How to store dried fruits at home?

Dried fruits are an integral part of the diet of many people. Everyone who adheres to the rules of a healthy diet must have at home stocks of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates. After all, these products retain many of the useful substances that are so necessary for the body to function and health. But how to store dried fruits so that they do not deteriorate and thereby do no harm to us? You will learn about this from this article.

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Eight rules for storing dried fruits at home

Everyone who loves to enjoy dried fruits should know that it is important not only to choose them correctly in the market or in the store, but also to be able to store them. With proper storage, the products will be protected from mold, insects and will retain all the benefits.

We offer you eight useful tips on how to store dried fruits in order to avoid spoilage.

Temperature mode

One of the main points is to observe the correct storage temperature. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a place with the right temperature in the apartment, and this is no more than +15 degrees.

A cabinet or pantry is best suited, away from appliances that heat the air. Also, the rays of the sun should not fall on it.


Important! In the refrigerator, the regime is usually set at plus 6 degrees Celsius and this is suitable for storing wet dried fruits - prunes, raisins. Other types of dried fruits can be damp in the refrigerator, as there is a high level of humidity.


To store dried fruits at home, choose dry places. Humidity of the air where the reserves are located should not exceed 70%.

Important! You can use a little folk wisdom and use salt as a means that absorbs moisture. Put a jar of salt on a shelf where dried fruits lie and it will absorb all excess moisture.

Separate storage

Never put different types of dried fruits in one container. Each product has its own moisture index and mixing them will cause some fruits to become damp, while others will lose the necessary moisture. And such a long neighborhood will lead to the formation of damage on the surface of the products.

Separate storage is also useful in terms of maintaining individual taste. For example, raisins do not absorb the smell of smoked prunes if they lie in a separate, hermetically sealed container.

Crockery matters

To properly store dried fruits at home, ceramic and glass containers are perfectly suitable, which are tightly closed by a lid. You can buy specially designed dishes. But ordinary glass jars, which are usually abundant in hostesses, are also suitable.

It is only important to choose a tight lid, because storage must be airtight. But for storing dried apples and pears, dense cotton bags with ties are well suited.


If you bought a lot of dried fruits, but are not sure of their quality and that they will be stored for a long time, then you should dry them again. For this:

  1. Rinse all fruits with water.
  2. Pat with a towel and dry at room temperature.
  3. Then dry in the oven, choosing the minimum temperature.

Check stocks

If you stock up for the future and the shelves are completely loaded with dried products, then it is unlikely that all this will turn out to be quickly consumed. And this means that you need constant quality control. Periodically check all stocks and if mold is found, discard immediately.Mold is very hazardous to health, and mold spores can quickly spread to other products.

Important! When it comes to defeating dried fruits with bugs or worms, you can still save such valuable preparations. Of course, if there is only a small presence of parasites. To do this, stocks need to be frozen, calcined in the sun or in the oven. Before taking such products for food, you need to rinse them more thoroughly under running hot water.

Shelf life

Each food product has its own shelf life. For dried fruit, this is one year. But provided that the products will be under constant control. It is necessary to periodically ventilate and, if necessary, dry it.

Quantity matters

Do not make large stocks of dried fruits, it is better to buy them as needed. Otherwise, you run the risk of storing in a cupboard a large number of unfit dry fruits and berries that you have to throw away.

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Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules of how to store dried fruits at home, you can confidently begin to stockpile. It is so nice to have the opportunity in the cold to get easy access to vitamins and provide your family with culinary masterpieces with pastries all year round.

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