How to get rid of hand hair?

How to get rid of hand hair? - Many people go to this beauty salon with this important issue and are faced with the fact that the laser hair removal and photoepilation procedure, which needs to be done more than once, is far from cheap. Over time, many people come to the idea of ​​how to remove the hair on their hands at home. We will tell you what methods can be applied and how to get rid of the hair on your hands correctly and efficiently.

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How to get rid of hand hair?

How to get rid of hand hair?You must immediately come to terms with the idea that no procedure will help you remove the hair on your hands forever, because this is how our body works. You can reduce the thickness of the hair, make it much lighter and more inconspicuous, remove it for a while. There are a large number of ways to remove hair from the body and we will tell you about the most effective of them.

Method 1

This method is really effective and has been tried more than once. For it, you will need components such as:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice.

This is a method for getting rid of excess body hair, which has the popular name today “Shugaring”, has long been used in southern countries. In order to use it you need to do this:

  1. Dissolve sugar in water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Add lemon juice to the mixture of sugar and water.
  3. Boil everything together.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture.
  5. Roll the balls out of the mixture.
  6. Put balls on problem areas of hands.
  7. Take pieces of cotton cloth.
  8. Lay the pieces of fabric on top of the balls.
  9. Remove the hairs.

Important! Before the procedure, you need to degrease the skin with talcum powder.

Method 2

This method helps to get rid of hair for a very long time, and some forever. The hair on the hands is removed quite softly and efficiently. To use this method, you need to do this:

  1. Take the dope root - and boil it in one liter of water.
  2. Cool the broth.
  3. Take a piece of natural fabric.
  4. Soak the cloth in a decoction.
  5. Wipe the skin of the hands with a cloth soaked in broth twice a day for two weeks.

Important! Before using this method on the entire surface of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to apply the prepared mixture to a small area of ​​the skin. This is done in order to check if you will have an allergic reaction to the dope decoction.

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What else to remove hair on your hands?

If you are looking for the cheapest but effective ways to remove unwanted hair on your hands, try the methods below.

Option 1

A method that is considered quite effective and low cost. You can find the necessary components in your home medicine cabinet or in the nearest pharmacy. You can get rid of hair this way:

  1. Mix 1.5 g of iodine with 5 g of castor oil.
  2. Add 50g of alcohol.
  3. Pour 2g of ammonia into the resulting mixture.
  4. Leave the prepared solution for several hours until completely discolored.
  5. Lubricate the hair on the hands with the mixture twice a day (morning and evening) for three to four weeks.

Important! Observe the correct proportions and with this method you can get rid of hair forever.

Option 2

How to get rid of hand hair?This method will take you a considerable amount of time, but it will please you with the result:

  1. Take fresh nettle seeds.
  2. Grind the nettle seeds in a coffee grinder.
  3. Mix the powder with vegetable oil.
  4. Insist for a month.
  5. Filter the mixture.
  6. Wipe the hair on the hands with the prepared compound for three weeks.

Important! The composition of nettle seeds includes chemicals that destroy hair follicles, and using this method you will very likely solve the problem of how to get rid of hair on your hands forever.

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How to quickly remove hair?

If you are not an adherent of long methods of dealing with problems that have come upon you, then at home you can use chemical methods. They are also used in all beauty salons to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the hands.

Method 1

This method is quite affordable and of high quality. For it you will need wax for depilation. Work with him like this:

  1. Buy quality wax from a well-established brand.
  2. Preheat the amount of wax you need.
  3. Apply pre-warmed mass to the skin of the hands.
  4. Allow the wax to cool on the work surface.
  5. Tear off wax against hair growth. It will be more convenient to do this if you put a tape of soft thin cotton fabric on top of the sticky mass.

Important! The method is quite simple to use, but you need to prepare yourself for the fact that it is quite painful. If you use wax to remove hair on your legs, then you need to take into account the fact that doctors do not recommend it for problems with vessels.

Method 2

This method is completely painless and at the same time, it is considered the most effective of all proposed above. Hair is removed in this case with a special cream. Before using the depilation cream, you need to check the reaction of your skin to the tolerance of its components. Apply a small amount to a specific area of ​​the hand and make sure that you can work with it further.

Perform the procedure as follows:

  1. Take depilation cream. Choose only quality products!
  2. Apply it evenly on the skin of the hands.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the cream with the remnants of hair from the skin.

Important! Modern cosmetology provides us with an extensive selection of depilation creams that can be used for different zones and body parts. We will provide you with a list of products of different brands that enjoy good reviews:

  • Caramel;
  • Red line;
  • Avon
  • Veet
  • Cliven;
  • Eveline
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Useful Tips

All chemicals have contraindications. Be sure to read the instructions before using any chemical product that you have in mind to solve the problem of how to get rid of hand hair.

There are a number of contraindications when they cannot be used at all:

  • Do not use on mucous membranes and around the eyes;
  • In no case do not use a depilation cream for malignant tumors on the skin;
  • Do not apply to wounds, cuts and scratches;
  • It is contraindicated to use the cream during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Do not use the remedy for skin diseases;
  • An individual intolerance to the composition of the components is considered a contraindication.
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We told you how to get rid of hair on your hands with the right and affordable methods. Follow our tips and be always compelling!

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