How to get rid of mold in the subfloor of a wooden house?

Owners of wooden houses often face the problem of the formation of mold and fungus, which not only spoils the appearance of the structure, but can also harm human health. Especially often, the appearance of unpleasant spots can be observed in basements and cellars. In this article, we will share with you practical recommendations on how to get rid of mold in the subfloor of a wooden house and maintain the aesthetic appeal of the structure.

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Causes of fungus formation

Many people are faced with the appearance of fungus in the basement, but before you look for an effective way to get rid of the problem, you need to understand its root causes. For many years, people have been using the cellar to store perishable foods, as well as vegetable supplies for the winter. The coolness and darkness reigning in this part of the room contribute to an increase in the shelf life of products.

However, it is this part of the building that is characterized by increased humidity, which is caused by an increase in the level of groundwater and the accumulation of moisture under the influence of autumn showers. Together with the darkness and coolness, this factor contributes to the formation of whole colonies of fungal infection, which can manifest itself in the form of a gun and cotton-like threads of white color, lilac or silver-gray spots.

Also, one of the reasons for the appearance of mold is insufficient ventilation of the room. It is because of the improperly organized ventilation system that condensation droplets can form on the walls of the cellar, which become a prerequisite for the formation of fungus.

The main reasons for the appearance of the fungus in the subfloor of a wooden house include the following factors:

  • constantly increased humidity, which reaches 90%;
  • insufficient level of insulation of the seams;
  • lack of waterproofing;
  • low level of natural light;
  • lack of heating systems.
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What is mold dangerous?

The appearance of mold and fungus on the walls and other surfaces of the building not only spoils the appearance of the room, but also causes significant harm to the human body. In the process of their own vital activity, these formations release toxins harmful to humans, which are represented by a large number of spores.

Important! The main danger of fungal infection spores is their invisibility to the naked eye. At the initial stages, the mold does not look intimidating, however, having noticed the peeling of the walls and the appearance of black formations on the ceiling, it is urgent to begin disinfecting measures.

Doctors argue that prolonged contact with molds can trigger the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • increased irritability;
  • allergic reaction;
  • migraine;
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

Important! The greatest danger to mold is the health of young children whose respiratory organs did not have time to finally form. Kids are most susceptible to chronic diseases and allergic reactions, due to constant contact with fungal spores.

If you find the appearance of fungal infections on the walls, you must immediately take up their independent elimination or seek help from specialists of the corresponding service.

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Popular cellar mold control methods

For a long time, residents of private houses have been solving the problem of how to get rid of fungus in the cellar using copper sulfate, chlorine and lime. You can use these substances in several ways.

Method number 1:

  1. In a small amount of clean water, dilute an equal amount of slaked and bleach.
  2. Thoroughly mix the resulting composition.
  3. With the resulting solution, carefully treat the floor, walls and ceiling of the basement, which are affected by a fungal infection.

gribok-v-podvale-derevyannogo-domaMethod number 2:

  1. Prepare two small containers.
  2. In one of the bowls, dilute a small amount of copper sulfate with water.
  3. In the second tank, dilute the slaked lime.
  4. Combine the solutions - gradually pouring lime into the vitriol solution and constantly stirring the contents of the bowl.
  5. Treat the affected area with all the affected areas of the basement.

Important! Copper sulfate is a fairly toxic substance, and therefore, when using it, care should be taken about personal protection - wear a respirator, rubber gloves, a protective suit, a hat, etc.

Method number 3:

  1. In a bucket of water, prepare concentrated chlorine solution.
  2. The chemical composition is abundantly applied to the affected surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor of the basement.

Important! There are many household chemicals that include perchloric acid. Among the wide variety of funds that are popular today, there is Belizna, known to every mistress. When using chlorine-containing compounds, be sure to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, a respirator, etc.

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Removing fungus from wooden surfaces

Wood is one of the most popular natural materials that has long been used in construction. However, wood is very susceptible to decay and the formation of fungal infections, which is especially true in the absence of specialized surface treatment.

If the affected surfaces of your home are small, and the chance of re-infection is minimized, then you can use preventive methods to combat mold and fungus. They consist in processing wood with a protective solution.

You can make it in the following way:

  1. Fill a container with 10 liters of clean water.
  2. To prepare the solution, use 250 ml of formalin, concentration of 40%.
  3. To prevent the appearance of fungus, treat the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling with the resulting solution.
  4. After the substance has dried, repaint the wood or open the material with varnish.

Important! Re-infection with a fungal infection will not occur in the case of a well-designed ventilation system and high-quality waterproofing.

If the fungus has affected a sufficiently large area of ​​your building, then you will need to perform the following set of measures to get rid of mold in the underfloor of the wooden house and in its other rooms:

  • active heating of the room by means of hot air;
  • the use of specialized potent compounds that can be purchased at a hardware or hardware store;
  • major repairs, which involves the complete replacement of damaged wood panels and other building materials;
  • improvement of ventilation systems.
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Helpful hints:

  1. When processing the main surfaces of the room - floor, ceiling, walls, one should not forget about the shelves and cabinets, which can also be infected.
  2. Before starting disinfection, be sure to remove all the wooden elements of the interior and carry out their individual prophylaxis using a specialized solution.
  3. Remember that any section you missed may soon reduce all efforts to zero.
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In this article, we shared with you the most affordable and effective methods of how to get rid of mold in the subfloor of a wooden house or basement. We sincerely hope that such troubles will no longer bother your home.

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