How to get rid of spiders in a private house?

If a spider lives in the house - this is considered a good omen, since its appearance promises you prosperity and happiness. Most spiders prefer to live on the street, but often you can see them in your apartment or private house. More than 1000 species of spiders are common in nature, but a person encounters only two species that settle in houses: a gray spider and black. Although these individuals are harmless and often do more good than harm, people are often not happy about this neighborhood and are looking for ways to get rid of spiders in a private house.
to contents ↑How to get rid of spiders in the house?
Neighboring spiders in mid-latitudes is not at all dangerous. Some spiders are even useful in weaving cobwebs in the corners and catching moths, flies and other insects that house owners don't like at all. However, some people are afraid of these arthropods. In medicine, this disease is called arachnophobia.
Of course, the proximity to spiders for such people becomes unbearable, and not every owner will agree to see the web in all corners and crevices, even if arthropods do a good deed.
Like all animals, spiders settle where there is enough food for them. Food for them are:
- Flies.
- Moth.
- Cockroaches.
- Ants.
- Earwigs.
- Other small insects.
Therefore, in order to get rid of spiders in a private house, the fight must begin with the destruction of their potential food:
- Destroy all crawling insects with the help of special crayons and gels.
- Spray insects on corners and baseboards. Such treatment will reduce the number of spiders, as the tool is a poison for everyone.
- Using a damp cloth wound around a mop or stick, gather cobwebs in all rooms, closets, closets. After cleaning, carefully remove the rag and destroy it with the contents.
- Clean with a vacuum cleaner, changing the normal nozzle to a narrow one. Clean all the back walls of furniture, corners, baseboards, especially the ceiling.
Important! Clean thoroughly, especially in secluded places where nests with spider eggs can hide. If you do not get rid of the egg-laying places in time, and small spiders appear in the house, then the fight with shaggy tenants will continue.
- In parallel, fight all the insects in the house: cockroaches, ants, flies, using aerosol preparations based on chlorpyrifos or boric acid. Treat corners and walls with a tool, previously excluding air. After 3 hours, ventilate and clean.
Important! You can use ultrasonic repellers that are harmless to humans, but effective enough for insects.
- Place glue traps in the dark corners, behind the furniture, in the cabinets, and also near the door and windows.
- Spray long-acting insecticidal spray into cracks and corners.
to contents ↑Important! When using a chemical agent to get rid of spiders in the house, observe safety measures and strictly follow the instructions on the package. This will not harm others, including pets.
Spider prophylaxis in a private house
Most often, arthropods appear in our house due to our carelessness: the presence of cracks in windows, doors, poor-quality repairs, breeding of other insects. Often we bring spiders with things or on clothes to the house ourselves.
To prevent “uninvited guests” from appearing in your home, follow these preventative measures:
- Cover all openings and cracks leading outwards:
- Using putty, fill the large slots in closed doors and windows.
- Seal openings for wires, cables, electrical components.
- Replace or repair torn mosquito nets on windows and doors.
- Cover the ventilation openings as well as the fireplace with a thin mosquito net.
- Turn off the outdoor lighting, so as not to attract not only spiders, but also other pests that serve them as food.
- Block interior lighting with blinds or blackout curtains.
- Plan on switching to sodium discharge lamps for lighting, as their yellow light is less attractive to insects, which means spiders that have nothing to eat.
- Get rid of climbing plants, bushes and trees growing very close to home. Vegetation is a good place to shelter spiders, and if it needs heat, food, then it will move from the vegetation through the cracks into your home.
- Clean the area around the house: leaves, stones, mulch, where spiders love to hide.
- Keep the house clean, because in a clean home the spider has much less room for shelter, which means that it will be likely that he will not stay with you there, even if he sneaks inside the house:
- Do not leave leftover food around the house, as they attract other pests and insects, such as ants, and they, in turn, attract spiders.
- Vacuum regularly, do wet cleaning.
- Do not leave dirty dishes.
- Wipe tables and countertops regularly.
- Use plastic containers with tight-fitting lids to store food.
- Take away all the old newspapers, dirty clothes, as all this is a potential refuge for spiders who love the dark.
- Clean the basement from junk that often builds up over the years.
- If there is a desire and opportunity, then whitewash the walls, the ceiling with lime. Spiders do not tolerate the smell of whitewash, so this simple measure will save you from their invasion for a long time.
- Since spiders do not like the smell of peppermint, you can plant it in the area or use dried mint, spreading it around the house.
Folk remedies for spiders
If you want “furry uninvited guests” to get into your home, you need to know what scares off spiders. To achieve a high-quality result and not to let spiders into the house, use proven folk remedies:
- Spread crushed horse chestnuts in the corners. It is believed that chestnuts, hazelnuts, and also the fruits of the orange tree repel arthropods and are equally effective.
- Eucalyptus branches have a strong aroma and are an excellent remedy for spiders. Scatter them under furniture and corners.
- Use peppermint. Fill the spray bottle with water and add 15-20 drops of peppermint oil, then mix well. Spray the spider product into the crevices and corners of your home.
Important! For a stronger effect, lubricate cracks and all kinds of arthropod shelters with undiluted peppermint oil. Spread fresh plants in the corners to get rid of the spiders in the house.
- Eucalyptus oil, as well as tea tree oil, have a deterrent effect. They should be used in the same way as peppermint.
- Get a cat in the house, which for fun will catch not only spiders, but also all other “evil spirits”.
- Use vinegar to attack spiders. Mix white vinegar and water in equal amounts, pour the solution into a spray bottle. Apply the product at the place of the “gathering” of spiders, as well as directly on the arthropods themselves. Vinegar contains acid, which burns and kills insects on contact, and the smell of the product repels arthropods.
to contents ↑Important! As a repeller, you can use containers with vinegar, placing them in dark places. If you don’t like the smell of the product, then use lemon instead.
If you are interested in the question of how to get rid of spiders in an apartment, then the methods described above, you can safely apply to solve your problem.
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Despite the fact that shaggy arthropods look intimidating, in fact, spiders are very obedient and do not interfere with you until you interfere with them. In addition, if a spider descends on your shoulder, then know that soon guests will come to you. So live in peace, harmony and you will be happy.
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