How to get rid of bugs and fleas?

A huge number of parasites living on our planet, can annoy any living creature - from the smallest pets to humans. Fleas and bedbugs can not only cause discomfort and inconvenience, but they can also quite parasitize on the body of a living creature, while an allergic reaction is the minimum harm they can do. The question of how to get rid of bugs and fleas is more relevant today than ever, because many messages on the Web are full of increasing pests of premises, houses and apartments by public pests.
to contents ↑Important! Bedbugs and fleas are some of the greatest travelers in the world, as they move easily, changing their habitats, in luggage, bedding, furniture, and clothing.
Destruction of fleas and bugs at home
Fleas - Known to any dog or cat owner. They bring not only discomfort to the animal.
Harm from fleas
These pests are also able to cause a lot of trouble to a person, being carriers of very dangerous diseases, such as bubonic plague, typhus, and a number of other ailments.
In the most harmless case, fleas will simply deplete the human body to a critical point, and therefore you need to look for a way to get rid of fleas and bugs as soon as you notice the presence of these pests in the apartment.
Derive fleas - stage one
Deriving fleas is quite difficult. If you do not have the opportunity to choose a special service, and this is the only thing that experts recommend, then first try washing your pet thoroughly with a special flea shampoo.
Important! Thoroughly rinse the rest of the shampoo off the pet's coat, as this is a potent chemical.
This method is rather unreliable, however this is the first thing to do.
Destruction of fleas - stage two
Further, it is necessary to purchase a special anti-flea composition in specialized stores, apply it to the skin of the animal where the coat is most thick. The product, penetrating through the skin, enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, which means it will strike, biting such an animal, will die immediately. You can buy the composition in the form of drops, and in the form of a spray.
Important! Some recommend another tool - a special collar, but its effectiveness is extremely low. In addition, such a collar can harm the animal itself.
If you want to act for sure and get rid of fleas forever, then contact your veterinary clinic.
Flea Fight - Stage Three
If insects have spread around the house, then getting rid of fleas and bugs will be much more difficult, because all soft toys, clothes and bedding must be boiled, dried in the sun, and all cracks and baseboards must be treated with special products, usually sold in the form of an aerosol.
Important! After treatment, you can’t enter the room for about 3 hours, as chemicals can cause unwanted side effects in humans.
Fleas and bedbugs are eternal neighbors
It should be noted that where there are fleas, bedbugs will certainly appear. Biting a person, bedbugs leave redness and discomfort at the site of the bite. Parasites hide in the most inaccessible places.They can be found on bedding, in mattresses, under the bed, because bed bugs love to live close to the “feeder”.
Therefore, if you decide to get rid of fleas, then you should carry out a comprehensive insect control program. The program for getting rid of parasites includes:
- Sanitation.
- The use of chemicals.
- Preventive measures.
How to get rid of bugs and fleas?
Faced in the house with unpleasant natural phenomena, bugs and fleas, we recommend that you entrust the struggle with them to specialists. They will do everything quickly and reliably, but health is the most valuable thing a person has and you simply can’t risk it.
However, you can take some measures to destroy fleas and bugs yourself. Proceed as follows:
- To destroy fleas and bugs in place, use alcohol. Pour it into a spray bottle and apply to adult individuals and parasite eggs. You can pour alcohol into a bowl and spray it with a brush.
- All infected items (bedding, clothes) should be washed, the temperature should be above 50 C. Small objects that cannot be washed should be cooked. For example, individual items can be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the open sun for several days.
Important! Bed bugs and fleas do not tolerate low temperatures, so if possible, take advantage of cold and frost. Unfortunately, you will not succeed in heating or cooling the entire house. Only special insect control services can do this.
- Use in combating insect vapor. Handle carefully steam cleaner all corners and inaccessible places in the house.
Important! You can turn it into a steam cleaner Electric kettleby attaching a flexible tube to it.
- Vacuum the house thoroughly, including carpets, walls, mattresses, and other surfaces where insects and their eggs can be found to destroy bugs and fleas. Pay special attention to the edges of the mattress, the seams and rivets, as well as the springs on the bed. Place the entire contents of the vacuum cleaner in a sealed bag, discard it.
Important! After you go vacuuming, treat the carpets with steam, since steam cleaning is very effective in destroying bedbugs and fleas.
- Be sure to close all cracks in the plaster, and glue the departed wallpaper to reduce the number of possible shelters for insects.
- When cleaning the apartment, use the following folk remedies:
- Salt and soda.
- Laundry soap.
- Fragrant herbs: tansy, wormwood, eucalyptus, chamomile, etc.
Important! With a concentrated solution of laundry soap, wash the entire apartment. Process not only the floor, walls, but also baseboards, frames, jambs, all furniture surfaces. Upholstered furniture, polish carpets with powder made from soda and finely ground salt. After a day, remove the powder from soda and salt with a vacuum cleaner. Arrange the herbs around the apartment in vases or put gauze bags of herbs throughout the room. With these simple steps, it will be much easier to get rid of bugs and fleas.
- Treat the room with residual insecticides (pyrethroids). These drugs are very effective in treating cracks and crevices where parasites can hide. Repeat treatment with insecticides after 2 weeks to destroy the newly formed individuals.
- Contaminated mattresses, bed frames, if necessary, discard.
- Apply silica gel. Grind the product, put it on the mattress, around the bed, along the bedroom wall. The smallest silicogel crystals will cling to the parasites and, subsequently, will lead to their dehydration and death.
Important! Avoid inhalation of silica gel dust. If possible, use a natural dihydrating agent, kieselguhr, which is safe for pets and people.
- Be sure to treat pets with special tools, because if at least a couple of insects remain in their hair, then all your work will be useless.
Professional parasite control
In the arsenal of special services to combat parasites, are the most effective means - both Russian and foreign production. They can achieve a good result in the destruction of fleas and bugs. Let's consider some of them.
Domestic insecticidal agent is used for bugs, fleas, cockroaches. The main active ingredients:
- Pyrethroid
- Chlorpyrifos - 20%.
- Cypermethrin - 10%.
The residual effect of the drug is 3-5 weeks.
Effective Ultra
The drug is intended to destroy all household insects. You can use the tool on objects of any category: residential, medical, children’s, food. The active substance is chlorperifos. The drug is well used all over the world.
Xulat C25
The insecticidal preparation is designed to destroy fleas, bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, and other non-flying insects. In addition, the tool can be used as a preventative measure. You can apply the drug everywhere, since it does not leave spots. Produced in Spain.
to contents ↑Important! When using the above drugs on your own, you must adhere to safety rules. It is advisable to use the tool only after special training.
Folk remedies
The following recipes have long been used in the fight against vile insects:
- Dissolve 5 g of naphthalene in 100 ml of kerosene, add 50 ml of cresol to the solution. Lubricate the habitats of the bugs with the resulting mixture for several days. If infection is severe, repeat the treatment monthly until the insects disappear.
- Dissolve 20 g of naphthalene in a mixture of 100 ml of kerosene + 100 ml of turpentine. Treat with a solution all places of accumulation of parasites.
- Dissolve 30 g of green soap in 100 ml of water, add 15 ml of kerosene + 10 ml of turpentine. Treat the habitat bugs.
- Dissolve 5 g of camphor in a mixture of 100 ml of turpentine + 100 ml of ethyl alcohol. Apply the resulting solution with a brush on the “bugs”.
- Dissolve 20 g of phenol (carbolic acid) + 3 g of salicylic acid in 40 ml of turpentine. With a mixture, process the places of accumulation of insects.
- Dissolve 5 g of naphthalene in 150 ml of denatured alcohol. Apply the tool on the upholstery of upholstered furniture to get rid of bugs and fleas. This solution does not stain the fabric.
- Put freshly wormwood branches under the bed. The smell of the plant will scare off the parasites.
Useful Tips:
- At the first signs or suspicions of the appearance of parasites, treat all possible places where insects can lay eggs with vinegar essence: process the internal joints in the furniture structure, baseboards, the back of the carpet, the back walls of cabinets, furniture. From such processing, interior items will not be affected, and the smell of acetic acid will scare away the bugs for a long time.
- If a dog or cat is walking in the yard, be sure to regularly wash it with a zoo shampoo.
- Rub fir oil into the roots of animal hair to scare away fleas. When processing, pay special attention to the folds of the body of pets.
- In the water for cleaning the floors of the room where pets are kept, add a mixture consisting of:
- 10 g of peretrum powder.
- 1 g of naphthalene.
- 1 g of potassium dichromate.
- 10 g of tobacco dust.
- To get rid of bugs and fleas, wash the floor with a decoction of wormwood: 10 g of fresh or 20 g of dry leaves, cook in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes. To the filtered broth, add 25 g of household plated soap. Pour the prepared mixture into a bucket for mopping.
- If fleas appeared in places such as a dog kennel, chicken coop or stable, then fumigate the premises with burning sulfur. Whitewash the walls, floor, and ceiling with a solution of bleach or add phenol to a slurry of slaked lime.
Stock footage
The fight against blood-sucking parasites - bugs and fleas, is not the easiest task, since insects skillfully hide under the baseboards, in the pile of the carpet, upholstery, in all hard-to-reach places.Attempts to get rid of pests on their own almost never give a positive result. Therefore, if the apartment is very infected, contact a special service that knows where to find parasites, how to destroy them, using safe methods for you and your pets.
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