How to make flowers from paper?

Origami. Good old origami. What could be better than taking your hands for a few minutes by an interesting process of making something from a seemingly simple object - paper. And what a pleasure it is after I made a figure, to look at it and admire it. Indescribable feelings from childhood, is not it?

Then today we will tell you about how to make flowers from paper, namely:

  • peony;
  • large flowers made of corrugated paper;
  • poppy;
  • just beautiful flowers from paper

So, we make simple and beautiful flowers from paper.

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the Rose

Now we will look at how to make the simplest and, at the same time, a very beautiful flower - a rose.

Materials for work:

  • pencil;
  • thick paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Instructions for execution:

  1. Put in front of you a prepared sheet of thick paper, draw a spiral on it.
  2. Cut this spiral along the line with scissors.
  3. We are trying to wrap the ends of the spiral outward. Do not be afraid, even if the paper is torn a little, it's okay - the flower will seem more realistic.
  4. Twist the spiral so that it looks like a rose.
  5. Slowly twist the spiral to the very end, gradually relieving tension.
  6. When you have completely twisted the spiral, it must be fastened with glue.
  7. Then bend the circle that formed in your center, when you cut the spiral, it will serve as the base.
  8. Apply a small amount of glue to the base and stick our rose.

Beautiful craft is ready!

Important! It is ideal for an unusual gift to someone, or, as an option, it can be used as some kind of decoration. For example, you can decorate several such details with walls, furniture, mirrors, using decorations of one or several different colors. Use imagination, creativity, and you will get something interesting.

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Making an application of flowers

To emphasize or create a spring mood, you can make a very interesting craft - sakura flower.

Material for manufacturing:

  • dry branches;
  • soft paper in pink or red, and you can combine both one and the other;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Let's proceed to the implementation of:

  1. We take our soft sheets, fold them to the point that we get a square with sides of 7-8 cm.
  2. Five-leaf flowers are cut from these squares. It is not necessary to make the petals even - it is better even if they are different, so you add realism.
  3. Using glue, glue two flowers so that all the petals are visible.
  4. After our flowers have dried, glue them on the branches.

Important! As a result, you will get a very interesting composition that will easily decorate your home and give it a light spring mood.

If you want to do something else interesting and unusual, then you can simply download and print unusual templates on the Internet, and do whatever you want.

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We make peonies

First, prepare a light-colored A4 sheet.

Important! You can take different shades, ranging from white or light pink to red. It is better to use double-sided colored material.

Peony is made quite simply:

  1. We fold a sheet of paper with an accordion along the entire length.
  2. Fold in half and tie with a thread in the middle.
  3. We make a few more of these “accordions”.
  4. We connect the blanks perpendicular to each other, superimposing one layer on another.
  5. The result should be a lush volumetric flower.

Everything, your peony is ready. You can decorate your home.

Important! This flower will help you decorate the hall, for the arrival of guests, or simply serve as an unusual decor for your home.

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Making large flowers from corrugated paper

As soon as you have practiced with simpler crafts, and your interest in such needlework has not gone out, it's time to move on to crafts more difficult. We offer you such options with the use of corrugated paper.

We will need:

  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • thick paper;
  • glue.

Production Stages:

  1. Prepare a dense sheet of colored cardboard or other material, depict a petal on it. To make one flower you need to prepare 6 petals.
  2. Use a pair of scissors to cut the petal.
  3. Twist the resulting petals slightly so that they acquire the desired shape.
  4. Each petal should be trimmed slightly below.
  5. Connect the ends of all 6 petals and glue them.
  6. Prepare further a green shade of cellulosic material for making leaves. Next, you need to draw and cut the leaves, and then bend them in half.
  7. Glue the resulting leaves under the already made flower.
  8. In the center of the flower, you need to glue the circle of the desired diameter.

Important! The technique of gluing petals is as follows: first you need to glue 3 petals - this is for one half of the flower, then the remaining 3 petals - this is for the second half. At the end, connect the two resulting halves of one large flower.

That's all, now you are convinced that it is not so difficult to make a large and beautiful flower from thick paper. With them you can easily decorate your home, without spending a dime.

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Make poppy

The poppy is also made of corrugated material:

  1. Cut from it about ten petals of a drop-shaped form.
  2. Stretch the wide part so that the workpieces resemble mushrooms.
  3. Take a thin wire and wind some paper on it - this will be the core.
  4. On this core, wind the petals so that each slightly overlaps the previous one.
  5. When everything is ready, the structure can be pulled down so that it does not fall apart.

Important! This flower will look perfect as a decoration for some original gift box.

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Origami is interesting, especially if you use it to make some kind of gift. This is very unusual, and we believe that anyone will like such a gift. And also paper flowers will be a very original decoration for any home or apartment.


