How to get rid of the smell of fish in your arms?

Tasty and healthy fish is always present in the diet of each person, and in some - even more often than any other products. And if you are a lover of fragrant fried, smoked, dried, baked fish, barbecue from it, fish soup and other dishes, the question of how to get rid of the smell of fish in your hands or in an apartment is probably important for you. You will learn about what actions and means to take to quickly remove such a corrosive aroma from this article.

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Is the smell of fish a problem?

The smell of fish is incredibly specific. This smell may be more or less pronounced, but it is present in absolutely any fish.

Important! Fish is incredibly healthy, nutritious and has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins.

But unfortunately, the smell of raw, salty, dried, smoked and even finished fish is incredibly persistent, and sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to remove it from the surface of a cutting board, table, dishes. And if the cooking procedure is long, then no hood will save you - both tablecloths and curtains are saturated with this aroma. Let us consider options for removing the smell of fish in a variety of situations.


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Apartment air

Solve the problem of persistent unpleasant aroma in the apartment will help such substances as:

  • salt;
  • lemon;
  • zest of orange or lemon;
  • vinegar.

Important! It is better to use all these tools in combination:

  • Salt absorbs any odors well. If you heat it in a pan and leave it on the stove for a small amount of time to cool, it absorbs a certain part of the aroma.
  • Wipe all cutting tools and kitchen utensils with vinegar.
  • Then you can use the zest of orange or lemon, which will finally remove the smell of fish from the apartment. To do this, grate the zest.

Other methods:

  • Boil water with vinegar and / or lemon juice in a small saucepan, then ventilate the kitchen.
  • The unpleasant smell of fish best eliminates coffee. The aroma of a little roasted coffee beans in a pan will fill your apartment with a pleasant aroma and immediately make you forget about a specific fishy smell.
  • Charcoal is an excellent absorbent that will help you quickly get rid of the smell of fish in the apartment. Grind the pieces and set in a small container in the pantry, closet. It perfectly absorbs odors. The unpleasant aroma in the buffet can be eliminated by putting in it a small amount of charcoal or sliced ​​onions.
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Cookware for fish

And how to remove the smell of fish from used dishes? Forks, knives will not exude an unpleasant aroma of fish if you wipe them with absolutely any oil before washing. You can also make it a lemon peel.

Before you start washing a knife after cutting herring:

  • hold it above the burning burner;
  • wipe it with carrots, raw potatoes, vegetable oil or vinegar; wash with cold water using soap.


Important! In the same way, you can remove persistent aroma after slicing onions and garlic.

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Hand skin

To get rid of the smell of fish from your hands due to washing dishes and kitchen utensils after cutting fish, wipe your hands with salt before and after the procedure.

Important! Additionally, you can rub the skin:

  • lemon juice;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • citric acid solution - a small pinch in a glass of warm water;
  • vinegar solution - vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

All these funds also perfectly neutralize a specific amber from fish of any origin.

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Cutting board

Before you start cutting fish, you need to figure out how to prevent the absorption of an unpleasant odor in a cutting board. So you will avoid the time-consuming procedure of thoroughly washing it at the end of the process.

What in this case, and also in order to get rid of the smell of fish after the preparation of the product is completed, will be more effective? - Suitable tools:

  • Cut the garlic or onion, soak the chopping board with 9% vinegar or wipe with a lemon slice.
  • At the moment when your cutting board is saturated with the smell of fish, sprinkle the board with vinegar, which you will first dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1, or with lemon juice.
  • Soak your board for 20-30 minutes in warm water with the addition of chopped charcoal in a proportion of 100 g per 1 liter of water. You can use a pinch of ground coffee instead of coal.
  • In the event that your cutting board is made of food-grade plastic, rinse it with water and baking soda to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  • Wipe the board with dry mustard powder or sleeping tea to get rid of unpleasant herring amber.
  • Also perfectly eliminates amber-like fresh milk. To do this, wipe the cutting board with a sponge that you previously moisten in cool milk.
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Not sure how to get rid of the smell of clothing? And this question has a solution:

  • Dilute the powder in water, and then add lemon juice there during washing. Hand wash your product. The aroma of lemon must absorb the unpleasant aroma of the fish. If there is such a need, wash your product in a typewriter, while not forgetting the addition of air conditioning.
  • It well eliminates the usual amber dishwashing detergent, which has the aroma of lemon or other citrus. Wash your product with your hands using such a concentrate. It can be either immediately diluted in water or applied directly to soiled areas. Such household products do not affect the fabric in any way and do not spoil it.
  • Wash your product with your hands using ordinary powder. While rinsing in water, add 1 tbsp. l vinegar - it neutralizes unpleasant fish aromas.

Important! In no case should you add the product with which you wash your dishes in the washing machine. It forms a large amount of foam, which leads to damage to the machine.

If the smell is old and too saturated, initially soak the soiled clothing in the product of your choice diluted with water. The duration can be 15 minutes, and 2-3 hours. Be guided by the intensity of fetid ambergris, tissue density, the size of the whole thing.

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Cook fish in any quantities, in any form, because it is so useful and nutritious, and now you know how to deal with the specific smell of a raw product on different things.

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