How to get rid of the smell of towels?

Each housewife strives to make her kitchen pleasant, tidy, and so that the smell of fragrant dishes always always hovered on it. Therefore, if you did not keep track of everyday textiles on time, then the problem of how to get rid of the smell of towels becomes urgent. A simple wash here often does not help, since all the ingrained amber has a specific origin. Typically, there are 2 problems - excess moisture or mold and fat. And if you don’t want to discard this item and replace it with a new one, the tips outlined in this article will help you get rid of the smell of kitchen towels.

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How to remove mold odor from a towel?

The smell of a damp towel used in the kitchen is quite unpleasant. Quite often, such an amber is caused by mold, which winds up in commonly used textiles.

Important! If there are no obvious signs of mold, just wash the kitchen towels in the washing machine separately at 90 degrees from the rest of the items. Better - 2 times.

But far from always such a treatment, even at high temperatures, solves the problem of how to get rid of the smell of towels. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the effect by suitable means, and this must be done correctly. To do this, such methods are suitable for you.

Washing towels with vinegar and soda:

  1. Load dirty towels inside the washing machine and start normal operation using the highest temperature. Add approximately 1 tbsp. white vinegar and as much baking soda.
  2. After waiting for the towels to absorb water with vinegar and soda, stop the cycle - do not completely turn it off, but pause it.
  3. Wait 1 hour for the fabric to thoroughly absorb the solution that removes unpleasant odors.
  4. Restart your machine and complete the washing process.
  5. Restart the wash cycle, but this time by adding a glass of vinegar, as well as the powder or liquid detergent you are using. Pour a standard amount of detergent, but add extra rinse and spin to the treatment cycle.
  6. As soon as the second spin cycle is completed, remove the product from the washing machine.
  7. Dry - in a special dryer or in the fresh air.

Important! Do not add any detergent or fabric softener in any washing cycle for dirty and offensive towels.

Soaking towels in hot water with detergent:

  1. Take a large container and pour into it ⅔ Art. Oxiclean Detergent.
  2. Wear gloves to protect your hands.
  3. Pour very hot water into the container. In the event that tap water is not enough like boiling water, you can heat a small amount of water and pour it into your tank.
  4. When pouring water, be sure to dissolve the Oxiclean detergent in it, swinging the container from one side to the other.

Important! Do not tip the container and be careful not to spill water out of it.

  1. After filling the container with hot water about halfway, put the necessary objects into it.
  2. Make sure all towels are completely immersed in water.
  3. Soak the product, leaving it in water for approximately 48 hours.
  4. Remove the kitchen textiles from the water and carefully unscrew.
  5. Load the product inside the washing machine and wash when using the highest water temperature, adding powder and fabric softener.
  6. Dry the textiles and iron.


Important! If the towel still continues to smell of mold, you still have to throw it away.

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How to wash a kitchen towel?

The easiest way to clean and remove the stench from a towel that does not have much pollution or has recently gotten dirty.

Important! If you change the towel in the kitchen every 2-3 days, then there will be no problem with washing and smell.

But if you do this much less often, then you won’t be able to avoid difficulties and the question of how to get rid of the smell of towels will periodically arise.

So, if a kitchen towel has a fairly strong pollution and a clearly unpleasant amber, then to soak it, you need to use additional soaking. It could be:

  • manual soaking when the contaminated product is placed in a container with cleaning powder, and then filled with water for several hours;
  • soaking in the washing machine, but this is only possible if it has this mode.

Important! The temperature of the water must be selected based on the color of the kitchen textiles:

  • for color washing is allowed in the temperature regime up to 60 degrees;
  • for white - up to 90 degrees.

In this case, it will be advisable to use a special washing powder designed specifically for washing colored or white linen, which by itself will significantly increase the washing efficiency. And along with the dirt you can get rid of the smell of towels.

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We hope that this article will benefit you, and our advice will help you in solving the above problem. Henceforth, try not to bring objects of daily use to such a state that they ooze stench, because it is always nice to wipe your hands with a fresh towel rather than stained and emitting an unattractive amber.

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