How to get rid of an old mirror?

The mirror draws us to itself with magical power. This item is one of the most mystical and mysterious, many signs are associated with the mirror and it has a “memory” on a subtle level. How to get rid of an old mirror without harming yourself?

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What you need to know about mirrors?

How to get rid of an old mirror?Before you get rid of the mirror, it will not be superfluous to understand how significant a place it takes in your life, and why you can’t just take it to a landfill.

Fact No. 1

We look at this piece of furniture every day. Without it, we will not be able to put ourselves in order, comb our hair, pick up clothes. However, looking in the mirror, we see not only our reflection, but also the reflection of the inner world and soul.

Important! If several people use the same mirror, then without wanting it, they “climb into the soul” of each other, only at a higher level. We can intercept the negative emotions, illnesses of our “neighbor in the mirror”. Therefore, when conducting daily morning routines, it is advisable for each family member to have their own mirror. No one can borrow his own mirror in order not to harm his biofield. Ancestors believed that this could lead to the evil eye.

Fact No. 2

The shape of the mirror also greatly affects a person with the help of its radiating energy. Looking into a mirror surface suitable for you in energy, you will replenish your internal forces without much effort and vice versa. Therefore, remember:

  1. For zodiac signs, whose element is Water and Earth, round, oval or square shapes of mirrors are suitable.
  2. For signs with the elements Water or Fire, the rectangular, but not square, shape of the mirror is favorable.
  3. Rectangular mirrors are also suitable for “Air” signs.
  4. The interior in the form of an arch is closer to the energy of Water, a triangular shape suits people whose element is Fire or Earth.

Important! Mirrors in public places are extremely dangerous. Therefore, when you come to the cinema or somewhere else, where there is a large crowd of people, do not look in the mirror, but use your pocket accessory.

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How to get rid of a mirror?

If for any reason you need to get rid of the old mirror, then remember - in no case should this item be thrown into the trash like ordinary garbage, as the old accessory is the “double” of its owner. If you just break it, then you can harm the owner himself. We offer several options for safe disposal of old mirrors.

Option number 1. Bury

This is one of the fastest ways:

  1. Take an old piece of furniture, wrap it in black opaque fabric or paper.
  2. Take it to the forest (not in the trash!).
  3. Bury the item under the tree (only not under the aspen).

Important! Perform the above procedure with love.

Option number 2. Clear of energy

Since mirrors store all the information about their owners in themselves, so before you say goodbye to him, clear the “double” from this very information:

  1. Bury the item for 3 days in the ground so that in the pit it is located with the mirror side up.
  2. After 3 days, the mirror surface will be “clean” and you can throw out the “double” with a calm soul.

You can clean the “double” with water, but in this case it is advisable to take running water:

  1. Remove the accessory.
  2. Put it under running water, which will erase all the information.
  3. Leave the accessory near the front door, pre-packing it in a bag or paper, maybe some of the neighbors will need it.

Option number 3. Holy water rite

This method works for sure and you can absolutely safely get rid of the old mirror. But for its implementation, you will need holy water - you can get it in a nearby church.

Before throwing the “double”, perform a ceremony:

  1. Sprinkle the mirror surface with holy water.
  2. Cross with a candle, mentally say goodbye to him and thank you for your faithful service.
  3. Wrap the item in paper or cellophane and take it out to the dumpster with a calm soul.

Option number 4. Clarification salt

How to get rid of an old mirror?Another more accessible and simple way is to get rid of the old mirror without harming yourself and your loved ones:

  1. Wrap the accessory in a dense fabric of dark color.
  2. Carefully remove from home.
  3. Place next to the trash can.
  4. Pour salt on a mirror surface (three pinches), as well as on the place where you put it.

Important! Such a ritual can remove your energy from the mirror surface.

Option number 5. Sale

If you do not want to throw away the old mirror, then having cleared it of information using the options indicated above, place an advertisement for the sale of mirrors on the Internet: indicate the sizes, cost, and you can attach a photo. Perhaps your old accessory will interest visitors to different sites.

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Additional rules

Whatever option you choose to get rid of the old mirror, there are rules that you must adhere to:

  • you can not throw the “double” on the full moon or on the growing moon - this procedure can be carried out only on the waning moon;
  • carry this piece of furniture only by yourself;
  • if the dimensions do not allow you to do this yourself, then wrap the mirror surface in a dark cloth and leave it for several days;
  • treat the place where your mirror was before with Thursday salt (three pinches) and for 7 days light a church candle in this place;
  • install a new accessory in place of the old one only after a week to completely say goodbye to the “double”.
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Useful Tips:

In everyday life, we recommend that you carefully treat mirrors and follow a few rules when using them:

  • you can’t eat if you see yourself in the mirror;
  • it is not recommended to look at a mirror surface for a child up to a year so that he grows up healthy and happy;
  • you can not sit with your back to the mirror - this can lead to loss of strength and to illness;
  • if a person is sick, then it is undesirable to see his reflection;
  • it is better to get rid of the subject of decor, on which the stains and smudges appeared, as it becomes a source of negative energy and ceases to radiate positive;
  • the sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror, as he is most vulnerable at the time of sleep;
  • in no case do you look at the broken mirror surface, as your subconscious mind can get information that your personality is broken;
  • do not place such a piece of furniture opposite the front door, since the positive energy of the house will be reflected and dissipated in the surrounding space;
  • immediately throw away broken and cracked products, their presence in the house is unacceptable;
  • the presence of mirrors in the house should be in moderation.
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The mirror is a very important element of the interior in the house. Use it wisely so that this marvelous item protects you for many years, and if you decide to replace this decor with a new one, do it wisely.

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