How to clean an aquarium

Aquarium is always beautiful and useful: water and fish in it calm the nervous system, fumes moisturize the air, but only on condition that the contents are clean. Therefore, to know how to clean the aquarium is necessary for everyone who decided to acquire such a decor in their home.
to contents ↑How often do you need to clean the aquarium and why?
Caring for the aquarium should be appropriate, since living organisms live in it and some kind of biochemical processes take place. The frequency of cleaning in it depends on the size and number of fish living in it. So, large can be cleaned once a month, and small ones much more often, at the first need.
How to clean the aquarium?
To get started, prepare all the necessary tools for this matter. You will need:
- a large bucket;
- prepared water in the quantity necessary for your aquarium;
- pump;
- thermometer;
- scraper for vegetation;
- hygrometer;
- filter accessories;
- aquarium glass cleaner;
- a device for determining the pH level.
How to clean the aquarium?
After you have prepared everything you need, get to work. Perform it sequentially in several stages.
Stage 1
To get started, clean the walls of the aquarium from algae by first removing all the fish with a net and placing them in a container with suitable water. For this:
- Take the scraper.
- Clean the walls of the aquarium.
- In case the scraper does not cope, use an ordinary blade.
Note: do not use a sponge or scraper from the kitchen, as they may contain cleaning chemicals that are harmful to the fish.
Stage 2
In order to pump out the required amount of water, use the pump:
- Take a pump to pump water.
- Dip one end into aquarium water, the other point into an empty bucket.
- Pump water.
Note: in aquariums, water must be changed at least once a week. At the same time, it is enough to renew 15% of water in order to get rid of the formed nitrates. If you have not changed the water for a long time, then it is worth changing 50% of the water or even completely renewing it.
Stage 3
All garbage and waste products tend to settle down. Therefore, it is very important to clean the bottom of the aquarium once a week. For this:
- Take the pump.
- Pass the suction part over gravel.
- Cleanse any dirt.
Note: if you have small fish and you didn’t remove them from the aquarium before cleaning, put on a nylon stocking on the suction part, but the stocking net should be large enough to allow garbage to pass through. If you do not have gravel, but sand, keep the working part 3 cm from the surface.
Stage 4
If you have aquarium decorations, then you probably noticed that they also need care. To properly clean them from dirt, you can use a toothbrush and old aquarium water. But, if this is not enough, use this instruction:
- Take out the jewelry.
- Prepare a solution of water and bleach.
- Put items in the solution.
- Leave on for 20 minutes.
- Then put them in boiling water for 5 minutes.
- Remove, wait until dry.
- Put back into the aquarium.
Note: if your jewelry quickly becomes covered with plaque, you should feed the fish less or change the water more often.
Stage 5
Very often, when the water evaporates, it leaves behind a plaque.You can get rid of it with a scraper for algae. When you remove it, time to add fresh water. To do this, you first need to prepare it:
- Pour water into a bucket.
- Add 50% distilled water.
- Leave to stand for a day.
- At the end of the term, check all the necessary indicators - the temperature should be no more than 28 degrees.
- Now, with good performance, you can add water. Do this with a pump, gently and slowly.
- Do not pour water to the brim, there should be a space between the aquarium cover and the water where oxygen will circulate.
Note: Try to measure the temperature of the water every day, as it is very important for the full life of the fish. If with partial replacement of water it remains cloudy, then some problem has remained unresolved. So it’s worth replacing all the water.
Stage 6
When all the internal components of the aquarium are washed, the necessary parts have been replaced, all external parts should be wiped: glass, cover, lamp. To do this, use a special detergent for aquariums or simple vinegar:
- Apply a little cleaner to a clean, dry rag.
- Wipe the surface.
- Wipe the stains with a dry rag.
How to wash a saltwater aquarium?
Many keep at home fish that can only live in salt water. To clean such an aquarium, the same manipulations are preserved as for an aquarium with fresh water. The difference is only in the preparation of water. To do this, follow this instruction:
- Pour distilled water into a bucket.
- Add the required amount of special salt.
- Leave to stand overnight.
- In the morning, check all the necessary indicators:
- temperature - it should be no more than 27 degrees;
- salt - its amount should not exceed the norm indicated on the package.
What else needs to be cleaned in the aquarium?
A good filter plays an important role for the aquarium. It allows it to stay clean and comfortable for your pets. From time to time, the filter also needs to be put in order: wash it and replace the cartridges.
In order to properly clean the device, follow these instructions:
- Take out the filter.
- Remove the foam pad from it.
- Rinse it with running water.
- Take a toothbrush.
- Wipe the remaining parts with it.
- Rinse under running water.
- Gather.
- Put back into the aquarium.
to contents ↑Note: do not use any detergents! You won’t be able to completely wash them off, and chemistry is very harmful for any fish.
Useful Tips
There are also so-called fish-orderlies, which not only delight the eye, but also bring benefits. Such fish have an unusual mouth structure, which allows them to remove plaque from the walls of the aquarium, to clean the bottom and plants from mold. Be sure to add these fish to your aquarium:
- guppies;
- swordsmen;
- armored catfish;
- ancistruses;
- Pecilia
- molliesia.
Stock footage
Use our recommendations, regularly clean the aquarium, and you will be glad about the activity of your pets and the attractiveness of such an interesting interior detail!
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