How to remove cockroaches from the kitchen 🥝 how to poison efficiently and quickly in the house, means for fighting

Each of us faced the problem of cockroaches in your house, these small red insects are called Prussians. As soon as you notice them scurrying around your kitchen, bathroom, corridors, you wonder how to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home? Useful tips outlined in this article, we will help you solve this problem.
to contents ↑Cockroaches can't stand cleanliness
Prussians, they are red cockroaches - living things, and like everyone, they need some kind of food. If there is something to eat in the kitchen, cockroaches will always find a way to get to the feed base. Before starting regular combat actions against them, you need to give an objective assessment of the sanitary condition of your kitchen.
It will be at the proper level if you follow these rules:
- In the kitchen, in no case should there be any crumbs on the table. Clean all food in the refrigerator.
- Do not forget about the bin. If you do not want to take out the trash in the evening, then simply tie the container tightly with a lid.
- The floors must be kept in proper cleanliness - the obligatory wet cleaning every day and once a week, disinfection of the coating with at least vinegar will help you get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home.
- Prussians do not tolerate the smell of ammonia. Add a few drops of ammonia to a bucket of water and wash the floor with it.
What can be purchased in stores against the Prussians?
It’s easier to bring out cockroaches in the house, because they cannot run from apartment to apartment. You can conditionally divide all the funds that stores offer you into several categories:
- Aerosol insecticides, the most popular of them: “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Dichlorvos”, “Combat”.
- Gel, powder, pencil. The most effective of them are considered “Raptor”, “Brownie”, pencil “Mashenka”.
- Traps for combating cockroaches with Velcro “Combat”, Raid ”. In order to learn how to use them, read the instructions that are written on these very tools.
to contents ↑Important! To get an effective result, choose the means to remove the Prussians from the apartment at home, thus:
- If the Prussians host in your kitchen in small quantities, you can limit yourself only to a pencil, powder or gel.
- For instant extermination of a whole flock of insects, use an aerosol, spreading it directly to the location of the pests.
- Use traps in combination with other means - including for prevention after the complete extermination of insects at home.
What is more effective against the Prussians?
All available means for removing stasics have their advantages and disadvantages.
- An aerosol agent will remove all the cockroaches at home quickly enough. But after the treatment of the premises with insecticides is completed, be sure to leave the premises for at least one 1 day. Then carry out a thorough cleaning in the house, apartment.
- Traps are used for minor insect infestations. They go to the bait, the smell of which attracts cockroaches.But use this remedy with caution if your neighbors have a similar problem, since smelling an alluring aroma, pests can run from them to you through the ventilation passages.
- The most cardinal way is to call pest control services. But due to the high cost, the services of professionals are rarely ordered. Basically, if you need to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home, when their numbers are huge.
How to bring Prussians at home?
There are a fairly large number of people who are afraid, and also do not trust ready-made substances from cockroaches, so they want to learn how to get the Prussians out of the apartment without using special insecticides.
A proven folk remedy that you can use to fight the Prussians who crawl around your house or apartment.
You will need: boiled eggs, potatoes and also boric acid.
- Chop potatoes and eggs.
- Add boric acid and make small balls from the resulting porridge.
- Arrange poisonous balls in those places where insects crawl.
to contents ↑Important! Cockroaches, having eaten these balls, will perish over time. But using this method, make sure that your poisonous balls are inaccessible to children, as well as pets.
Step-by-step instructions for the extermination of cockroaches
If the pests are already so tired of you that you have decided to thoroughly approach the issue of their extermination, take appropriate measures. To do this, proceed in stages in this way.
Step 1. Understand the situation
Understand that cockroaches appear in the apartment for a reason. If they wound up and moreover, they actively multiply, which means that conditions suitable for them have been created.
Important! In an apartment, insects look like a human disease. In fact, cockroaches can be removed quickly and easily. But to prevent their reappearance in the room is much more difficult.
Cockroach breeding should begin with an assessment of the magnitude of the problems. At the same time, not in the apartment, but on the scale of the whole house.
Step 2. Chat with your neighbors
As a rule, it is from neighboring apartments that the infection of cockroaches begins. Therefore, go around at least 2-3 apartments with common walls. If you get into a rage - go around the whole house. Arrange with the tenants of other apartments to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home with common efforts and targeted integrated actions. So you will not leave a single chance pests.
Step 3. Eliminate the reasons for the settlement of cockroaches in your apartment
This is the most important task. Without its solution, even a powerful insecticide will work only for a short period of time. And by making the premises unacceptable for the life of cockroaches, you can ensure the removal of cockroaches at home without additional funds and measures.
What is required for this? Quite a bit:
- Remove leftover food in an inaccessible place, pack them in a plastic bag.
- It is important to limit insect access to food debris.
- Wipe the sinks and bath before going to bed - cockroaches require regular drinking.
- Thoroughly clean in bedside tables, sweep rubbish from under all the furniture.
Step 4. Destroy existing cockroaches
This stage is a step of actions, as well as a result. You can display cockroaches in different ways and at different times. And for each of the methods there are optimal means, as well as methods. We have already given you the information about some of them above. Now we give another 1 example of how to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home.
Freezing cockroaches is almost an ideal solution for those who live in the northern part of the hemisphere and for those who can organize a low indoor temperature lower than minus 8 degrees C without any risk to plumbing systems.
This operation is incredibly simple:
- Open all the windows in your room on a frosty day.
- Turn off all heaters.
- Leave your apartment to cool for half a day.
- If the frost on the street is lower than minus 12 C.
Important! To achieve the required temperature in the room, as well as the death of insects, it will take 5-6 hours. For reliability, freeze the apartment for 9-10 hours.
This method has many advantages - safety for people, as well as pets, 0 financial investments, simplicity. Only take care of aquariums and terrariums in advance.
But it has also disadvantages: in heated apartments, cold can lead to breakdown of radiators, pipes. At the same time, this method is not available to everyone and not all year round, and it is this that significantly limits its application.
Step 5. Make the apartment safe for all other residents
When using any poisonous drugs, take care of the safety of children, as well as pets. Despite the fact that a significant part of the insecticides against cockroaches that are sold on the market is not highly toxic, but they can still cause various disorders:
- allergies to skin;
- diarrhea, as well as vomiting when ingested inside the human body;
- individual reactions.
Rules for the use of funds in order to remove the Prussians from the apartment at home:
- Put products containing borax and boric acid in places where animals and children cannot reach them.
- When calling pest control services, carefully follow all their recommendations.
- As a rule, each remedy against the Prussians is sold with instructions, strict adherence to which guarantees a safe and harmless pest control.
Step 6. Do not let the cockroaches infiltrate your apartment again.
To prevent the re-emergence of cockroaches in your apartment, carefully monitor its cleanliness, as well as the sanitary condition. In addition, it will be useful to do the following:
- Install the nets on your air vents or brush them inside with a pencil against cockroaches.
- Lay out traps against cockroaches in the dressing rooms.
- Draw with a pencil stripes around the entire outer perimeter of the windows of your apartment.
- Give good and proven substance to your neighbors. But after that, be prepared for the fact that part of the cockroaches will try to escape already in the cleaned room - that is, in your apartment.
The best remedy for cockroaches
In the event that the standard methods of fighting cockroaches still did not help, or they only help for a short period of time, then it is time to try a better weapon against pests. In such a situation, pay attention to the microencapsulated drug for cockroaches “Lambda Zone”.
This is a new generation tool, which can be attributed to the most optimal today in terms of its effectiveness, safety for humans, as well as prices. Not for nothing that even professional disinfectants actively began to use it during work, although the drug is positioned specifically for domestic use.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that all our tips and tricks will help you in solving the above problem and you can get rid of the Prussians once and for all on your own.
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