What do bats eat 🥝 how to drive out of the cottage

Nowadays, not only rural residents, but also the inhabitants of urban areas suffer from the invasion of bats. A favorite place for mammals in the city is the balcony. Constant noise, squeaking, rustling in the dark leads to the idea of how to get rid of bats under the roof and not harm yourself and your loved ones.
to contents ↑What is harmful bats?
For many people, this animal is associated with witches and evil spirits. Inspired horror stories are somewhat exaggerated. Bats are even useful. They eat thousands of nasty insects: mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc. If they are not disturbed, they are not at all dangerous to humans, these animals rarely are carriers of various diseases, unlike other rodents or cats. In order to infect a person, the mouse must bite him.
The harmfulness of bats is manifested only in the following factors:
- Chance of a bite. If bats settled under the roof of your house, then in rare cases they can still fly into your balcony or apartment. Therefore, in the event of an unsuccessful attempt to catch a bat, the situation can turn into a painful wound. It is also worth remembering about the rabies that these mammals can transmit to you.
- Like any animal, bats defecate and crap. Vapors from their droppings are harmful to health. Breathing smells, a person can get histoplasmosis.
- Lack of calm and sleep. With such neighbors you will not fall asleep, because in the dark the animals begin to squeak, rustle, and it is simply impossible not to notice this.
to contents ↑Important! Before getting rid of bats under the roof, it will not be out of place to know that many species of these animals in different parts of the world are protected by law, and some are even listed in the Red Book. Before poisoning animals, consider the consequences.
Bat Methods
There are several ways to deal with bats. Choose and apply the most convenient and affordable for you. Focus not only on the simplicity of the procedure and the cost of funds from bats, but also on the breadth of the animal population on your balcony or under the roof.
Smoke smoking
This is a very dubious option, since the smoke tends to dissipate and after you seem to drive out the “family”, it can return, but for your family this method is not harmless.
Entering a nest
If you decide to try to wipe the nest so that mice without a house start looking for other habitats, proceed as follows:
- Find the habitat of the animal in the house. Typically, mice settle in the attic, in the cracks in the wall, and in apartments - on the balcony, ventilation, floorboards. They choose abandoned, dry places where there is enough space for relaxation (where you can catch and hang upside down). Find the nest by excrement: in bats, litter resembles a dark powder with shiny elements on the surface, these are insect shells.
Important! Another way is to wait until dusk and see where the mice fly out of.
- Strip the mice of their sleeping places. When the bat’s shelter is found, watch what time they leave it. If this is not done, then you can lock the mice in the closed gap forever, and their carcasses will begin to rot.
- Found the slot, blow out all the slots and possible inputs and outputs with mounting foam.
The choice of traps in order to get rid of bats is up to you. They can be made by yourself or purchased in specialized stores, but keep in mind that these are far from stupid animals, and sensing danger, they will not come close to the device. And given the breeding rate of animals, you cannot catch all the mice.
Loud music
There is an opinion that the inclusion of loud music scares off mice. You can try this method to solve the problem of how to get rid of bats under the roof, but its effectiveness has not been proven.
The animal organism adapts to pesticides over time and the fight against bats on the balcony will be endless. In addition, the animal may belong to a rare and endangered species, which is protected by law. In this case, it is better to contact the competent services and take advantage of their help.
Ultrasonic Bat Repellers
Ultrasonic repeller is the best remedy for bats in the attic, under the roof, on the balcony. The device emitting ultrasonic waves repels rodents from the premises and prevents their return.
A fairly simple way to use them:
- Plug the product into a power outlet.
- Select an operating mode.
- After 10-12 days, there will be no trace of the flying neighbors.
Ultrasonic repeller has a lot of advantages:
- silent in work;
- completely safe for humans and pets;
- economical;
- does not require additional settings.
to contents ↑Important! Do not get rid of bats in the winter at the cottage. At this time, the animals usually hibernate and they do not have enough food to survive. If you destroy the bat population at this time of the year, then in the spring you will have an invasion of insects like mosquitoes and garden bugs.
How to get rid of bats on the balcony?
In apartments, animals usually settle on balconies and ventilation, so the methods of smoking and closing holes in the walls in this case are ineffective. Use the following methods to control bats.
Option number 1. Mothball Bags
- Place a glass of mothballs in a small square gauze 10 * 10 cm.
- Tie it together to make a pouch.
- As soon as the bats fly out of their nest, tie a bag - the smell of naphthalene will not allow them to return to their original place.
Important! You may need to repeat this method more than once, but in the end, the obsessive neighbors will leave the apartment.
Option number 2. Balloons and Foil
Hang balloons or foil at the bats overnight so that they, when developing in the wind, make a certain sound. He will scare away uninvited guests.
Option number 3. Call a special team
Special team workers know how to get rid of bats anywhere. But be prepared that the floorboards where animals settled can be opened.
Option number 4. Prevention
The only way to get rid of annoying guests that is truly effective is to prevent them from entering your home. You can enclose the entrances, cracks with fiberglass, which is an irritant to their skin. Such protection will help you forget about the twilight family forever.
to contents ↑Stock footage
If the mice settled in your country house or in a private house, then there may be some benefit from them - they will catch many pests. But if, nevertheless, animals create inconveniences for you, then use humane methods to get rid of them.
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