How to get rid of parasites?

From birth to death, an invisible and irreconcilable struggle against various parasites takes place in the human body. Over several thousand years, parasites have adapted so well to the conditions of existence in the human body that he himself can no longer always recognize and exterminate pests. None of us - men or women, rich and poor, old people and children, are safe from parasite injuries. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of parasites is always and everywhere relevant.
to contents ↑What are parasites and how to detect them?
A parasite is an organism or plant that lives off another organism. The insidiousness and danger of parasitic diseases lies in the fact that once they enter the human body, microorganisms may not leave it until death, slowly leading the whole body to an imbalance and even a threat to life.
Important! Usually, infected people don’t have anything to hurt or worry. People can carry parasites in them for years, not even suspecting their presence and not associating their ailments and diseases with the presence of fungi or worms. Moreover, not bothering to look for a cure for parasites.
Being inside the body, the parasites adapt and try to get as many nutrients as possible. Together with the flow of lymph and blood, they enter all areas and organs, reduce the functioning of the immune system and open the “gate” for various diseases.
Important! According to recent medical studies, it is established that the world's population is 90% affected by microorganisms. In the body of 95% of adults, at least 1 to 5 types of parasites live. In general, up to 300 species of parasites can live in the human body. At the same time, doctors, examining the patient, are not able to examine him even for 15-20 types of parasites.
Detection methods
There are 3 methods for detecting parasites in modern medicine:
- Fecal analysis for worm eggs. This is the oldest and cheapest method. Only there is no guarantee that it can be carried out properly in a district hospital or clinic. Most often, doctors can only isolate parasite eggs based on fecal analysis, but the isolation of the eggs themselves by microorganisms is inconsistent. Therefore, this technique has only 15-20% of information content.
- Immunological This method determines the presence of foreign microorganisms by antigens in the blood. Costly immunological tests are only 60-70% informative.
Important! This method gives only indirect data, since even if an antigen is detected, it is impossible to determine the type of parasite.
- PCR diagnostics. This method is becoming increasingly popular because of its relatively high information content. Blood is diagnosed for the presence of genetic elements of helminths or protozoa. The disadvantage of this method: it indicates only the presence and absence of a parasite, and the degree of infection remains unknown.
to contents ↑Important! Since the methods for detecting microorganisms are imperfect, for the purpose of prevention, take a course of deworming once every six months. To do this, you can pick up completely safe means from parasites, and in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms - quickly get rid of them.
When do I need to be checked for parasites?
The most ungrateful and merciless creatures are parasites, because in order to stay in a strange body, they use sharp plates, chitin teeth, suction cups, stiff hairs, pointed hooks, clothespins. And with all this, they not only injure the mucous membranes, but also overload the human liver with waste.
Important! Only against the background of overwork, weakening of the immune system or cooling of the body, all these “uninvited guests” give out their presence. In this regard, the question of how to get rid of parasites may arise in an apparently healthy person.
The following symptoms may indicate that the parasites have excessively multiplied in the human body:
- Fatigue
- Reduced performance.
- Weakness.
- Anemia that is not amenable to medical treatment.
- Irritability.
- Decreased appetite.
- Sudden weight loss or unexplained weight gain.
- Headaches of unknown origin.
- Tendency to diarrhea, constipation. Gastrointestinal Disorders.
- Constant severity in the hypochondrium.
- Joint and muscle pain is often mistaken for arthritis.
- All kinds of skin diseases.
- Reduced immunity, and as a result - frequent colds and other infectious diseases.
- Frequent manifestations of herpes.
- Allergy.
- Chronic fatigue due to a lack of nutrients and vitamins.
- Insomnia.
- Pressure surges.
- Acne.
- Yellowing eye protein.
- Teeth grinding in a dream.
- Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
to contents ↑Important! If you have several of the above problems at once, then urgently go through the diagnosis and begin cleaning the body to get rid of parasites with effective drugs.
What parasites attack the human body?
In the human body, both unicellular and multicellular parasites can coexist, in particular:
- Pinworms.
- Chlamydia
- Trichomonads.
- Whipheads.
- Amoeba.
- Roundworm.
- Candida fungi.
- Giardia.
Parasite control - where to start?
Before getting rid of parasites, you must:
- Establish a healthy diet (without fatty and heavy meals). For 1-2 weeks, adhere to an unloading light diet, with the inclusion of fresh raw vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, in the absence of sugar and refined products.
- Observe the correct drinking regime: drink only drinking, not mineralized water and in an amount of at least 2 liters per day.
- Take bowel, liver and kidney cleansing courses.
to contents ↑Important! In parallel with the procedure for getting rid of parasites, cleanse the intestines with enemas. Use for this purpose decoctions of wormwood, tansy, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, adding them to cool water.
Parasite Remedies
Anthelmintic preparations from parasites are conditionally divided into the following groups:
- Synthesized chemical.
- Plant-based preparations.
- Homeopathic remedies.
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method using the above drugs.
Chemical substances
Chemicals today are very common and popular in use.
Such parasite medications provide quick results and high efficacy. In 1-2 months, you can completely get rid of microorganisms.
- Chemicals are toxic not only for parasites, but also for the entire human body.
- Parasites are very good at adapting to any chemicals, so exposure to them can be completely ineffective.
- The action of one drug is aimed at the destruction of 1-2 types of parasites, and several may be in the body.
- Chemicals have a ton of side effects and complications.
Herbal products
Plant-based parasites are usually herbal preparations or extracts that concentrate plant substances that are not tolerated by parasites in the human body.Thus, an effect is achieved when pathogenic microorganisms leave the body of their own free will.
Such agents against parasites enhance the body's defenses.
Safe for humans, but parasites adapt to them very poorly.
The disadvantages of this method include the duration of treatment: from a month to a year.
Homeopathic remedies
This technique and treatment results depend on the qualifications of the doctor (homeopath) who is able to choose the right medicine for you. The difficulty lies in the fact that even a slight omission in the reception scheme can lead to a zero result.
to contents ↑Important! The duration of treatment with homeopathic medicines is at least 3 months and can last up to a year.
Getting rid of parasites by folk remedies
There are a lot of folk recipes aimed at getting rid of parasites. But before you start using them, you should definitely consult a doctor, since not all alternative methods are safe for humans. Many of them, especially with improper preparation or dosage, can provoke poisoning.
The main folk remedies for parasites are herbs containing bitterness and having an antimicrobial effect. Treatment with folk remedies must be carried out in 2 stages:
- Take herbal preparations of bitterness, which will create an unsuitable habitat for parasites.
- Take herbal immunomodulators that will help fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, as well as normalize the work of the stomach, intestines and strengthen the body.
Consider also the following features of getting rid of parasites with folk remedies:
- The effect of treatment will increase at times if complex antiparasitic fees are applied, which have a detrimental effect even on parasite larvae.
- The most effective are tansy and wormwood. Use wormwood as part of the herbal collection, as it is poisonous, and we recommend tansy only for adults. Tansy infusion is effective against many types of microorganisms.
- Using elecampane root, you will get rid of parasites not only in the intestines, but also in the nervous system, lungs and blood.
- Celandine is an effective remedy for giardia parasitizing in the liver. Use this plant as part of a balanced, anthelmintic collection.
- Worms and parasites do not tolerate heat. Traditional medicine recommends raising the temperature of the body with the help of products that have a sharp (burning) taste, for example, cloves, red pepper, onions, garlic, mustard, horseradish, ginger. Use the listed foods with meals to get rid of harmful microorganisms.
- Since the acidic environment creates unsuitable conditions for the life of most parasites, then eat more acidic foods: freshly squeezed acidic juices from vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar.
Folk effective remedies for parasites
We offer several recipes for cleansing the body from parasites:
- Infusion of wormwood. 1 tbsp. l pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the prepared infusion for 20-30 minutes, and then strain. Use 100 ml of wormwood infusion in the morning and evening before meals.
Important! Do not abuse wormwood, do not get carried away by overdose and duration, as wormwood causes strong excitement of the nervous system and even hallucinations.
- Tansy + wormwood. 1 tbsp. chop tansy flowers and add 1 cup of bitter wormwood. Mix and grind everything in a coffee grinder. Add 10 g of cloves ground in a coffee grinder to the mixture. The mixture is used dry: in the morning 1 tbsp. l drink a mixture of 1 tbsp. boiled water.
Important! To enhance the effect, take 150-200 ml of vegetable oil as a laxative. After bowel movement, put an enema so that the remnants of the parasites are completely removed.
- Garlic. 10 cloves of garlic taken with baked milk will expel all parasites. 2 hours after taking the drug, drink a laxative (150-200 ml of vegetable oil) and empty the intestines from the remnants of microorganisms.
- Pumpkin seeds. Grind the peeled pumpkin seeds (keep the green shell) with a coffee grinder and take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach, washed down with warm milk.
- Tincture of horseradish root. 20 g of grated horseradish and 20 g of grated garlic, pour 0.5 l of 40% alcohol and insist for 10 days. Take tincture 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. l
- Walnut broth. 5 tbsp. l chopped walnut peel pour 2 tbsp. honey and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath under the lid. Add 1 tsp. mix in a glass of tea and take 3 times a day. This broth is effective for both treatment and prevention.
- An affordable remedy is cloves. This simple method must be used to get rid of any parasites within 1 month. 2-3 times a day, take 2 crushed cloves, washed down with clean water only. Take the product 30 minutes before eating. After treatment, for prevention, take cloves 2 times a week.
Remedies for parasites for children:
- Garlic enema. In a glass of milk, cook a large head of garlic until soft. Strain the milk, cool and put an enema out of it, preferably all night. For an adult (from 12 years old) 1 tbsp. drug for a small child - ¼-½ tbsp. Repeat the procedure for 7 days.
Important! If the child cannot hold an enema, then tie cottage cheese or a piece of meat to the anus - the helminths themselves will crawl out.
- Effective against small worms, a tablespoon of carrot juice 2 times a day on an empty stomach.
- 3 cloves of garlic, sweat in milk in a water bath. Give the child 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before eating. Treat for 1-2 weeks.
- Cleansing the child's body with castor oil. Raise the child at night and give him a drink of sweet tea, compote, syrup, etc. After 20-30 minutes, give 15-30 g of castor oil (depending on the age of the child) to cause relief. Repeat the next day. Continue treatment until the worms are in the stool.
- To cure infants from worms, put a cotton wool on the navel moistened with tar (clean, birch) for 2 days. Pre-lubricate the navel with baby cream, and fix the cotton wool. On the third day, remove the tampon, take a break for 3 days and repeat again. After 3 treatments, the worms will come out.
Important! Apply a small layer of tar (a few drops) to the fleece so that it is not completely moistened to avoid troubles on the skin of the child.
- To expel round and ribbon worms, give the child a fresh strawberry inside.
- For 1 teaspoon of hemp oil, give the children 2 times a day on an empty stomach with bread, dipping it in butter. Such a folk remedy for children weakens and kills worms.
- Tar will help to cope with giardias, which are difficult to treat with medication. Add 1 drop of birch tar to vegetable or fruit puree.
Prevention from parasites
After completing the full course of the expulsion of parasites, keep the body clean by conducting preventive measures. You can use the following antiparasitic drugs, taking in the morning on an empty stomach:
- Pumpkin seeds. This is the most harmless tool for the human body. It can be used by both children and pregnant women.
- 2 tbsp. l oak bark pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours, and then strain and drink on an empty stomach.
- 2 tbsp. l buckthorn bark mix with 2 tbsp. l chamomile pharmacy and pour a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water. Allow the product to infuse in a thermos for 4-6 hours, and then strain and drink on an empty stomach.
- Take a bath with anise infusion. The volatile plant is very volatile and easily penetrates into the body through the pores of the skin. They negatively affect worms and expel them from the body.
Follow these tips:
- Do not allow children to kiss and hug dogs, cats, or other animals.
- Take care of the health of pets and give them deworming courses.
- Do not drink water from natural sources in unfamiliar areas.
- Carry out periodic deworming preventive measures for the whole family.
- Do not eat raw meat, minced meat.
- Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating.
- In summer and spring, eat a few leaves of green sorrel on an empty stomach.
- During cooking, adhere to strictly defined rules of personal hygiene.
- Protect yourself from mosquitoes, ticks and other blood-sucking insects that may be carriers of parasites. Use special protection against them.
- If you are going on a long trip where ticks can live, be vaccinated against encephalitis.
Every day, be sure to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene:
- Wash your hands with soap before eating.
- Keep your skin clean. Take a shower daily, visit the steam room at least 1 time per week using a washcloth and soap.
- Keep your home and work area and clothing clean, especially underwear.
- Ventilate the room in which you live and work more often. Do not close the windows from the sun, as many helminth eggs, as well as their larvae, die from direct sunlight.
- Do wet cleaning regularly in your living room.
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We hope that you got rid of annoying parasites, and in the future you will follow the rules of personal hygiene and preventive measures. As a result, you will never run into this problem again.
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