How to get rid of mice in a private house?

Mice are small animals that can penetrate almost any room through holes, cracks formed in walls and floors, as well as through sewers and ventilation shafts. And each of us, sooner or later, is faced with the problem of how to get rid of mice in a private house. These rodents not only damage property, food, frighten with their appearance, but also are carriers of very dangerous diseases that can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, if they are wound up in your house, you should immediately get rid of them. To solve this problem, you will help the advice of our experts, which are outlined in this article.

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We start the fight with mice in the house

If there are rodents in your home, the first thing you need to do is clean up the house: cover all the cracks in the walls and floors, hide food as much as possible and restrict mice from access to water.

Important! Do not leave dirty dishes in the sinks for a long time and thoroughly wipe the water in it.

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How to get rid of mice?

How to get rid of mice in a private house?There are quite a lot of tools for fighting mice, ranging from folk ones that have been tested by our great-grandmothers to modern devices. Help you solve this problem:

  • cats
  • mousetraps;
  • bait;
  • poison from mice;
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • elder;
  • marsh rosemary;
  • ash;
  • glue;
  • ammonia;
  • mint;
  • vinegar essence;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black root.

Important! If you are afraid of the very appearance of mice or you are so humane that you cannot catch them yourself, kill them yourself, the most terrifying folk remedies will suit you best. Although it is necessary in this situation to take into account the fact that most likely to expect the desired effect will take several days, and maybe weeks. Therefore, the most optimal method to get rid of mice in a private house in such a situation is to call a special service that provides deratization services. Experts know all the intricacies of the fight against these rodents, have the appropriate experience, tools, equipment to guarantee you fast results and save you from mice, if not forever, then at least for a long time.

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How to get rid of mice?

If you are ready for some time to put up with the presence of these pests in your house and independently organize the fight against them, use one of the following methods.

Method 1

Since ancient times, cats have been good helpers in deciding how to get rid of mice in a private house. Specially trained or simply not too domesticated individuals very effectively coped with this task. The main thing is to choose a cat very carefully so that it is not lazy, and even better - specially trained. In this case, the animal will conscientiously cope with its duty.

Important! Do not be categorical enough with the choice, because even the smell of a cat in the house can scare away mice.

Method 2

A fairly old remedy for rodents is the placement of mousetraps in the territory where rodents settled. Apply this method as follows:

  1. Take a few mousetraps - the more, the better.
  2. Put the bait in them. For this purpose, it will fit: meat, lard, sausage, oatmeal mixed with peanut butter, peanuts, bread, sunflower seeds.
  3. Place them in a room or in places where pests accumulate.

Important! Change the bait as often as possible, without waiting for them to dry, in order to spread a more saturated smell from them. Thus, you quickly lure the mouse into them.

Method 3

An effective remedy for mice in the house is the use of specialized poison or poison. The most popular among them are:

  1. Storm - a tool for mice, safe for humans, but very effective for pest control, inexpensive. Another advantage is that the Storm has a long validity period. It can be used both in residential and utility rooms.
  2. Rat death - poison for mice, packaged in packages that do not need to be torn and touched with bare hands. It is necessary to lay out at a distance of 2 to 15 meters.
  3. Bacto-dozencid is a poison for mice consisting of grain contaminated with bacteria. Causes disease in mice and contributes to the spread of the disease throughout the colony of mice. Safe for human health.

Method 4

How to get rid of mice in a private house?Do not know how to get rid of mice in the apartment, use the following method.

There are specially designed devices to repel rodents from the premises. They act by ultrasonic waves, which periodically propagate through the territory of their installation with a frequency of 400 Hz.

These waves act on the psyche of mice and force them to leave their habitat. They are absolutely safe for human health and can be used even where there are children. Install such devices in your home and in a couple of weeks, rodents will leave your home forever.

The most popular ultrasonic repellers:

  • Pest Repeller Electro Magnetic;
  • WK-0220;
  • Ground Rodent Repeller UP-1515;
  • VK-0180-E.
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How to get mice out of the house with folk remedies?

Proven folk methods will be good helpers in deciding how to get mice out of the house. They are not inferior in their effectiveness to modern means, although they often act more slowly. But their advantage is that they are really able to prevent the appearance of pests in your house again.

Method 1

Poisonous plants for rodents will be: elderberry, chamomile, marsh rosemary, wormwood. These herbs adversely affect mice, thanks to the essential oils in the composition, which emit a rich odor. To use them, do the following:

  1. Take the herbs.
  2. Grind them.
  3. Put the chopped mixture into bags.
  4. Lay them out in the corners of the room and near the slots.

Method 2

Boric acid is a very effective means to kill rodents. Apply it as follows:

  1. Take boric acid.
  2. Spread it thinly around the room, especially in the corners of the room or directly near the mink.

Important! Do not use this method in the room where small children and animals are.

Method 3

Bay leaf, ammonia, vinegar essence - these are what mice are afraid of, these folk remedies work wonders.

Apply this method as follows:

  1. Take bay leaves.
  2. Moisten them in ammonia or in vinegar essence. Lay them on the shelves of the cabinets, the corners of the house, near the cracks - the rodents will certainly leave.

Important! You will also achieve this effect if you plant mint plants in the territory where rodents live.

Method 4

In the event that the above methods are not suitable for you, and you need to decide how to get rid of the mice in the apartment, you will need gypsum or alabaster. Apply it this way:

  1. Take alabaster or gypsum.
  2. Add it to the flour.
  3. Stir this mixture.
  4. Lay it out in containers.
  5. Place them in the corners of the room.
  6. Near them place the dishes with water.

Important! Having eaten a mixture of flour with building powder, the rodent will want to drink water. After these actions, the mixture freezes in the stomach of the animal, which will lead to its death.

Method 5

You can destroy rodents from the basement or cellar as follows:

  1. Take a piece of rubber.
  2. Scorch it off the edge.
  3. Throw it to the bottom of the basement.

Important! Rubber smolders rather than burns, and a very pungent, pungent odor is emitted, which mice cannot tolerate.

Method 6

Pretty easy to use method, but very effective. To use it, do the following:

  1. Collect the ash.
  2. Spread the oilcloth in places where rodents congregate.
  3. Sprinkle ash on it.

Important! Ash causes severe irritation on the paws of the animal, which contributes to its departure from this habitat.

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