How to get rid of the smell of dog in the apartment?

Fluffy, loyal, reliable dogs are the companions of many people. But in addition to the mass of pleasant moments, four-legged friends make additional problems in everyday life. For example, over time, inevitably, a persistent aroma of a dog in the house. How to get rid of the smell of dogs in the apartment, so as not to spend a lot of time and not to offend and limit your pet, you will learn from this article.

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Where to begin?

In solving the problem of how to get rid of the dog smell in the apartment, it is immediately necessary to look for the source, as well as the reason for its occurrence. There are a small number of factors due to which an unpleasant odor appears, but most often it is an elementary neglect of regular cleaning.

Therefore, consider such recommendations and adhere to them throughout the entire stay of the pet in your apartment:

  • Wet clean using disinfectants as often as possible.
  • Vacuum the surface of carpets, hard-to-reach areas, because there can be collected dog hair and create a persistent unpleasant odor.
  • Once a month, wipe the carpet and the floor with an aqueous-vinegar solution.
  • As the animal litter becomes soiled, wash it so that it is not the epicenter of the formation and spread of unwanted amber throughout the house.


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Causes of unpleasant dog smell. How to solve the problem?

Non-observance of personal hygiene of your pet can lead to the problem of formation of an undesirable, unpleasant smell of a dog in your apartment. Therefore, follow your pet and take care of him in a timely manner, observing these rules:

  • Consult your veterinarian about the periodization of bathing, as well as the choice of means for washing the dog's coat.
  • Every day, use a brush or comb to comb out the animal’s hair in order to remove the undercoat, which attracts moisture and then gives off an unpleasant odor.
  • During the molting period, comb the coat of your dog in the opposite direction, using a comb moistened with water - this will help to qualitatively eliminate all the fallen hair.
  • Spend a bathing day regularly - wash your pet as it gets dirty, but at least 2-3 times a month.
  • Use a special medical shampoo that kills various germs, so that the problem of how to get rid of the smell of dog in the apartment does not arise.
  • After a day or at least once a week, brush your dog's teeth with a special paste. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a nursery.
  • Treat your ears with special care, because often the smell of the dog comes from this particular part of the body.
  • Wash your dog's paws after each walk in the fresh air. It is especially important not to ignore this procedure in the wet season, since the accumulated dirt and moisture on the paws will become your problem in the future, how to get rid of the smell of dogs in the apartment. Carefully treat the area under the tail, namely around the anus with a damp sponge, because the remains of feces accumulate there. Especially this rule applies to breeds with long and soft hair.
  • Do not use perfumes for animals. If the aromatic agent gets on the dog’s coat, it will mix with the natural odor and create an intolerable amber.Plus, if you use any perfume for your pet, you can cause an allergy in the pet and ruin its scent.
  • Do not feed the dogs the same food that you cook for yourself. Consult a doctor about the composition of the menu, he will help you plan a special diet that will be selected for your pet, taking into account the characteristics of the breed and its size.
  • In order to avoid infection with helminths, cook and serve boiled food, especially meat, fish. Do not salt, do not pepper food.
  • In order for the pet to receive the necessary amount of complex carbohydrates, include in its diet, cereals from millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, cooked in water. Avoid pearl barley because it weakens.
  • Use natural vitamins found in vegetables and other herbs.
  • To eliminate toxins in your animal’s body that cause unpleasant odors, mix supplements that contain special fatty acids in regular foods.

Important! Some dog breeds naturally have a stronger smell, and after bathing it quickly returns. If this happens, consult your veterinarian because the cause may be infection, tooth decay, or other serious illness. Also, one should not forget about the timely walking of the animal so that it does not meet its needs at home and does not appear additional, undesirable and unpleasant smell of dog urine.

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How to eliminate the smell of dog urine from the apartment?

Before you begin the process itself, pay attention to some recommendations:

  • Wet the stain lightly to avoid deep absorption of the coating.
  • In no case do not rub the stain on the surface of the floor so that it does not spread.
  • Work in rubber gloves.
  • If you use a solution of hydrogen peroxide and soda, wear a respirator, because caustic fumes are released during the reaction.
  • Before you use any cleanser, read its instructions for use.


In the event that you find a new spot on the carpet from urine:

  1. Immediately eliminate most of the moisture with toilet paper or an unnecessary rag.
  2. Wash contaminated area with cold water.
  3. Apply your chosen professional or your special pet odor remedy. Spray it on a source of odor, and then wait until the product is absorbed for approximately 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wipe up the rest of the product with a rag or wash with a washing vacuum cleaner.
  5. Sprinkle the entire wet area with baking soda, and then leave it on for a short amount of time.
  6. Vacuum thoroughly.
  7. Ventilate the entire room well.

Following this step-by-step instruction will definitely help you get rid of the smell of a dog in an apartment if the pet is not yet accustomed to walking or unexpectedly starts to fulfill his need at home.

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Dog hygiene. How often to wash a dog and why?

The main source of the animal’s unpleasant odor is hair and skin.

The accumulation of yeast fats and fungi in the coat is the main provocateur of the appearance of fetid amber.

Therefore, the only way out is frequent washing. But this does not mean that you need to bathe the dog 3 times a day, because this will already be fraught with the opposite result and a violation of the health of your pet. Choose the optimal schedule of water procedures, taking into account the characteristics of your animal:

  • For a pet, the best option would be bathing 2-3 times a month.
  • In that case, if the dog lives in a country house, then a little less often.

Important! The water temperature should be as comfortable as possible for the pet, then it will not start to break out in an attempt to complete the washing session earlier. During bathing, it is necessary to use special shampoos for dogs - those that are designed for people are not suitable.

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Useful Tips:

  1. For dogs with long, soft hair, it is advisable to choose a good conditioner that will restore the structure of the coat, make it more silky and soft, and also remove an unpleasant odor.
  2. As for preparations against fleas, it is undesirable to use them without special need - they dry the skin and do not eliminate an unpleasant odor.
  3. After the water procedure, your pet's hair must be thoroughly dried using a hairdryer or a soft towel. If you do not, then there may be an unpleasant sour smell of dog in the apartment.
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Enjoy communication with your four-legged friend, take enough time to care for him and then the problem of dog smell will not bother you - there will only be pleasant moments.


