How to get rid of the smell of furniture?

How exciting and cool it is - having completed, finally, the repair, put new furniture into the house! And it’s simple - the new furniture, even without repair, is very pleased with its appearance, and certainly with improved functionality. However, here it is not complete without a fly in the ointment. How to get rid of the smell of furniture is the first question that arises for newly-made owners of headsets and sofas. If you are not a happy owner of natural wood products that exude a delicious aroma, then you still have to fight a little with the smell. And why?

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Why is the smell harmful and unpleasant?

The production of furniture from chipboard uses a lot of chemistry, as evidenced by amber, which is distributed throughout the apartment just an hour after the installation of products. These are formaldehydes, and phenols, and varnish. When gluing wood chips and pressing it, very toxic glue is used.

All this smells, spreads harmful, we can safely say - poisonous, trace elements in the air. If you don’t think about how to get rid of the smell of new furniture from particleboard in time, you can even get chronic diseases associated mainly with the human respiratory system. These harmful discharges into the air occur because usually in such furniture there are unclosed areas - side sections.


Important! If your furniture is solid wood, you do not need to think about the problem of how to get rid of the smell of new furniture in the apartment. This material is handled differently and therefore does no harm.

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Quickly remove unwanted aroma

We live in the 21st century, which means that enduring something when there is a lot of information around is no longer necessary. To learn how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, you can easily, simply “google” the question. Our distant ancestors could not get answers with such ease and they had to use someone else's experience or acquire their own (which most often happened). In this section of the article you will learn modern and folk ways of how to remove the smell from new furniture from chipboard.


At this stage of the development of mankind, we have in our arsenal a lot of devices in order to refresh the room - those that inject pleasant smells into the air. But all of them, according to experts, mixing with a specific “wood-shaving” aroma, do not give the desired effect, and sometimes even vice versa - reinforce the amber that you want to remove. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture in this case?

An ozonizer will come to the rescue - an expensive, high-quality device that removes the atmosphere in the house that is unnecessary for your nose and body. The mechanism works simply - it generates ozone from the air that it has around itself. Of course, without extremes.

Important! In a room full of chemicals, such a device will not cope, but in the apartment with new furniture - just the very thing. A few hours are enough for him and your apartment will have clean air. Just close all windows and doors before turning on the fixture.  


If for some reason you still do not want to spend money on such an expensive thing as an ozonizer, there is another easy way to eliminate the air damaged by new furniture. When a new headset does not even allow you to enter the house, how to get rid of the smell of upholstered furniture without an ozonizer?

Chipboard furniture manufacturers have taken care of a more affordable option - a special liquid to remove such “chipboard” miasms. Diluted according to the instructions, the product must be applied to the hard surface of the decor: a very thin film is formed, which prevents the smell from leaving.

Important! If people with preconditions for allergies live in the apartment, then it is better not to use the liquid.

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How to remove the smell from new furniture from chipboard folk methods?

Two of the above options justify their value by the speed of the result. However, the modern world is replete with lovers of everything natural, which, of course, is logical and explainable. In a clogged environment, I want to live at least a little, but more environmentally friendly. Therefore, folk recipes are sometimes very important. This section will help you get rid of the smell of new furniture in the apartment with the usual products available in every home.

Tea and salt

This is a fairly simple method, which is based on the ability of these two components to absorb any aromas. Salt has generally been used since ancient times to remove the smell of burning from stoves in villages. Need to:

  1. Mix the salt and tea you have already brewed with strong leaf tea.
  2. Pour the mixture into small containers.
  3. Arrange the containers around the apartment and a little on the shelves of the new headset.
  4. After the miasms disappear, remove the bowls.

Essential oils

Oils have been used to flavor everything that can be perfumed for centuries. This method is ideal for those who do not know how to get rid of the smell of upholstered furniture:

  1. Open all the elements of upholstered furniture and remove all the decorating parts - pillows, armrests and more.
  2. Arrange all this on the street or a balcony if it is well aired. (It is better to do this in the evening, in order to pick up in the morning. 9-10 hours are enough for airing).
  3. Collecting all the parts, put open jars of essential oils in the sofa and chairs (inside).

Important! If there are pets in the house, then this method is best not to apply. Cats really like to sit inside sofas and armchairs and they can spill the oil left there, which is fraught with greasy spots on the surfaces and too strong, long-lasting aroma. And this is a prerequisite for a headache and other unpleasant consequences on the part of your body.

Heaters or dehumidifiers

This is if your furniture exudes an aroma of damp, which means that it was not stored in a dry place. A heating device, if it is powerful, or a special drying device, can quickly heal your chambers from a musty smell. But do not dry the air so as not to dry the wood of the furniture.


Important! Upholstery of upholstered furniture should never be exposed to direct sunlight. You yourself will not understand when the fabric loses its color and becomes covered with white spots.


How to get rid of the smell of new furniture in this way? This method is suitable, again, for sofas and armchairs. Just like with essential oils: spread inside the crust of lemon and orange. You can also put them in vases on the shelves of the sideboard, on dressers and bedside tables - in general, on and in everything that you purchased.

Important! If you are a lover of coffee and cinnamon - these products are also there to protect against unpleasant amber. Instead of oils and crusts, spread these drugs; they are also able to eliminate unpleasant odors.

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We remove the smell from old furniture

Disinfect all surfaces with vinegar, and then apply all of the substances listed above - coffee, tea, salt, cinnamon, citruses. Perform these procedures one at a time.

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Choose the quality of the chipboard

We will not tell you that you need to pick it up there and smell it there.

Stage 1

It is enough to achieve an honest answer from the seller to the question: “In which country did this chipboard produce?” Products from Austrian and German chipboards are considered the most high-quality and environmentally friendly products. You put such furniture in the house, and the question of how to remove the smell from new furniture from chipboard is not at all a question.

CIS countries - an average level of quality, but China - the problem here is how to get rid of the smell of furniture, will manifest itself in all its glory.

Important! Do not take a word, strongly ask for certificates and confirming the country of manufacture of the paper. Why? At least because if you buy furniture for a children's room, you need to know the type of chipboard: E1 or E2. If children's furniture is made of E2 - the manufacturer is actually a criminal. Such furniture is poisonous to children.

Stage 2

When you have two, for example, a chest of drawers. You look at the price and you see that it is the same, the material has also gone about the same, and the seller claims that the first chest of drawers is Austrian and the second is Chinese. Where is the logic then? Chinese is always cheaper. Think in the right direction and demand quality certificates.

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Now all the secrets of wood shavings furniture are clear to you and you can safely go to the store to purchase what you need.

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