How to get rid of an apron on your stomach at home?

Very often after childbirth, especially after cesarean section, a fat apron appears in women. This is a sagging skin-fat fold in the lower waist. It looks unaesthetic, and the question arises for women: how to get rid of an apron on the stomach at home? The fastest way is to perform an operation to remove excess fat, that is, liposuction. It costs a lot, but gives quick results. For those who can not afford it, they will have to work hard to achieve a positive result, because there is no such miracle diet that, by a wave of a magic wand, will relieve you of the problem of being overweight.

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Reasons for the appearance of the apron

Consider the main causes of this outrage.


A very large percentage of women experience this phenomenon after childbirth, especially if a cesarean section has been done.

Sharp weight loss

Improper weight loss is also one of the common causes of the appearance of an ugly fold in the lower abdomen.

Important! If you lose weight quickly, the body does not have time to adapt to changes, the muscles do not have time to contract, and therefore sag.

Malnutrition, obesity

When overeating fat, first of all, the turn accumulates in the lower abdomen, and only then it goes further.20f84c189e

Sedentary lifestyle

If you hardly move, the fat does not have time to burn. The walls of the abdomen are very well stretched, so in order not to swim with fat, you need to maintain tone in this area.

Hormonal problems

An insufficient amount of the estrogen hormone in women leads to the appearance of a fat fold.


If full people prevail in your family, then it is not surprising that you will also have a predisposition to being overweight.

What to do if you have such a problem, how to get rid of the belly-apron at home?

Important! It’s quite difficult to remove the apron, you will have to sit on a diet and go in for sports. Fat from the abdomen last. To do this, you need to apply an integrated approach, then the result is not long in coming.

Let's see what activities will help us in this difficult fight against body fat.

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Proper nutrition

First of all, you need to review your diet. Use the following tips:

  • Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  • Minimize carbohydrate intake.
  • Try to drink plenty of water. Experts say that you need to drink at least 2 liters per day, but if you can’t drink so much water, drink tea, only without sugar.
  • Easily digestible protein must be in your diet; it is found in eggs, lentils, buckwheat, and dairy products.
  • Eat at least 5-6 times a day, a little.
  • Chew food thoroughly, eat slowly, do not overeat.

Important! It is recommended to start the day with pineapple or grapefruit, and end with a glass of kefir.

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Lower abdominal exercises, breathing exercises

In the question of how to remove a fatty apron at home, you can not ignore physical exercises that will return to good shape, will help fight fat deposits on the stomach and not only. Now there are a lot of exercises and respiratory gymnastics complexes that are aimed at tightening the abdominal muscles:

  • It is recommended to start with light loads on the press.These can be exercises where you need to raise your legs or the familiar “bike”. The main thing - do not overdo it, start with small loads, gradually gaining momentum.
  • Very effectively reduces running fat. Body movements while running break down fat cells. Run jogging in the morning for 20 minutes, and the fat will begin to leave you slowly.
  • Another good way is to twist the hoop. There is a special hoop with massage rollers on sale - hula-hoop. It is heavier and will more actively break down your body fat.

Important! Try to twist it in the lower abdomen. To achieve good results, you need to twist it every day.

  • Breathing exercises works very effectively. With the help of just proper breathing, you can noticeably remove the volume of the abdomen in a few weeks. And if you combine gymnastics with other activities, the effect will be even better.
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Salon procedures at home

Beauticians offer a range of services aimed at getting rid of a fat apron. But there are those that you can spend at home on your own.

Important! Wrap with cling film is a very effective way. To do this, you need a cling film and a special mixture that is applied to the skin to enhance the effect. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself.

zhimganteleystoya31_b9c369270fe28037b3a3f839e12845dbHere are some simple recipes for making such a mixture:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with milk (you can dilute dry). Apply to the skin on the problem area and wrap with foil.
  • Add 3-4 drops of any essential oil to honey and apply on skin. Rub and wrap with foil.
  • Pour boiling water over coffee grounds. When it cools, apply to the skin, you can even use this mixture as a scrub.

Important! It is better to take coarse coffee. Coffee contains special substances that help break down fat, make the skin supple and supple.

  • You can add white clay to the coffee grounds and wrap this mixture.
  • Dilute the mustard powder with warm water until a thick mixture is obtained, wrap.
  • To enhance the effect, honey and a few drops of essential oil are added to the mustard mixture.
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Self massage

This procedure has a wonderful effect and helps to get rid of fat folds. The main thing is to do everything correctly so as not to harm yourself.

Important! Do massage in a standing position.

Procedure Procedure:

  1. First, thoroughly warm up the area that you are massaging. Just intensively stroke the surface of the skin clockwise.
  2. Then start kneading. To do this, collect the fat fold between the fingers and pull it.
  3. Palms vigorously rub the desired area.
  4. Alternate all movements several times.

Important! For greater effectiveness, use massage oils or creams.

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As you can see, to remove the apron from the abdomen, it is not necessary to visit expensive fitness clubs and beauty salons. It all depends on your desire and desire.


