How to make smoke rings?

Many of those who smoke simple cigarettes, hookah and electronic cigarettes are interested in how to make smoke rings. There is no particular benefit or need to do this, but spectacular tricks in the form of rings, jellyfish, tornadoes or waterfalls can impress and amuse a company of friends. Immediately make a reservation that when smoking a regular cigarette, many tricks will not work, the maximum is small rings or a waterfall. For more spectacular "chips" you will need a hookah or an electronic cigarette. They give a sufficient amount of steam.

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Who are vapers?

By the way, many lovers of electronic cigarettes believe that they do not smoke, but “soar”, which is why they call themselves “vapers” (from the English word vapor - vapor). These people are not smokers, but smokers, they just like to blow steam.

Vapers are a special subculture. Its representatives consider their occupation to be harmless, since most fragrant mixtures for smoking do not contain nicotine, or it is contained in a minimum concentration. And further:

  • In the pair there are no resins and products of burning paper and tobacco.
  • Typically, an electronic cigarette refill consists of glycerin, propylene glycol, flavors, and not always nicotine.

Important! WHO does not consider smoking electronic cigarettes such a harmless occupation. Although there is no nicotine in cigarettes, but there are many other chemicals, and it is still unknown what harm they do to the body. Research in this area is constantly ongoing, and there is no weighty argument so far about the harm or harmlessness of such a hobby.

Vapers claim that with the help of electronic cigarettes you can unlearn smoking, gradually reducing the dose of nicotine in the smoking mixture. But so far there are so few such “cured” that we do not undertake to say that this method is effective.

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How to learn to make rings out of steam? What does that require?

If you "soar", then you can get the most out of it. Puffs of smoke that turn into interesting shapes should be quite thick, otherwise there will be no spectacle. As we mentioned, from simple cigarettes, especially light cigarettes, there is practically no sense in this regard. Therefore, it is better to take brands that emit more smoke for this purpose.

Important! This usually implies a high nicotine content.

How to learn to make rings out of smoke? Cigarette Preparation:

  • Press the tobacco itself before smoking by tapping on top of a pack of cigarettes.

Important! You can also use cigars.

  • If you will use a hookah or an electronic cigarette, then take the mixture that gives more smoke. The more powerful the electronic cigarette, the more vapor it can dispense.

Important! Some craftsmen for this purpose on the atomizer add additional turns of wire to enhance the evaporation of the liquid. After all, an electronic cigarette, in fact, is a steam generator, nothing burns in it, but simply the liquid smoking mixture evaporates, falling on the atomizer.

  • For creative tricks with steam, do not forget to charge the battery of the electronic product to the maximum ..
  • You also need to know how to do the focus you are interested in with steam, for this it will not be superfluous to train in front of the mirror in advance.

Important! Do not get too carried away by smoking and hovering during training, otherwise - harm your health.

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How to make rings smoke?

How to make smoke rings? Everything is not so complicated, you just need to understand, so to speak, the physics of this process. We will try to describe in words several ways, although you must definitely watch the appropriate videos.

Method number 1:

  • It is necessary to fold the lips in a tight ring, in the form of the letter O. The tip of the tongue should be directed to the center of this ring.
  • Short and sharp exhalations, similar to coughing, exhale smoke.

Important! In this process, the larynx plays a greater role than the lungs.

  • There is another variation of this method - the tongue does not stand still, but moves like a piston, back and forth.
  • When the mouth is filled with smoke, you exhale briefly and throw your tongue forward, a ring of smoke comes out.

Important! The movements of the tongue should be the same.


Method number 2:

  • Also, fold your lips in the form of a tightly compressed O, but the tongue is not involved in this matter.
  • With sharp small jerks, you exhale smoke (steam), it is like pronouncing the sound “ooh.”

Important! The first and last rings are not always obtained - this is normal.

Method number 3:

  • Bring your lips into a ring, but do not strain too much. This method, how to make rings out of steam, consists in making the sound “oy” or “ay” with emphasis on the first vowel. That is, the lips first seem to expand, and then narrow.
  • Release steam gently, in small portions. In this case, the steam you hold is not in the lungs, but behind the cheeks.

Important! This method is also called the “method W”.

Method number 4:

  • You are gaining a mouthful of smoke.
  • Make a small tight circle with your lips.
  • Now simply tap your finger on the cheek and small neat little smoke rings will appear from your mouth.

Important! The faster you hit your cheek, the more rings you get. This method is suitable for those who smoke a hookah.

Method number 5

For those who are interested in how to make rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette, we can offer another interesting way. Here you need some skill. To do this, you need to learn how to sharply jaw forward:

  • First, the jaw is relaxed, then, together with a small sharp exhale, it tenses and protrudes forward.

Important! In parallel with this, ears can still move funny.

  • This method creates clear smoke rings, while they move at high speed and can reach large sizes.

Important! Some men, by the way, blow smoke rings using Adam's apple.

These methods seem simple enough, but not everyone can make circles out of smoke the first time. To do this, you will have to practice a little. Everyone chooses the method that will be most convenient for him.


How to make smoke rings? Useful recommendations:

  • do not get a lot of smoke when inhaling;
  • do not overdo it with the tension of the lips;
  • for training smoke rings it is better to use an electronic cigarette than a simple one, it gives more smoke and it is less harmful;
  • exhalations should not be intense - this is more like frequent and sharp coughing;
  • when exhaling, tilt your head up a little.
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Create a jellyfish from steam

To implement this focus, you need a lot of smoke or vapor, so you need a hookah, drip or electronic cigarette.

Important! In order to make a jellyfish, one must already be able to create rings perfectly - this is the basis of this figure.


  1. First you release a clear big ring.
  2. After a second or two, a large amount of steam is released into this ring, which by this moment will expand a bit, this creates the image of a jellyfish.

Important! A smoke ring is essentially a toroidal vortex (vortex ring). Centrifugal force gives the exhaled cloud the appearance of a ring in which smoke continues to move.

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Smoke tornado

Another spectacular trick. He needs a hookah and a table. For a better understanding of the process itself, of course, it is better to watch the corresponding video.


  1. You need to hold your palm horizontally above the table.
  2. Breathe out a large cloud of smoke on the arm.
  3. Then smoothly with your palm edge enter this club of smoke (hand vertically relative to the table) and immediately make an upward movement.

Important! It all looks like this: at first the smoke spreads thickly over the table, and after the movement of the hand it spins into a vortex, similar to a tornado. The main condition of the whole trick is a lot of smoke and smooth palm movements.

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Ring through the ring

It is necessary for one ring to fly through another, for this:

  1. To do this, first create a clear “bold” first ring, wait 1-2 seconds.
  2. Through the first, which at this point will increase in diameter, skip the second, smaller.

Important! By the way, there is a legend that the famous Charlie Chaplin bequeathed a million dollars to the one who will release 6 rings, and the 7th will pass through them. Therefore, smoke lovers have something to work on.

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This is a simple trick that literally comes out for everyone:

  1. The essence of the trick is that you need to exhale smoke with your mouth, and inhale it immediately with your nose.
  2. Visually between the tip of the nose and chin a stream of smoke is formed, similar to a waterfall. It is not immediately possible to understand that the “water” in this waterfall does not move down, but up.
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“Smoky soap bubbles”

This trick many dads who smoke show their children for fun:

  1. You need to blow soap bubbles, as usual, just before exhaling, inhale the smoke and blow it into the bubble. It looks amazing.
  2. Through a thin iris you can see how inside a circle the stream of smoke circulates.

Important! Most of all, everyone likes the moment when the soap bubble bursts.

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That's all the key points about how to make smoke rings. The tips from the article will help you learn some of the tricks that will amuse the company while smoking a hookah, for example. If you train hard, you will, like Gandalf from a famous film, amuse your friends with unusual figures made of smoke or steam.


