How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers

The sworn enemy of all gardeners is aphids. This insect is a lot of trouble, and sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of it. Aphids literally sucks the juices from the plant, while it releases toxic substances and is the carrier of more than 100 different viral diseases. How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers without the use of pesticides, we will describe in this article.

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What is the danger of aphids for indoor plants?

This insect leads a sedentary lifestyle, sitting on the underside of leaves or covering young shoots. With its proboscis, the aphid punctures the epidermis cells of leaves, petals, shoots, buds and sucks out the cellular juice. Damaged leaves deform, dry out and curl. The buds, not dissolving, fall off.

How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowersExcessive juice, the so-called “honey dew," which accumulates on the plant where the sooty fungus can settle, exudes aphids outside. It will not only spoil the appearance of the plant, but also slow down the processes of respiration and photosynthesis. With severe damage, the plant may die at all.

Important! If aphid has appeared on a plant, then its companions - ants - will appear behind it, and vice versa, if ants have entered the house, aphids will soon appear. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first inhabitants, immediately choose the method that suits you to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers.

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How to prevent the appearance of aphids?

To prevent a harmful insect from appearing, take preventative measures:

  1. Constantly monitor the condition of indoor plants. Pay particular attention to weakened and diseased colors.
  2. Do not allow the spread of ants in the house, as these insects look after colonies of aphids, protect them, thereby contributing to the spread of other plants.
  3. After airing the flowers on the street, be sure to inspect them, as the aphid can not only fly from the street from the affected plants, but also get on the flowers during ventilation.
  4. Keep the newly acquired plants quarantined for a week. It is better to transplant them immediately into a fresh, disinfected soil, as aphids and other pests can be in the greenhouse section.
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How to get rid of aphids at home?

Systematic preventive measures, as well as the timely fight against aphids on indoor flowers, will allow you to grow healthy and strong plants.

If the aphids are slightly affected, indoor plants should be washed regularly in the shower. Perform the same procedure after pruning a heavily affected flower.

We also suggest using the following folk remedies to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers.

Water tincture of shag or tobacco

Very effective against aphids. Stir 40 g of tobacco in 1 liter of water and leave for 24 hours, spray the plant with tobacco infusion.

Garlic tincture

In 1 liter, stir 30 g of chopped garlic and leave for a day. Process the flowers from the spray gun.


15-20 g chopped onions, pour 1 liter of water, clog the container, and let it brew for 7 hours. Onion infusion is used to spray indoor flowers. This tool will save plants not only from aphids, but also from spider mites.


To prepare the infusion, take 300 g of fresh or 100 g of dried raw materials, dilute 1 liter of water. Infuse the mixture throughout the day.Use the spray solution. This tool will also help get rid of false shields and thrips.

Tomato Tops

Tomato foliage is effective and completely safe for both people and animals, will help get rid of aphids on indoor flowers. Grind the plant mass and add water at the rate of 400 g per 1 liter. Boil the solution for up to 30 minutes. Before use, add 4 g per 1 liter of soap to the infusion. Use also for spraying.

Citrus tincture

This remedy for aphids on indoor plants will not only help get rid of this pest, but also fill the room with a pleasant aroma. In 1 liter of warm water, add 100 g of dried citrus peels, leave the mixture in a warm place for 3 days, and then use to spray the flowers.

Infusion of red hot pepper

How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowersTo prepare an effective remedy for aphids on indoor plants, take 5-6 medium-sized pepper pods, chop them and pour 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for about an hour, then let it stand for 1 day. For processing, dilute 10 g of filtered solution in 1 liter of water. For greater effectiveness, add soap.


These plants need to be completely cut off during flowering and dried. Place cut flowers, leaves and stems in an enameled bowl, pour 1 liter of warm water and insist for 2 days. Strain the solution and add ½ tbsp. laundry soap. With the prepared solution, treat the affected plants.

White mustard

Dilute 10 g of powder from mustard seeds in 1 liter of water and insist for 48 hours, then filter. To process 150-200 ml of concentrate, dilute in 850 ml of water. With this solution, spray the affected aphids of the plant.

Coniferous infusion

50 g of pine or spruce needles, pour 2 liters of water, insist in a dark place for 1 week. Dilute the resulting concentrate with water in a ratio of 1: 7 and treat the plant.

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Other remedies for aphids on indoor plants

The fight against aphids on indoor flowers with oil-based preparations is also popular among gardeners. They are non-toxic, completely harmless to humans and environmentally friendly. These products are sprayed evenly so that a film forms on the surface of the sheet. Make sure that the drug does not fall on the buds and flowers, as they can stick together and wither.

If you decide to use chemicals from aphids, then they are also enough in specialized stores. The most popular among them:

  • Karate;
  • Decis;
  • Inta-Vir;
  • Actellie
  • Arriva
  • Neoron
  • Actara.

Important! They must be used in accordance with the instructions. These drugs are low toxic and non-volatile.

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Helpful hints:

  1. The sworn enemy of the aphids is a ladybug, so that a pest pest does not appear, get a cute bug.
  2. If one of your indoor plants is heavily infected with aphids and no means are working, then get rid of the diseased flower immediately to save the rest of the plants.
  3. If a smoker lives in the house, then ask him to help in the fight. Put the infected plant in a plastic bag and ask the smoker to blow smoke there, after which tie the bag and leave it overnight. After 1-2 procedures, the aphid will die.
  4. For indoor plants, the neighborhood with fragrant pelargonium is very useful. She repels pests.
  5. To prevent infection of aphids, you can use flea shampoo. Dissolve one cap of the product in 0.5 l of water. With this solution, spray the plant from a spray bottle.
  6. Wash infected plants with a solution of green potash soap. Dissolve a grated bar of soap in 1 liter of water and rinse the affected plant.

Important! To prevent the solution of green soap from entering the soil, cover the soil with plastic wrap.

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Regular use of the above simple and affordable means in combination with water procedures, as well as prevention, will save you and your pets from an annoying pest.

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