How to get rid of rats?

The appearance of rats in the apartment, house, in the country, in the garage does not bode well, because the rat is a symbol of danger, dirt and harm. Spoiled things, contaminated products, the risk of developing intractable diseases, the vector of which is an ordinary rat, is just a small list of threats to an unsafe neighborhood. A keen instinct, bestial vitality in combination with the “unsinkable” instinct of an omnivorous animal, poses any person with a difficult question: how to get rid of rats in your own home?
to contents ↑Rat fight
Despite the invention of ever new and technologically advanced methods of controlling rodents, they do not work as fast as pests recover and multiply. In addition, to erase growing teeth, rats can even gnaw steel on their way, from which it becomes clear that not every device will be reliable in solving the problem of how to get rid of rats in a private house.
Important! Rodents are capable of carrying up to 30 types of various diseases dangerous to humans and pets. You can become infected with them, even without contacting the carriers; contact with damaged products and objects is enough.
The question of the advisability of killing rats is usually not worth it, because a humane attitude to rodents does not even go by the wayside when a cracked cable is found, food stocks are spoiled, and rats run rampant under the hood of a car in the garage. If you suspect the appearance of unsolicited and harmful rodents, you must immediately take all measures to combat them. But the fight must be comprehensively, using not only proven means, but also attracting special services.
How to get rid of rats in a private house?
In apartments of multi-storey buildings, pests appear much less frequently than in private houses, therefore, the complete destruction of rats is much more often worried about homeowners.
There are a lot of ways to fight rodents. The application of a method is determined by many factors:
- Availability.
- Security.
- Timing.
- The purpose of the premises.
- The scale of the rat invasion.
Important! In a private house, rodents appear in the fall during the onset of cold weather, and if 1-2 rats can accidentally appear in an apartment, then in a private house there is a whole family of rodents.
Ways to deal with uninvited guests can be divided into the following categories:
- Folk methods.
- Mechanical.
- Chemical.
- Ultrasonic
- Disinsection by special services.
Consider the listed methods of struggle, in more detail.
Folk methods:
- The use of animals. To get rid of rats, you can use a safe, environmentally friendly way - a cat. It is better to choose a tricolor or specially trained Pied Piper. A dog for these purposes is also suitable, better than a hunting breed Dachshund or Fox Terrier. However, this method is not safe for the animals themselves: rats can bite and infect pets with various diseases.
- One of the oldest ways to get rid of rodents is the use of gypsum. Wheat flour and gypsum (alibaster) must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. Pour the dry mixture into a container, and put water nearby to drink the rodent. Such a bait will not cause suspicion, and the essence of this method is indigestion of the animal. The mixture will harden like cement in a few minutes and the rodent will die.
Important! Alternatively, quicklime can be used with sugar.
- Using wine cork. Finely chop the cork and fry it over an open fire in sunflower oil or fat (you can just drip on the cork of unrefined sunflower oil). Place water containers and scatter pieces of cork. If this culinary delight enters the stomach, the cork will swell and become stuck in the rodent's intestines.
Important! Rats are very sensitive to human odors, so when making any bait for them, use plastic or wooden objects or use rubber gloves. Before spreading the bait, feed the rodents normal food for several days, and then lay out the food with a “surprise”.
- The use of ash. Popularly, this method is called dirty. Use it mainly in the underground or cellar. Take wood ash and chop finely. Pour dry floors at the rate of 1 bucket per 5-10 m2. The ash contains alkali that can corrode the paws of rodents. Since the animals are very clean, they lick the ashes from their paws, which leads to irritation of the oral cavity and stomach. Even if the rats in this case do not die, they will move away from your home. For a person, ash is absolutely harmless, but there is still a drawback of this method: tailed pests carry this ash throughout the house and, of course, it does not become cleaner in the room. That's why this method is dirty.
- Odor repellent:
- An effective way in the fight against rats is black root. The horrific smell of weed for rats causes a terrible panic in them, prompting them to seek a safer place to live. Scatter the stems and seeds of black root in various places around the house, garage and rodents will leave you.
- To deter rodents, formalin or kerosene have been used successfully. You can use liquids only to protect non-residential premises, that is, basements, garages, etc. Spray the corners of the cellar or basement with kerosene or formalin, and the rodents will immediately disappear.
- If you don’t like the smell of kerosene, then use a piece of old rubber. Put the rubber in the bucket and burn on fire using a blowtorch. Leave a bucket of burnt rubber in the cellar while you are laying food, which will scare away uninvited guests.
- Naphthalene. Rats, like mice, do not tolerate the smell of naphthalene. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of naphthalene and wood sawdust, and sprinkle the product near the mink, moves and mouse loopholes.
- Turpentine. It is possible to exterminate rodents with the help of turpentine, the smell of which they cannot tolerate. Moisten a cloth in turpentine and put it in a hole. After a few days, repeat the procedure, and the rodents will leave you, perhaps forever.
Mechanical methods
The mechanical methods of control include:
- Rat traps.
- Traps.
- Various traps from improvised materials.
Their effectiveness has long been known, but it is difficult to imagine how much you need to buy or make traps to destroy a million individuals. With a massive invasion, this method is ineffective. In addition, rats are very intelligent animals, they will quickly learn to bypass traps or simply begin to steal the bait safely.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is that the mousetrap or rat trap must be cleaned constantly from dead rodents.
Chemical methods
This method involves the use of various poisons that are used in a mixture with bait or sprayed and scattered in the habitats of rodents. The use of poisons is an effective method, but unsafe. When choosing such tools, be sure to follow the instructions.
The most common remedies for rats are:
- “Zoocoumarin”. Add the product to the sunflower oil fried with bread.
- "Goliath" is one of the most effective means at the moment, which is often used by professional pest control. Presented on the market in small containers.After poisoning, rodents begin oxygen starvation, and they look for a way out, and as a result they leave the room. The rat who consumed the drug dies after 8-12 days.
- “Rat” is a quick-acting drug. Great for not only residential, but also for industrial premises. Method of use: mix the ampoule with 0.5 kg of seeds. Add 3 g of sunflower oil and place at the sites of rodents. Animals die within 1-2 minutes.
Important! In addition to sunflower seeds, together with “Rat”, you can mix fish, meat, cottage cheese and other food.
- “Ratid-1” - sold in the form of granules of 40 pcs. in one package. Suitable for getting rid of rats in any type of premises.
- “Rat death” is a good way to get rid of rats in the apartment. Sold in packages of 3 g.
- “Storm” - tablets of prolonged action.
Ultrasonic methods
This method with the help of special devices does not destroy rats, but makes them leave any room. The method is very effective and safe for humans, since electromagnetic pulses do not affect people, but only on rodents.
The most common devices are:
- Electronic repeller "Riddex". The device operates using ultrasound and electromagnetic waves. It is used in enclosed spaces with the presence of an electrical outlet. It is enough to plug the device into an outlet to activate its work. The average radius of action is 20 m2. There are 2 indicators on the device: red - indicates the presence of electromagnetic waves, green - ultrasound. The device is equipped with a night light, making the device easy to find at night.
- Electronic repeller “Ultarsonic Dual Pest Repeller”. The device is used both to control rodents and insects. After connecting, the repeller begins to act with the help of all the electrical wires available in the house, creating a field in which the pests can not just be. To lime all the insects and rodents objectionable to you, including cockroaches, only 2 weeks is enough. Advantages of the repeller: safety, huge range, unlimited service life.
- Of the Russian models, the Tornado effectively works.
Important! Buy repellers only in special stores, where they will not only provide a quality certificate, but they will also instruct you and tell you how best to use this device.
Sanitary epidemiological professional disinfestation
If the rat population is too large, then no independent action will help. It is necessary to seek help from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Specialists treat the room with special effective drugs that are safe for humans, but deadly and effective for rodents.
to contents ↑Important! For the treatment period, the home must be left to all households, including pets, and after disinfestation it is recommended to do a general cleaning with cleaning and disinfectants.
How to get rid of rats in the country?
In order to prepare and secure the cellar, the cellar for storing food in the country, we recommend:
- Fill all available burrows with glass or concrete.
- Close the supply and exhaust pipes with a fine metal mesh.
- One week before laying the products, be sure to disinfect the room with a solution of bleach.
- Smoke the cellar with a sulfur checker: in the room, plug all vents and slots, set the wick on fire and close the doors tightly. Checkers smoldering time - 1 hour, and the time of the cleansing action of smoke - 24-36 hours. After the smoking procedure, carefully ventilate the cellar for 1-2 days to make sure that you managed to get rid of the rats in the country.
Important! The cellar will be cleaned after smoking not only from rodents, but also from fungus, mold, insects and rot.
- Glass powder can be scattered around the perimeter of the cottage to protect itself from the appearance of not only rats, but also mice.
- If you leave the cottage for a long time, installing ultrasonic repellers will not be out of place.
Stock footage
Fighting rodents requires preventive measures. The plot and cottage should be kept clean and not accumulate waste attracting animals. Fighting pests in the garden, in the garden, in the country is necessary only with safe, proven means. It is better not to use chemistry, but to resort to mechanical methods (traps, traps), folk and modern highly effective (repellers). If you have a problem with rodents, use our tips and tricks to solve it, the main thing is to start solving the problem immediately and act comprehensively.
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