soapy hot water and let dry on a dryer.
  2. Never wash duvet covers and sheets with everyday clothing.
  3. If there are any stains on the sheets, then remove these stains with a special tool before washing.
  4. To whiten white sheets in a natural way, pour a quarter cup of lemon juice into the water.
  5. Use only low and medium temperatures during washing and drying, as high temperatures can deplete the fibers of the fabric.

A blanket:

  1. Wool blankets must be washed in cool water, and during drying, place them on the lowest level of the dryer.
  2. Do not dry the electric blankets as solvents can damage the entire wiring.
  3. If you do not want to wash your blanket often, then between the washings, clean it with a vacuum cleaner from dust and fibers.
  4. Before washing, make sure that there are not the slightest damaged seams on the blanket.

Bedspreads and blankets:

  1. Before washing, check the blanket to see if it can fade or not. If so, give it better to dry clean.
  2. Wash blankets in cool water and dry using only very low temperatures. Or hang it on a clothesline and let it dry in the fresh air.


  1. Wash pillowcases in cool water and dry using only low temperatures.
  2. Beat pillows every day to get rid of unwanted dust and dead skin cells.
  3. Hang pillows outdoors often to ventilate them outdoors.
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Now you have an idea of ​​how often you need to change bedding, why you need it and how to take care of it at all. Do it regularly and in a timely manner - this will be the key to your comfortable sleep, good rest and health.

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