How to get rid of ants in a greenhouse?

From school, we remember that in nature ants bring great benefits: they accelerate the decomposition of organic residues, enrich the earth with humus, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and destroy pests. However, capturing the territory in greenhouses and in beds, ants cause significant damage to plantings: they spread aphids, spoil berries and fruits. In greenhouses and greenhouses, the root system of vegetables begins to suffer from them, which leads to the death of plants, so the answer to the question of how to get rid of ants in a greenhouse is of interest to most gardeners and gardeners.
Before starting the fight against ants in a greenhouse, we will figure out what types of ants are trying to capture the territory, as well as what kind of benefit or harm they do to plants planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
to contents ↑Types of ants living in the greenhouse
On garden plots, 3 species of ants are most often found:
- Black garden.
- Red forest.
- Brown meadow.
In gardens located near forests, the so-called forest ants (red) are most often found. In greenhouses, black gardens are most often settled. These insects feed on seeds and young shoots of seedlings.
Important! Settling in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, ants do not bother with the construction of capital high anthills, the maximum that they are capable of is a small hill of land. This type of insect builds its nests directly on vegetable beds, laying passages, the length of which can reach several meters. During laying, they destroy the root system of plants, which of course harms plantings.
The fact that you have an anthers in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, you can observe by the set of round neat holes in the soil, around which insects swarm. If in time you do not limit and significantly reduce their population, then after a short period of time the entire greenhouse will be a loosened surface with many mounds.
to contents ↑How are ants useful?
The fight against ants in a greenhouse should occur only after you weigh all the pros and cons of their presence in the greenhouse.
The benefits of the presence of ants:
- During the construction of colony nests, insects loosen the surface soil layer. As a result, more air enters the root system of plants.
- Insects enrich the soil with nitrogen, potassium, and waste products, which improves the quality of the earth.
- Ants destroy other insects, such as spider mites, and also eat the larvae of other pests.
Harm from the presence of a colony in greenhouses:
- They pose a threat to the health of people and animals if they sting painfully. Formic acid injected during a bite can provoke an acute allergic reaction in some people.
- Black ants feed on the sprouts of young plants and cause their death.
- For full life adult black ants need sugar. For its prey, insects create “herds” of aphids and spread it on plants.
to contents ↑Important! If, after analyzing all the pros and cons of the presence of insects in the greenhouse, you come to the conclusion that it is far from your option when ants live in the greenhouse - how to get rid of them, you will learn from the tips below. Choose the method that you will fight.The effectiveness of the methods is different, but each gardener or gardener will be able to choose the most suitable for his greenhouse, garden, vegetable garden.
Methods of dealing with ants in a greenhouse
To get rid of ants in a greenhouse, you have to initially determine the method of exposure to insects. All methods can be conditionally divided into categories:
- Agrotechnical.
- Chemical.
- Industrial pesticides.
- Combined.
Agrotechnical methods
First of all, find places that are “chosen” by ant families. Usually insects settle under old boards, sheets of roofing material or slate lying on the ground. Ants appear in greenhouses, at the base of which there are wooden boards.
Important! Insects are fond of the wooden structures of the greenhouses and greenhouses themselves, the old and rotten wood is especially attractive to them. Removing wood from the greenhouse and depriving them of comfortable living conditions will significantly reduce their colony.
Here is an example of effective agrotechnical methods that will help to quickly get rid of ants in a greenhouse:
- Digging in the autumn and spring, frequent loosening of the soil in the summer months. Ants do not like anxiety and will leave your greenhouse.
- Regular sprinkling of found anthills and their passages with ash, not slaked lime or baking soda will help get rid of the ants in the greenhouse. The anthill can also be sprinkled with dry mustard, ground pepper, ammonium nitrate.
- The most common way to get rid of ants in a greenhouse is to pour lime solution in their nest: 100 g of the product in a bucket of water. Lime will destroy other pests, as well as their larvae. Also, this tool neutralizes the acidity of the soil, which will favorably affect the development of plants.
- Kill insects with odors. The recipe for our grandmothers: chop 2-4 cloves of garlic and pour in cold water. Insist the resulting mixture in a bucket for 1 day. With a solution, water the anthill.
- Ants do not like the smells of elderberry, wormwood, mint, anise, mustard, bay leaf, tomato tops. Throw the listed plants around the anthill and this will push insects to exodus.
- Before planting, pour the whole earth with an aqueous solution of soda and flaxseed oil: 5 g of soda, 30 g of flaxseed oil per 1 liter of water. Such a composition will force insects to leave their current habitat, which means that your struggle with ants in the greenhouse will be over.
Important! The most extreme, but effective way is only suitable when you are ready to spend time digging ants' nests. To do this, find their uterus. By destroying it, you can get rid of the ants in the greenhouse for a long time.
This group of methods includes various poisoned baits. Here is an example of some of them:
- ¼ tsp boric acid (purchase at the pharmacy), 2 tsp. candied or fermented jam, 3-4 tsp. mix sugar with 1 cup of water. Place the bait in a shallow container so the ants can climb inside. Set the bait daily for 1 month.
- 5 g of borax, 50 g of sugar mix with 50 ml of water. Pour the solution in the saucer and arrange in the habitats of the ants. The prepared mixture of insects will deliver the uterus, and she, having tasted the food, will die. In just a few days, you can completely get rid of the ants in the greenhouse.
Important! Boric acid or borax can be scattered along ant paths, as well as around nests, but the uterus with offspring will remain alive, and only a colony of working ants will die.
- 1 tsp mix boric acid with 100 g of minced meat. Make small balls from the mixture and place them around the ant nests. This tool will destroy the ants. You need to use it 3-4 times in 1 season.
- Treat cracks in the greenhouse and ant heaps with an aqueous solution of malathion or formalin in a proportion of 1:10. Spray 2-3 times a season. This method will help fight alien insects.
- Mix old jam with yeast.After 2 hours, put the fermented drink into the greenhouse. Having tasted the drunken bait, the ants will cease to monitor the young, forget about their duties and after several procedures the anthill will die.
Industrial pesticides
There are many chemicals to deal with such pests. The most famous ant remedies in the greenhouse:
- Insecticide "Thunder" in granules. Remove the topsoil from the anthill and sprinkle the granules evenly over the surface. The amount of the drug depends on the area of the anthill. Sprinkle the treated area with earth. In 2-4 days, the greenhouse will be spared pests.
- Crayon "Mashenka". A universal repeller not only for ants, but also for cockroaches. Draw strips with chalk around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, and spread small chalkboards near the ant passages.
- Liquid remedy "Anteater". Available in ampoules or vials. Dissolve 1 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water and, stirring constantly, bring the working volume to 10 liters. Dig the anthill up to the egg masonry and pour it with the prepared solution. Treat in the morning or evening hours. The product does not affect earthworms and soil microorganisms, but contains hazardous substances for fish, so keep it away from the reservoir. It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use, since it is not subject to storage.
- Remedies for Colorado potato beetle and aphids in ampoules. Dilute the drug in 1 liter of water. Pour the resulting solution into the center of the anthill and cover with plastic wrap for a day. The "gas chamber" will destroy the entire colony to the lower tiers.
- Place a dark piece of cloth on the bottom in an old container, kettle, can, pan. Sprinkle liberally with sugar or moisten with thick sugar syrup, jam. Place the dishes at the ant nest. The ant uterus and all other ants will settle in a new sweet apartment. Then throw the ant colony away from the greenhouse or destroy it with all the tenants.
- You can arrange a trap from an old bottle. Fill it inside with syrup or jam, after the ants settle in the bottle, fill it with boiling water
- Another reliable modern remedy for ants in a greenhouse is the Absolute capsule bait. Thanks to attractive special ingredients, ants will not be able to get past the capsule, even with alternative feed. The principle of action of the capsule is based on the biological and behavioral characteristics of ants.
Important! Complete destruction of the family will occur in 10-14 days. You can use “Absolute” in the form of a syringe with a gel, to get rid of ants in the greenhouse, apply helium dots around the entire perimeter. The consumption rate is 25 g of the drug per 50 m2.
Oldest way
Gardeners and gardeners from Soviet times got rid of ants in greenhouses with the help of mustard:
- Mix 60 g of dry mustard powder with 1 liter of hot water.
- Infuse the solution for 3 days in a tightly sealed container.
- Mix the finished solution with 3 l of water.
- Spray the plants in the greenhouse.
- 1 tsp Dissolve the mustard in 1 liter of water and spill the soil where there are ant passages.
- Sprinkle dry mustard powder around the ant passages with a 1 cm layer.
Useful Tips
- Fighting ants can last a long time, as they settle very quickly and change the nest for the uterus. Start acting in environmentally friendly and gentle ways. If folk remedies do not help, then only go to the chemical compositions.
- Special products may contain substances from which other insects will die, in particular bees necessary for pollination.
- Do not forget that by treating anthills with chemical solution, you endanger pets and children.
- Harvest from the greenhouse should also be environmentally friendly.
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We hope that you choose the most suitable methods of struggle for you, which will save the greenhouse or hotbed from ants, while not harming you or your family members.
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