How to get rid of cockroaches?

Cockroaches are the most unwanted guests in any apartment or house. Although they, eating up our scraps, make some contribution to the cleaning of the home, but the attitude towards them is still invariably negative. Therefore, each person, having found an uninvited guest in the kitchen, asks the question: how to get rid of cockroaches?
to contents ↑How to get cockroaches?
The fight against cockroaches has been going on since ancient times. The owners of apartments cannot tolerate the neighborhood, not only because of a sense of disgust and hostility, but also because insects are carriers of various diseases, can cause significant harm to the health of everyone living in the house. And if there are small children in the house, then out of curiosity they can catch an insect and even taste it - this is clearly unlikely anyone will like it.
Choose the right tool
To choose an effective remedy for cockroaches is not difficult today, since due to the high competition in the household chemicals market, manufacturers are literally forced to produce the most effective and really powerful drugs. In each case, the best remedy for cockroaches will be different, because it all depends on the contamination of the apartment and the needs of the owners themselves.
Therefore, a suitable quality remedy for cockroaches must be selected according to the following set of criteria:
- Effectiveness is the most important criterion, because if the tool is not effective, then, despite its availability and ease of use, as well as safety for people, it simply does not make sense to acquire it. A striking example of such a tool is an ultrasonic repeller. Everything is fine in the device, but it will not help to get rid of cockroaches really.
- Performance means. Although this criterion is ambiguous, but some buyers purchase products based on it. Some of the consumers need to etch the Prusaks in one day in order to immediately clean the room, but some of the buyers are not critical, and he is ready to carry out the destruction gradually, slowly.
- Security. Even the most effective remedy for cockroaches will be inapplicable and unacceptable if for its use it is necessary to wear not just ordinary respirators, but to put on chemical protection suits and gas masks.
- Ease of use. Very often it is this criterion that is central to the choice of remedy. Agree, than a week to track all the movements of cockroaches around the apartment and half a day to make and sculpt poisoned baits, laying them along insect paths, where it is easier to spray aerosol in the apartment and achieve the desired result.
- Price. Very often, an effective and fast-acting cockroach remedy, acquired in an amount that can destroy parasites throughout the house, costs about the same as the challenge of a professional disinsection team.
Features of chemicals
When choosing a particular remedy specifically for your situation, consider the general disadvantages inherent in chemicals:
- After processing, the cockroaches do not disappear completely, but more often they simply become smaller.
- Bad smell after disinsection, for example, from dichlorvos, karbofos and other chemicals.
- Chemicals are often dangerous and destructive not only for insects, but also for the health of animals and people living in the house.Pairs of pesticides significantly weaken the immune system and lead to a decrease in the body's ability to deal with the harmful effects of the environment.
to contents ↑Important! Dry in structure pesticides are dangerous if they enter the human mucosa.
Cockroach fight
So that the fight against cockroaches does not turn into a battle for survival, before applying this or that method of getting rid, familiarize yourself with the main features of insects and take them into account when applying this or that method.
The main features of cockroaches:
- For insects, water is much more important than food. As soon as the apartment plunges into darkness, cockroaches first of all look for a source of water. It can be a drop on the floor, in the sink or toilet, and if the insect eats poison, but has time to drink water, it will not die.
- Cockroaches are incredibly curious. Small insects explore all the objects of interest to them with their antennae.
- Insects are not able to warn their relatives about the danger. Returning to the nest, an infected cockroach exterminates the entire population.
- Prusaks are incredibly resistant to physical damage. In order for a cockroach to die, it is necessary not only to slam it, but to smear it in the literal sense of the word. Otherwise, the pest, having found a source of water, will come to life again and even produce offspring.
- The most terrible poison for cockroaches is boric acid. In addition to the immediate death of the insect, boric acid causes indescribable flour in it. The whole body of a cockroach is covered by hellish itching. Poisoned by acid, even the surviving cockroach will leave the site of infection as far as possible so as never to return there.
Given all the features of the Prussians, you can come up with several ways to destroy cockroaches.
Method number 1
Sprinkle all sources of water with boric acid powder, including the bathroom, toilet, and sinks. Use plinths, vents, a bin and all other places that may be the habitat of insects.
Boric acid is harmless not only to humans, but also to domestic animals. Therefore, do not spare it and boldly pour acid on all surfaces.
Important! To process the entire apartment to get rid of cockroaches, you will need about 100 g of boric acid, so this is one of the cheapest and most effective ways.
Method number 2
Using the natural curiosity of insects, prepare a treat for them:
- Mix 1 egg raw yolk and 50 g of boric acid.
- Mix the ingredients until a thick slurry is formed.
- Slip a few small balls (1 cm in diameter) from the prepared product.
- Let the cooked treat dry for about an hour.
Throw balls in prominent places in the apartment, especially in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.
Important! Scattering the balls, select those places that are best seen from the point of view of the cockroach: these are the surfaces of cabinets, shelves, window sills, etc. During the day, remove the balls so that they do not accidentally step on them, and put them back at night, because night is the most active time for insects, which means getting rid of cockroaches will be easier at this time of day. Especially if your methods are passive, and not associated with a long wait for the enemy “on the warpath”.
Helpful hints:
- For prophylaxis, occasionally treat boron acid powder with air vents so that cockroaches do not run across from your neighbors.
- Before you start a fight with cockroaches, carefully prepare yourself:
- Wash all cabinets and cabinets in the kitchen thoroughly using a detergent, and then dry thoroughly.
- Pack all dry foods in plastic bags to get rid of odors.
- Pack all napkins and soft paper in plastic bags.
- Dry the table and sink.
- Close ventilation openings and crevices so that unwanted guests do not appear.
- Throw away the trash.
How to poison cockroaches?
To date, the best way to get rid of cockroaches is to treat the premises with insecticides. This method provides a quick result, as well as the possibility of applying it anytime, anywhere. We will introduce you to the most famous chemicals that are the least dangerous to humans.
Cockroach Gels
By combining their properties, the most optimal insect repellent are gels, as they have the following advantages:
- Inexpensive.
- Very effective.
- Low hazard.
- The product does not contain fats, so after removing it with a damp cloth, no stains remain on the surface.
- Do not require temporary evacuation of residents.
- Easy to use.
Important! Insecticidal gel is a fairly powerful remedy for cockroaches, as it immediately enters the digestive tract. The gels have an attractive smell, so pests run off to them much more readily than even left crumbs of bread.
Special poisonous gels are sold in large syringes and immediately ready for use: apply the poisonous product in small droplets onto the baseboard around the entire perimeter of the treated room with a distance of 10 cm between the droplets.
Important! With this method of processing, cockroaches will disappear in 3-7 days.
The following gel brands are most popular and known:
- Storm gel paste. The composition of the drug includes two insecticidal components of various nature, so this tool is universal.
- Gel Fas. The effective drug is available in tubes of 75 ml.
- Gel Globol. Successfully destroys cockroaches even with severe infection of the apartment. One drop of funds is enough to destroy 500 individuals. The German super-product is available in a 100g tube. The only drawback is the high price.
Important! Gels are practically safe for children and animals, since they contain special bitterness, which, if they get into the tongue of a pet or child, will make them spit for a long time and never again collect drops from the floor.
Use the gel in cases where you plan to fight the Prussians gradually, without removing the tenants from the apartment. It is in these situations that gels are preferable to pencils, dusts and much more effective than traps.
Aerosols are the most effective remedies for cockroaches, which are based on powerful insecticides. The main advantage of aerosols is the speed and high speed of insect damage.
Important! If the pest can think whether it has bait or not, then it cannot categorically not breathe, namely with air and the poisonous substance of the aerosol penetrates into its lungs. Professional pest control products are based on aerosol properties.
Aerosol preparations have a number of advantages and distinctive features:
- Lack of smell. Aerosols are either odorless or have a pleasant aroma for humans.
- Do not require special equipment. The product is sprayed either from the bottle in which the product is sold, or from a bottle designed for ordinary detergent with a spray.
- Are safe. If you use the drug in compliance with safety precautions, then this will not bring any harm to health.
It should be remembered that for the treatment of the room with a spray, the following conditions must be met:
- Remove all animals and people from the room.
- After processing the apartment, close it for several hours, then carefully ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.
The most famous and popular aerosols from cockroaches are:
- Raptor. Effective remedy for all insects. Sold in convenient cylinders.
- Raid. Effective insecticide, well-publicized and holds the leading position in the market.
- Combat Korean insect repellent. It has the smell of mint or lemon. It is a kind of air freshener with the function of exterminating insects.
- Get. High-quality and reliable remedy for cockroaches, but unfortunately, today is actively faked.
- Sinusan.Professional pest control. Very effective and allows you to quickly get rid of cockroaches in 1 treatment, but it is extremely poisonous. Only employees of pest control services can purchase it, but it is not available on free sale.
- Tetrix. The most powerful remedy for cockroaches, but has a number of disadvantages. It has an unpleasant odor and is very toxic. Use it with extreme caution. The drug is used mainly by special teams.
Important! When choosing which effective remedy for cockroaches to get, evaluate the extent of the problem. If there are 1-2 Prusaks in the house, then you should not buy Get or Raptor, and if there are insect infestations in the house, then get the most powerful of all available.
Traps are the safest method for controlling insects for humans and pets. In addition, they are easy to use, have a low price and do not require effort and time for disinfestation. Traps are small round boxes with several insect entrances. Inside the box is poison, which the cockroaches themselves carry to their brethren.
The box has special Velcro and you can attach it anywhere.
Important! The most effective to date are Raid, Combat and Raptor.
Traps are made of cardboard or plastic. Plastic devices are distinguished by both greater durability and higher price.
Used to destroy cockroaches and traps of a different type - cardboard houses, sticky inside. An attractive bait for cockroaches is placed in the center of the house. The insect heads towards it and sticks, staying there forever. Following the first cockroaches, new relatives come in, since the transmission of information from insects is completely absent. Thus, the entire colony of the Prussians is exterminated.
Important! Make a simple trap yourself. To do this, you need a half liter jar, vegetable oil and honey. Put a little honey on the bottom of the jar, and coat the inner walls of the container with vegetable oil. Leave the jar for the night in the kitchen, and in the morning, gathered in a container of cockroaches, shake out the toilet.
Sticky houses are absolutely harmless to both humans and animals. When choosing this device, the manufacturer does not matter. All boxes are effective, and cockroaches stick in any houses.
Crayons (pencils)
When used correctly, crayons can also be quite effective. Once a week, use special crayons (pencils) to process plinths, crevices and other surfaces, and in a month the Prussians will disappear from your home.
to contents ↑Important! The most popular crayons are “Mashenka” and “Titanic”.
Folk remedies for cockroaches
Our grandmothers also poisoned cockroaches in the following way:
- Mix mashed potatoes with one boiled egg.
- Add a few drops of boric acid to the treat.
- Roll the balls.
- Dry the balls in the sun or battery until they dry completely.
- Scatter the bait in all corners.
to contents ↑Important! A very effective way to get rid of cockroaches is to freeze the apartment or house. Adult individuals and larvae of all species die when the temperature drops below -8 C. This method is absolutely safe, and most importantly - free, so that residents of most CIS countries in winter can use this method.
Cockroach Prophylaxis
The most effective way to get rid of all pests is to restore complete cleanliness and maintenance of the apartment in order. In order to create intolerable conditions for the life of cockroaches:
- Make sure that no open food is left in the premises. Hide all food leftovers in the refrigerator or pack them in jars, dense plastic bags.
- Thoroughly wipe all work surfaces on which crumbs, drops of meat or oil, and spilled drinks can remain.
- Dry all sinks, the bathroom, and utensils. With no access to water, the Prussians will immediately leave your home.
- Get rid of the emerging insect shelter places: cracked skirting boards, peeling off wallpaper, cracks in the floor, etc.
- Ventilate the rooms regularly.
Stock footage
All the ways in which you can get rid of cockroaches will destroy them, as they say, here and now. But none of the methods and none of the chemical agents guarantees that in a week or a month pests will not appear again. Therefore, to get rid of cockroaches once and for all, apply the above methods in combination with preventive methods and general improvement of the apartment.
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