How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker?

It's great to eat a portion of cold and refreshing ice cream in the hot summer season. Or surprise your guests with an unusual combination of products in homemade ice cream. To do this, it is not necessary to buy a large number of expensive ingredients - you will easily find everything you need in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet.
There are a lot of varieties of ice cream for cooking at home using an ice cream maker, which one is up to you to prepare. Before you go to the store for a special appliance called “ice cream maker”, it’s worth considering how often you plan to cook a home-made treat. If this is a one-time or not too frequent event, then there is no need to purchase a device. You can make ice cream without it, just the process will take a little longer and will require a little more of your efforts. How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker and without it? The most delicious and not complicated recipes for the preparation of this delicacy we will describe in detail in our article.
to contents ↑Recommendations on how to make delicious ice cream in an ice cream maker:
- Ice cream is made from milk, cream and a thickener. To thicken it, add egg yolk, lemon juice, gelatin or starch.
Important! To make ice cream using an ice cream maker, use only fresh and good quality products.
- If you use sugar, we recommend replacing it with icing sugar - this way the mass will be homogeneous without crystals.
- Soak gelatin before adding, so that it swells, and only then heat.
- On average, ice cream freezes from 10 to 12 hours, the first 5 hours it is regularly mixed with a mixer.
Important! Stir every 20 minutes for the first hour, so the ice cream will be homogeneous without pieces of ice.
- The consistency of the finished mass should look like thick sour cream.
- Fruit syrups are added before freezing, and fresh fruits after.
- It is better to store ice cream inside the freezer in a tightly closed container so that it does not acquire foreign odors.
to contents ↑Important! To prepare the original ice cream, pour it with any fruit sauce, wipe the fresh berry through a sieve, and add a little lemon juice.
How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker?
In order to prepare delicious homemade ice cream quickly and efficiently, it is advisable to purchase a special device - an ice cream maker. The device consists of two parts: a container for pouring liquid and a whirl, which periodically mixes the products. In fact, this device is very similar to a mixer, but due to the technical features of the structure, it is adapted for making ice cream.
In the household appliance department you can find three main varieties of this kitchen appliance.
- This type of ice cream maker involves manually beating the mass.
- To cool the liquid, ice mixed with coarse salt is poured into a special compartment.
- Manual ice cream preparation takes from 15 to 20 hours.
Electric without compressor:
- The whole cooking process is automatic.
- To cool the mixture, a special container must be placed in the freezer for 12-15 hours.
Electric with compressor:
- A device with an integrated compressor prepares ice cream for 30 minutes.
- The whole process is automatic: the compressor simultaneously cools the liquid, and the whorl makes the mixture homogeneous.
Important! The best option you should choose is an ice cream maker with a compressor. Ice cream made using this model is uniform and airy.
How to choose an ice cream maker?
When choosing an ice cream maker, pay attention to the following details:
- The bowl into which the liquid mixture is poured can be made of two materials: plastic and metal.
Important! Plastic capacity is significantly inferior in terms of wear resistance to metal.
- The size of the ice cream container. Since the manufacturer does not recommend loading the tank more than half, its capacity is important.
Important! If a bowl with a capacity of 1.3 liters, then the finished dessert you get 700-800 g.
- Regardless of the volume of the container, the technician consumes little energy, so using the device is quite economical.
- The cost of a kitchen unit may vary, depending on the functionality of the equipment.
The best recipes for making ice cream in an ice cream maker
The recipes for making ice cream in an ice cream maker, discussed below, can also be used to prepare a dessert without special equipment. Applying such a device for cooking, the process will take less time and will require less of your efforts. To do this, you need to mix all the components separately, then send them to the ice cream maker - then cooking is automatic.
Classic milk ice cream
A universal recipe for making ice cream in an ice cream maker and without it. This dessert will appeal to everyone.
Ingredients for cooking:
- Egg yolk - 5 pieces;
- Icing sugar - 100 g;
- Milk - 0.5 L;
- Cream with a fat content of 30% - 250 g;
- Vanillin - 10 g.
Cooking method:
- Separate the yolks and rub them with icing sugar. Put the cream in the refrigerator to cool.
- Boil the milk. Mix half the milk with the yolks until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then pour in the rest of the milk and refrigerate.
- Beat the chilled cream thoroughly with a mixer.
- Mix whipped cream with liquid from milk and yolks, transfer to a container and close tightly with a lid.
- Put the container in the freezer. Mix the first hour every 20 minutes with a mixer, then - every hour.
- Leave in the refrigerator until completely frozen.
The recipe for ice cream
In order to prepare a real and delicious homemade ice cream, you will have to spend a little time and be patient, because the process is quite long. But believe the taste of the dessert will exceed all your expectations.
- Milk - 300 ml;
- Cream with a fat content of 35% - 250 ml;
- Milk powder - 35 g;
- Sugar - 90g;
- Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
- Corn Starch - 10 g.
Cooking method:
- In a small container, mix sugar, vanilla and milk powder.
- Pour a glass of milk slowly, while constantly stirring the mixture to get rid of lumps.
- Add starch to the remaining milk and mix thoroughly.
- Put the resulting mixture of sugar, milk and vanilla on a small fire, bring it to a boil, then add milk with starch.
- With constant stirring over a fire, the liquid should thicken.
- Remove the mass from the fire, strain it through a sieve, leave to cool at room temperature.
- Meanwhile, whisk the cream with a mixer until soft peaks appear, add to the cooled mass and mix thoroughly.
- Rearrange the container inside the freezer, while stirring with a mixer every 20 minutes.
- At the end, when the semi-finished product has cooled down, transfer it to a more convenient container or separate it in portions and leave it to freeze completely.
Cream brulee recipe
The gentle and mild flavor of creme brulee is liked by many as an alternative to regular ice cream. How to make such ice cream in an ice cream maker? - There is nothing unreal for a real mistress.
- Milk;
- Sugar;
- Corn starch;
- Powdered milk;
- Cream 35% fat.
Cooking method:
- Melt the sugar in a small metal pan to a caramel state.
- Pour in warm milk, stirring constantly, melt caramel. It is necessary to boil milk syrup until condensed.
- Pour 30 ml of milk, pour 8 g of corn starch, mix until smooth.
- Take another bowl, mix the following components here: 60 g of sugar, 30 g of milk powder and 50 ml of milk. Mix everything well, breaking up the formed lumps, pour into syrup with the addition of 1 cup of milk.
- Strain the liquid through a sieve and, stirring constantly, set it on fire until it boils.
- Add the prepared mixture of starch and milk to the hot liquid. Stir thoroughly and bring the liquid to a jelly state. Leave to cool at room temperature.
- Whip the cream with a mixer, mix with the cooled liquid.
- Put in the freezer to freeze, while every 20 minutes beat with a mixer.
Recipe for making ice cream from coffee and condensed milk:
- Get the finished product “coffee with condensed milk” in the store.
- In a small container, mix condensed milk with 2 cups of water. Stir the liquid and set on fire.
- Stir occasionally so as not to burn to the walls of the vessel, bring it to a boil.
- Refrigerate at room temperature, pour into a mold and send to the freezer for freezing.
to contents ↑Important! If desired, crushed nuts can be added to the chilled mixture.
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As you can see, making ice cream at home in an ice cream maker is quite easy. Thanks to technological progress and the work of process engineers, the ancient wooden tubs and the spinning of the handle remained in the form of exhibits in museums. Those who like to cook delicious desserts have to stock up on the necessary ingredients and give free rein to their experiments while experimenting with the tastes of their desserts. Following the recipes from the article and cooking recommendations, you can make a delicious ice cream, which, of course, will appeal to you and your guests.
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