How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?

If your favorite pet “walks by itself” in the apartment, then it is likely that your favorite place on the couch will be marked with a cat smell. Urine has the property of quickly absorbing into the material and exhaling an unpleasant odor as it dries. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch and how to prevent the occurrence of such a problem again.

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Why does the cat refuse the tray?

Before proceeding to a review of methods and means of eliminating an unpleasant odor, we will find out the reasons forcing the animal to defecate in inappropriate places. Having determined the reason, it will be easier for you to remove the smell of urine on the couch and, perhaps, you will be able to find mutual understanding with your pet so that from now on he does not repeat his leprosy.

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?Veterinarians and zoopsychologists name the following main causes of cats refusing a tray:

  1. Pet doesn’t like own toilet:
    • Cats like to exercise their physiological needs in a quiet environment. Some individuals do not like to share their “corner” with other feline representatives.
    • The tray may not fit the animal in size. Choose a tray 1.5 times the length of the cat, and place it in a secluded place.
    • Unfairly washed tray will be bypassed by your favorite. Cats are clean animals. Their sense of smell is much better than ours, so wash the detergent tray thoroughly and daily.
  1. An encroachment on the territory of unknown new objects or smells. Cats are very curious animals and they perceive the appearance of new unfamiliar objects or smells as an encroachment on their own territory. If your pet urinates on foreign objects, it means he reminds himself of himself as a “master" in the house.
  2. Behavioral problems: stress, anxiety, resentment. Feline individuals are very sensitive emotionally. A long absence of the owner, resentment, physical punishment, a change in the family routine can lead to the fact that the pet will defecate in the most inappropriate places. This type of problem requires a special approach. Cats really value a stable and even attitude towards them. Therefore, to normalize the behavior of the animal will take time and patience.
  3. Health problems. Some diseases of cats, especially those at an advanced age, lead to urination in the wrong place. To solve this problem, contact the veterinarian.
  4. Territory label. The purpose of this behavior is to attract individuals of the opposite sex, as well as to demonstrate their presence. To a greater extent, non-sterilized cats and non-neutered cats are prone to tags. The smell of cat tags is much stronger than the smell of ordinary urine, since it contains a specifically odorous secret. The most common solution is castrating the cat and sterilizing the cat, but this is inhumane. Therefore, what exactly you should do in such a situation, decide for yourself.

Important! The operation must be done as early as possible, since in the presence of sexual experience, the animal will remain in the habit of protecting its territory. You can solve the problem in another way - let the pet leave the house, then the tags will be outside the apartment.Another way to solve this problem is to show the cat who is the boss in the house. For this, all methods are good.

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How to remove the smell of cat urine from the couch?

Regardless of the reasons why your pet is crap in the wrong places, the sharp and strong smell of cat urine requires the fastest response. If the puddle is fresh, take a paper towel and try to remove the maximum amount of liquid. The less urine remains - the easier it is to remove the smell completely. The following remedies will help stop absorption.

Toilet paper, napkins, towels

To wet a stain of urine, fold the paper 6 times, a towel 4 times, since a too thin layer when soaking will stain your sofa even more. Use this method until the paper towels are almost dry after application. After that, it will be much easier for you to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch.

Blow dryer

Urgently bring furniture to a “dry” state will help the hairdryer. Drying time should not exceed 7 minutes of trouble-free operation, as the device may overheat.

Important! Do not hold the hair dryer too close to the material; this is unsafe.

Iron Drying

If there is no hairdryer at home, use an iron:

  1. Cover the stain with a dry cloth.
  2. Preheat the iron.
  3. For 5-6 minutes, iron the wet surface.

Important! Do not leave the iron motionless on the surface, as you may burn a hole in the sofa. Then you don’t have to solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch, but you will have to ask yourself whether it is possible to restore it, change the upholstery, or need to buy a new one.

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What to do next?

Cat urine, in addition to the unpleasant odor, has the property of leaving white stains, therefore, it is necessary not only to clean the surface of the sofa, but also to make it not inconvenient for the animal to arrange its toilet at the resting place of family members. Effective helpers in this matter.


  1. Prepare a solution: take 0.5 ml of vinegar in 0.5 liter of water.
  2. Soak rags in the solution and treat the contaminated surface.
  3. Dry better with a hairdryer.

Important! Use protective hand gloves when handling.

Lemon juice

Use fresh juice in the same way as vinegar. Acid will not only split the elements of cat urine, but also scare the cat away from this place with its smell. Sometimes it’s enough to put a piece of tissue, saturated with the smell of lemon, in a problem place so that the cat stops going there according to his needs.


  1. Add baking soda to the “crime scene”.
  2. Put a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the stain.
  3. Leave the soda mixture overnight, and rinse thoroughly in the morning.

Important! Please note that soda can leave a stain on the fabric.

Vodka or alcohol

This tool has become a salvation for many owners. Wipe the place of “accident” with undiluted vodka and the cat's aromas will disappear. Vodka is especially good at fighting fresh spots. The only minus is the alcoholic spirit in the apartment, thorough ventilation will help you get rid of it.

Laundry soap

This remedy is quite effective if the stain is fresh. Laundry soap contains glycerin, which breaks down uric acid crystals. Wipe the “crime scene” with soap and rinse with water.

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An effective remedy for the smell of urine on the couch

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?The use of flavors such as freshly ground coffee, asterisk, aroma bath salt, dried parsley, orange oil, tea tree, lime, is not a solution in itself. You only interrupt the smell a little bit. Homemade cat urine odor removal recipes contain several of the above components and are created experimentally. We offer the following recipe, prepared at home.

You will need:

  • vinegar;
  • water;
  • soda;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paper towels.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute 1 part vinegar in 4 parts water.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the stain.
  3. Cover with paper towels, thereby soaking them.
  4. Hold the towels for a couple of minutes, remove them.
  5. Sprinkle with soda.
  6. Dilute 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide in 1 tbsp. liquid for washing dishes.
  7. Rub the mixture with a brush.
  8. Clean up with a vacuum cleaner or a clean sponge.
  9. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Important! Check the reaction of fabric upholstery to the mixture in an inconspicuous area.

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What can not be used when removing cat urine?

To solve the problem of how to remove the smell of urine from cat tags, it is strongly recommended not to use chlorine-based products, since chlorine can have a negative effect not only on the surface being treated, but also on your health and the health of the animal. In addition, chlorine is poorly eroded from the apartment.

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Tools used by professionals to remove the smell of cat urine

The market is oversaturated with products to neutralize animal odors, but not all are effective in practice. Often, funds only mask the smell for a short time.

The most popular products designed to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch contain enzymes (enzymes) that not only destroy urine salt crystals, but also completely neutralize the smell.

Among Western manufacturers, the following products are reliable in combating cat smell:

  • “Urine Off”;
  • “Odor Kill & Stain Remover” by ATX;
  • “Just for cats Stain & Odor Remover” by Nature’s Miracle;
  • “Complete Pet Stain & Odor Remover” from 8 in1;
  • “Pet Stain & Odor Remover” by Hartz.

Important! The high quality of these drugs allows them to be used even on leather products.

Domestic products also receive praise from cattle breeders. Among the recommended remedies:

  • “DesoSan”;
  • “Zoosan”;
  • “Bio-G”.

Especially for upholstered furniture and carpets, the following products have been developed:

  • “Pet Stain & Odor” by Kirby home care;
  • "Zoovorsin";
  • “Cleansan”.

Important! When applying professional products, strictly follow the instructions. Use all of the above tools to handle the cat tray.

Regular washing of the tray, eliminating the causes of unpredictable behavior of pets, as well as timely processing of dirty places, will completely save you from the problem of how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch. Use the tips and recipes given in the article to deal with “home robbers”, and to make your house fragrant, put flower fragrances around the house or use various fresheners. For ill-bred cats, you can lay out pads with a citrus smell and let your apartment fill with pleasant aromas.

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