How to make a wardrobe from a pantry?

If the dressing room was planned during the construction process, then there are no problems to equip it. It is much more difficult to allocate a place and equip a dressing room in a small room. If you make the right design, the wardrobe for clothes and shoes can be comfortable and roomy even in a small apartment. In this article we will look at how to make a sliding wardrobe with your own hands from a pantry.

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What should be a dressing room in a small apartment?

When designing a space for a dressing area, you must be guided by certain rules:

  • For the dressing room, the corner or dead end of the room is selected. In a small apartment, arranging a dressing room, which can be accessed from several sides, is not a very convenient option.
  • A full-fledged wardrobe option is one that allows you to carefully hang clothes and separately fold things.
  • Must be present ventilation. In the dressing room, the air should be dry, and the presence of dampness is strictly unacceptable.
  • An ideal option in the dressing room would be the presence of a mirror and a place for changing clothes.

Important! To design a wardrobe room you need to approach from a rational point of view:

  • The location of the shelves should be up to the ceiling, with a distance between them no more than 50 cm, the depth can be more.
  • If there is very little space, then it is more profitable to produce open shelving, without doors.
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If you have a pantry

From the point of view of specialists, a full-fledged dressing room can be equipped on two square meters with a standard ceiling size. Therefore, in any corner zone of a small apartment, you can equip a dressing room, even in the corridor it is quite realistic to allocate a separate room. In most cases, an old-fashioned pantry is used for the dressing room. How to make a closet from the pantry? Oddly enough, but there is not even one option for such an apartment layout.

Method number 1

The first method is characterized by quick and easy execution, as the pantry is replaced by a cabinet. This case involves the elimination of doors and partitions between the pantry and the corridor. Ultimately, only three load-bearing walls remain. After that, we order a large, roomy cabinet of appropriate dimensions at the furniture manufacturing company for an individual project, which should fit into the niche formed after the partition was dismantled.

Important! An ideal option would be a wardrobe, which saves the space of the hallway. Such furniture can be additionally equipped with mirrors, while the effect of visual increase in the room occurs. This pantry conversion process saves you time.


Method number 2

In the second method, all work is done by hand. This option implies a rather lengthy process, when the pantry “adjusts” to a new room.

To implement this task, you must:

  • install shelves;
  • hang mirrors;
  • hold lighting.

The style of interior and decoration is selected individually, but functionality is important in any design.

Important! Since space is limited, it is advisable not to store anything superfluous, so boxes and covers do not have a place in the dressing room.

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How to remodel a pantry into a dressing room?

Before proceeding with the re-equipment of the old pantry, it is necessary to really assess its condition. It is necessary to check the quality of the walls, ceiling and floor, decide whether to strengthen them, change the coating and transform the ceiling.

Important! If the pantry does not have any problems, then you need to order racks and just install them.

Room preparation

How to make a closet out of the pantry? When designing a dressing room and its arrangement, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Release the storage room from all accessories. This area must be completely empty.
  2. It is necessary to tidy the walls, for this they need to be aligned. Then the built-in furniture fits perfectly into this room.
  3. Level the floor and cover it. If the dimensions allow, then in the dressing room it is very convenient to arrange a zone for changing clothes.
  4. To decorate the ceiling. You can stick wallpaper, paint, or design a hinged structure. The main thing is that high-quality lighting should come from the ceiling.


Now we begin to equip the dressing room directly. Let's consider several options.

  • When designing a wardrobe, it is necessary to use the entire space to the maximum. The best option is high cabinets up to the ceiling.
  • If the dressing room is designed to store a small number of things, and there is free space, then in the dressing room you can additionally place books, bedding, and you can also store seasonal clothes.
  • If the space is very limited, then the presence of pull-out structures, shelves, additional drawers and hooks helps to place clothes.
  • Choosing wardrobes in the wardrobe room, an important point is the depth of the shelves and cells. It is unacceptable that the placed clothing does not fit into the borders of the closet.

Dressing room design

How to make a closet out of the pantry? Since the small dressing room is, in fact, a small room, it is best to design floors with a height that is on the same level with the overall height.

Important! To save space and electricity on the ceiling, there is no need to place chandeliers. It is enough to integrate spotlights, which have economy light bulbs.

The color of the ceiling, floor and wall covering - depends on personal preferences and resources. The main requirement is that the interior is not easily soiled and does not need to be constantly updated. For a rational and functional arrangement of the space reserved for storing things, there are a number of specific recommendations that suit any dressing room:

  • All boxes, stands and shelves for storing shoes should be placed below.
  • For top shelves, consider storing seasonal items.
  • The middle part of the wardrobe can be used for hangers with dresses, blouses, jackets, cardigans, trousers and skirts located on them.
  • On the side shelves it is convenient to place things that are often used.
  • Gloves and hats must be stored in a separate box. In addition, umbrellas should also have a separate storage location.
  • When making a wardrobe, the choice of furniture must be made taking into account the clothes that are worn. So, furniture with a glossy, glare surface, in bright light adds even more light to the room.
  • The functional arrangement of a room for storing things is not only the presence of cabinets. The main factor is the ability to conveniently remove and remove things. Therefore, it is necessary to think over and find a place for an ordinary stool.

Important! If space allows the room to store things, you can place a small chest of drawers with a mirror or a dressing table.

Furniture for the dressing room

There are two storage systems:

  • The presence of stationary structures - this option is characterized by the manufacture of furniture according to the size of the wardrobe room. In this case, there is a variety of built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers, dress hangers.
  • The use of rod racks - demonstrates the presence of rods and rails that are attached in a vertical and horizontal plane to the walls. Shelves are installed on them and hooks with hangers are hung.

Important! In small dressing rooms it is very convenient to place casual clothes. And for seasonal things and shoes in such a room there is no place.

Recommendations for choosing furniture to make a closet out of the pantry:

  • It is very convenient to equip the dressing room with multi-format furniture, since the presence of one single cabinet along the wall or just shelves will quickly get bored.
  • In the room for storing things you constantly need to carry out cleaning, since the dust in this room accumulates in the same way as in any other places.
  • For small wardrobes, it is preferable to use light colors.
  • The use of simple, but conveniently assembled designs in the dressing room sometimes fully performs a multifunctional task.
  • For furniture, you can choose a different material. It can be both natural wood and drywall, as well as any boards with sawdust.

Important! You can make all the racks yourself. To do this, there should be semi-professional tools and a good project indicating the dimensions of each shelf and cabinet.

  • The use of rods and profiles greatly simplifies the manufacture of a common metal frame. The advantage of such an arrangement is that all furniture is easily cleaned, dismantled and replaced with new ones. In addition, this option is not very expensive.

Important! To equip the dressing room in Khrushchev, it is preferable to use a stationary structure that will serve for a long time without fear that it might be broken.

  • A very good option is the use of modular furniture. In this case, you can easily swap cabinets, if before that they were not functional. If you make furniture yourself, you can create the most convenient set consisting of shelves, chests of drawers, stands, longitudinal and end hangers.
  • If the wardrobe doors are not sliding, it is very convenient to place hooks on them to find ties, scarves, belts, scarves.
  • If you have large doors, you can attach small boxes for gloves and other small items to them.

Important! When equipping a dressing room, you must adhere to the main principle, which is convenient and quick access to the right things. Otherwise, the storage room may turn into a warehouse.

Tool selection and material preparation

In order to make a dressing room from a pantry, it is necessary to prepare a project, only after this you can begin installation work. It is necessary to measure all distances and display on the plan the location of all parts and elements. The created project determines the composition of materials and the expenditure of invested funds. In addition, a budget estimate is added to it.14

To work with wood and metal, the following materials are required:

  • When creating a project, you need to stock up on tape measure, a stepladder, a building level (most conveniently a laser), with a simple pencil or marker.
  • You may need a hammer, drill, saw, electric jigsaw, screwdriver, grinder, screwdriver set.
  • It is imperative to take care of the presence of gloves, goggles, a container for liquids, various brushes, rollers and rags.

Important! The more scrupulous it is to approach the placement of the necessary elements, the less is the unforeseen cost of both shortage and surplus building material.

For the production of the wardrobe frame, pine timber or metal profiles are used. With the small size of the storage room with a frame, only load-bearing partitions can be created.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase additional structural elements:

  • connecting corner;
  • various furniture fittings;
  • canopies and guides;
  • stamp rods;
  • a set of specialized components;
  • various stubs, furniture hooks.

Shelves are made of the most popular chipboard material, which is covered with decorative plastic. End trim edges processed edgeband.

Important! When making shelves, you don’t need to make them too deep, because with great depth things stack in several rows, and this causes a mess. To prevent chaos, you can use telescopic rails. The height of the rods should be commensurate with the length of all clothing placed.

Frame mounting and shelf installation

To begin installation work on the conversion of the pantry, it is necessary to measure the entire room and according to the project, make markings on the walls.

Important! Traces of markers are difficult to remove from the walls, so markup must be done carefully or use a simple pencil.

How to make a closet from a pantry:

  1. Creating blanks for frame construction.
  2. When installing frame mounts, you can use three methods:
    • using dowels;
    • using metal corners;
    • applying a framework from a bar.
  3. The construction of a frame structure or the creation of load-bearing partitions, since hanging shelves on the dowels is possible only if the structure is small or light.
  4. Strengthening the frame structure on the ceiling surface and walls with self-tapping screws, if necessary, use special glue.
  5. Installation of fasteners and shelf guides.
  6. Finishing and trimming of edge edges.
  7. Installation of the necessary shelves and drawers.
  8. Carrying out interior decorating.
  9. Carrying out internal lighting.
  10. Door installation.

Important! When installing horizontal shelves and built-in drawers, it is necessary to check with the building level.

Do you need a door or not?

  • If a separate room is chosen for the dressing room, it is preferable to install doors to divide the space and give the overall interior completeness. Without doors, the pantry turns into a rack. Shelves that are placed outside the rack become part of another room.
  • If it is supposed to equip the dressing room in a corner, then on the one hand it can be closed with a plasterboard partition, and on the other it can be left partially open.
  • Sometimes there are options when the pantry is combined with the cabinet, in which case the door needs to be removed.
  • It is very convenient to use sliding doors, or use the design in the form of an “accordion”. Such options save space, so these doors are convenient to use for small apartments.
  • Models with wide open doors are designed with enough space to open them.
  • You can also close the doorway with a thick curtain. This option allows you to easily change the design of the room.
  • If you use a niche in the bedroom as a dressing room, it is convenient to equip the door structure with frosted or transparent glass. In this case, there is a visual increase in the room.

Important! It is undesirable to install transparent doors at the location of the former pantry. You can apply decoration, and paste the doors with wallpaper to match the wall or finish with wooden panels. You can use exactly the same design as in other rooms. That allows emphasizing a single interior design.


Since there are no windows in the storage room, for convenience, you can equip the room with lamps. It is necessary to illuminate every corner so that you can quickly find and choose the right things.

Important! Lighting should not distort colors in order to clearly understand what shade the chosen thing.

Functionality or original design

A storage room should not only be functional, but also create an attractive look. Currently, construction stores offer a huge assortment of prefabricated shelving, which is very light and practical. Having shown imagination and creativity, you can paint the doors with special paints, decorate with original handles or decor elements. As a result, such racks will become an adornment of any interior.

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How to make a wardrobe of drywall on your own?

To make a dressing room with your own hands from the pantry using drywall, you must:

  1. Prepare a tape measure, building level, pencil, saw, hammer, screwdriver, stepladder, glasses, gloves.
  2. Design a design.
  3. Mark the walls.
  4. Install the vertical supports after 60-70 cm.
  5. Install the cross beams.
  6. Sheathe the frame with sheets of drywall, if necessary - lay sound insulation or wiring for lighting inside.
  7. Close up the attachment points with mortar.
  8. Primer the walls.
  9. After drying the surface, plaster, paint or wallpaper the walls.
  10. Fix necessary shelves, drawers, hangers.
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In this article, we examined in detail the main nuances of how to make a closet and a full dressing room from a pantry. Using these ideas and tips, you can create your own design that will be convenient for you and organically fit into the interior.

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