How to get rid of the stench if the washing machine smells damp
Modern housewives rarely resort to hand washing, because there are units that cope with stains, ideally rinse and dry clothes. Sometimes the technique starts to produce an unpleasant aroma and you have to spend money on the services of a master, but you can do without it. There are many reasons why there is a smell in the washing machine. How to get rid of it depends on the localization.
Common causes of stench
The stink can appear regardless of how carefully the hostess handles the equipment. Typical causes of rotten and sour odors coming from a washing machine:
- Poor powder or rinse aid. Fragrances are added to the detergents and rinses, but if they are not of the best quality, the particles settle on the walls and eventually begin to smell disgusting. When choosing a powder or conditioner, you should not save.
- Excessive amount of detergent. If you pour and pour more powder or conditioner each time than necessary, excess that does not dissolve accumulates inside the machine. As a result, an amber comes from the drum, giving away a swamp or rotten meat.
- Dirty tray. After each use, the baths for washing and rinsing agents must be washed well, otherwise the appearance of an unpleasant odor is inevitable. In this case, the stench is not related to the quality of the substance, just mold forms on the walls of the tray. This is one of the reasons why the washing machine can stink with damp.
- Dirt on the channel through which detergents are supplied to the unit. It is not difficult to rinse the tray, but housewives usually do not look further, and it is difficult to consider the condition of the canal. To see the mold and the remnants of the detergent, you have to shine a flashlight. First you need to carefully remove the bath. A flexible brush is used to remove dirt. The problem does not occur if you wash the tray each time. If you can’t get the mold out yourself, it’s best not to experiment and call the wizard or take the washer to a service center.
- Clogged drain filter. The purpose of the filter barrier is to retain foreign particles and debris. If you remove it, threads, pile, small buttons, matches and much more will fall into the sewer, which will lead to its clogging. The filter must be cleaned at least once every six months, otherwise it will clog, after which the washing machine will stink. Cleaning is also necessary because a blockage prevents the water from flowing into the hole, and at some point the drain will be completely blocked.
Less common problems
The residual water in the car cannot be attributed to the common causes of unpleasant odors, but still such a problem occurs. Mistresses who are careless about the unit do not look into it after washing, and this must be done. Some water may remain at the bottom, and after a few washes it will be difficult to get rid of the smell. The cause of fluid stagnation is an improperly connected drain hose or a pump problem. It is best to contact the master as soon as possible. Other factors causing the appearance of a rotten smell:
- Silted hose. Old hoses are made of materials to which foreign particles stick easily. After 2-3 years of operation, the walls are already covered with a thick layer of dirt, which exudes stench.You can try to remove plaque on your own by turning on the unit in maximum temperature mode, only without laundry. If it does not help, it remains to replace the hose.
- A raid on the heating element. A layer of dirt on the heating element is often called scale. In fact, these are villi, particles of dust and detergents, and sometimes impurities that are contained in tap water are added to them. Over time, a fairly thick layer of plaque forms, and the descaler does not help here. The smell of silted mud appears if the machine is rarely used or washed mainly at low speeds. If washing is carried out at high temperature, the smell of burning feathers, burnt wool or paper may be felt. In such cases, the hostesses call the masters in a panic, but it is better not to go to extremes and regularly carry out preventive measures. To avoid the formation of plaque on the heating element, washing with the addition of citric acid in water helps. If the machine manufacturer allows the use of chlorine-based bleaches, you can “wash” the water by adding a substance to it. The recommended temperature is 90–95 degrees.
- Old water pipes. If it smells not only from the typewriter, but also from the bathtub, sink and sink, then the reason is the unsatisfactory condition of the communal building communications. Not too clear water enters the unit, and particles settle on surfaces, gradually layering. The result is a bad smell. This problem cannot be eliminated on your own, you must either contact the management company or change your place of residence.
Cleaning in parts
To get rid of the musty amber, you need to act in a comprehensive manner. First they remove and unscrew everything that is possible. Then they begin to eliminate the smell in the washing machine. The order of processing parts:
- Flushing the powder bath. To get a tray, press the valve and in this position pull on themselves. The bath is poured with boiling water or immersed in it completely. After 2-3 minutes, mucus and mold are removed with a sponge or soft brush. The tray is soaked in Domestos or chlorine-containing bleach, after 2 hours they are removed, rinsed under running water and wiped with a cotton towel.
- Rubber compressor. In the space between the rubber band and the edges of the hatch, a lot of dirt usually accumulates. To remove it, use a toothbrush or rag dipped in vinegar.
- Filter. Contamination of this area can provoke the appearance of a disgusting aroma, cleaning is required. The filter is located on the back or side, depending on the model of the washing machine. They unscrew it, spreading a large piece of fabric, because dirty liquid will pour. The part is removed, cleaned, wiped and screwed into place.
- Drum. The interior of the machine is washed with a sponge dipped in a solution of detergent for plumbing. If you do not want to use household chemicals, you can wet a rag or sponge in vinegar - the effect will be about the same.
- Water supply filter. To remove it, you need to remove the hose through which the fluid enters the machine from the water supply. Unscrew the filter, rinse and put it back, then attach the hose.
If you process the parts in this order, the smell should disappear.
Removing the stench with home remedies
Before you try to get rid of the smell in the washing machine, you need to check if there is scale and how the hose connects to the drain. Lime deposits are deposited due to impurities that are present in hard water. It is recommended to remove this plaque once a month. They act in the following order:
- Wipe the machine from the inside with a damp cloth or rag.
- Set the mode with the highest possible temperature.
- Pour into a powder tray 4−5 tbsp. l vinegar.
- They collect water and pause the unit.
- After 25-30 minutes complete the cycle.
The next step is to check the drain and hose connections. The rubber tube must be curved in the shape of the letter U.The distance from the floor to the drain hole is 50 cm or less. If everything is so, but the car still smells bad, it’s worth using proven means. You won’t have to use everything in turn, just select the methods that seem most convenient.
Idle wash
This method helps when the washing machine starts to stink. This happens if clothes soaked in gasoline or kerosene are washed at low temperatures. It is a mistake to think that the ingrained oily particles will dissolve in the powder when the water is heated to 50-60 degrees. After several washes, a thin film is formed on the walls that exudes a stench. The nasty odor is eaten into the rest of the clothes and poorly weathered.
To get rid of the amber, they start an idle program. Water temperature - 90 degrees. One or two cycles should be enough for the repulsive aroma to stop coming from the drum. You also need to read the instructions: perhaps there is a special program designed specifically to eliminate unpleasant odors.
Soda, Citric Acid and Vinegar
Table vinegar is an effective tool for cleaning the drum. The liquid is used as follows: pour 2-3 tbsp. l into the drum, turn on the idle mode with a temperature of 90 degrees and wait for the end of the cycle. So you need to do it regularly, then there will be no scale, odors and germs inside.
Citric acid is used in the same way. 3 bags are dissolved in 3 l of water, the liquid is poured into the drum and turned on in a similar manner. Acid eliminates all types of odors, including rotten, moldy, marsh, putrid, burnt.
Soda is a good remedy that should be applied according to the situation. This substance eliminates water stone and odor arising from the fact that things are often washed at low temperatures. Here's how to proceed:
- pour 0.5 cups of soda into the drum;
- turn on the longest wash at the highest possible temperature;
- shortly before the end to put the unit on pause;
- in this form leave the machine for the night;
- complete the cycle in the morning.
Vitriol and household chemicals
Copper sulfate is used when there is a strong smell of mustiness, indicating the presence of fungus. Take 30 g of powder, pour into 1 liter of water and mix well. All places where mold is found are carefully rubbed with a rag soaked in a solution and left for several hours, preferably all night. In the morning, turn on the machine in quick wash mode, setting the temperature 30-40 degrees.
After the end of the cycle, dry areas where there were pollution, as well as all accessible surfaces, are wiped dry. The machine is left briefly with the door open for ventilation. If it was not possible to get rid of the smell with the help of improvised means, use household chemicals. Depending on the type of product, the methods of application differ:
- Limescale powder. According to the instructions, it is poured into the tray for the detergent. Launch a single wash, at the end of the wipe the unit dry.
- Napkin traps. Small items are put together with things at every wash. They collect on themselves particles of dye and pollution. After the end of the cycle, the drum retains a pleasant smell of freshness.
- Pills. You need to apply them in the idle cycle mode. It is enough to put the tablet inside, close the hatch and turn on the unit, setting the washing mode at 60 degrees. The tool removes dirt even from hard to reach places, and unpleasant amber is eliminated along with foreign particles.
Preventive measures
If, after applying all the methods, the stench has not completely disappeared, you must contact the workshop. Perhaps the reason lies in the poor condition of one of the internal parts that cannot be reached without special tools.
Do not experiment and try to completely disassemble the equipment: inept attempts will lead to the failure of the unit. The wizard will clean the parts, and if necessary, replace it. After that, you will need to maintain the product in a clean condition. Here's what you need to do:
- Flush the manhole door, rubber seals and drum once a year.
- Check filters regularly and remove accumulated dirt.
- Pour as much powder as needed according to the instructions, no more and no less.
- When washing is finished, leave the door and bath ajar.
- Once every 3 months, perform an idle cycle, setting the mode to 90 degrees.
- After washing, dry wipe the drum, seal and the inner surface of the door.
In rare cases, an unpleasant odor is caused by defects in the machine itself. There may be cracks or dents in the drum or pump in which dirt stagnates. In an incomprehensible situation, it is better to contact the workshop so that specialists fully check the unit.
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