How to get rid of the smell of fish in a pan?

Fish is one of the most popular products in our kitchen: sea, river, boiled, fried, baked, salted, dried, canned fish and even beer ram. This is a healthy product made up of easily digestible protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements and vitamins. Everything in the fish is fine except for the smell. He eats for a long time in a cutting board, pot and pan, does not want to weather out from the kitchen. Sometimes it seems that the pan was washed after fried fish, and you start to fry pancakes on it, for example - but no, again this fish aroma appears. How to get rid of the smell of fish in a pan? This is a common problem for fish lovers. Fortunately, there are several time-tested and mistresses recipes to combat this scourge.

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How to remove the smell from the pan?

How to discourage or eliminate the smell of fish? There are several ways to remove corrosive amber from the pan after cooking fish in the apartment in it.

Method number 1:

  1. To remove the aroma of fish from the pan, you need to fill it with dry mustard and pour hot water.
  2. Let it stand for half an hour, then wash it.
  3. If the smell still remains, try rinsing the pan with a weak vinegar solution or rubbing with a slice of lemon.

Method number 2:

  • Pour soda to the bottom and add water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
  • Put the pan on the fire, boil the liquid for several minutes.

Important! Soda not only copes with unpleasant odors, but also helps to wash burnt food debris.

  • After washing, the pan can be scalded with boiling water for best results.6066e8d7e83901bd5aaafcb2860b5915

Method number 3

Many housewives believe that it will be enough just to wash the pan with laundry soap, and at the end rinse with a weak vinegar solution and set to dry without wiping.

Method number 4:

  1. Expensive ceramic pots need to be soaked in hot water.
  2. After - it is required to wipe the dishes dry with a paper towel.
  3. Usually it removes the smell, but if it doesn’t help, wash the pan with soda.

Method number 5:

  1. Heat an empty pan on the stove, and then pour sleeping wet tea onto the bottom.
  2. Close the lid tightly and leave for an hour.
  3. Wash the pan as usual - the smell of fish should disappear.

How to get rid of the smell in the pan - you already know, now let's move on to washing the pan.

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How to get rid of the smell of fish in a pan?

This task will be somewhat more complicated than the previous one. Unpleasant odors are absorbed into the pan faster, and last longer.

Method number 1:

  1. Drain the oil first, wipe it off with a paper towel, and then wipe the surface with mustard.
  2. After that, wash the pan with warm water and detergent.
  3. You can pour mustard into the pan and pour hot water. Let it dry, then wash as usual.

Method number 2:

  1. After removing the remaining fat with a cloth, treat the inside of the pan with water and vinegar.
  2. As everyone knows - vinegar perfectly removes unpleasant odors, no worse than soda.

Method number 3

It can help to cope with the smell of fish and salt - you need to wipe the pan with heated salt, and then wash with a detergent.

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How to remove the smell of fish from the dishes?

  • If you don’t want to struggle with an unpleasant odor for a long time after cooking, take glass dishes for fish dishes - it is most often washed.

Important! For cutting fish it is better to use a cutting board also glass.

  • Plates after fish dishes are washed well with dry mustard. She not only fights odors, but also removes fat.
  • You can soak the dishes for half an hour in cold water with salt. Then wash the dishes with detergent. If it does not help, scald with boiling water.
  • It will cope well with the problem of soda. You can rub the dishes with soda and rinse, and you can pour soda into the bowl and pour hot water. After a few minutes, rinse and rinse the plates.
  • You can use ammonia or vinegar to remove an unpleasant odor:
    1. Wipe off any excess fat with a dry paper towel.
    2. Then soak the bowls in warm water with vinegar or ammonia.
    3. After - rinse and wipe dry.
  • Lemon peel can also cope with the smell of fish - wipe the surface of the plates with it. Such a procedure should help solve the problem.
  • If you chopped fish in a food processor or meat grinder, then in the end skip a couple of lemon slices.

Important! Lemon can be wiped for the same purpose cutting board, table, knife.

  • Forks, spoons, knives, metal spatulas after cutting, cooking and eating fish dishes before washing, wipe with vegetable oil, vinegar or raw potato, then wash in cool water.

Important! You can also get rid of the smell of onions, garlic from cutlery.

  • If you do not want to wash the pan from grease and odors, cook the fish and meat in a foil or sleeve.
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Useful tips for housewives on a note:

  • In order for the fish to emit less odors during the frying process, throw the peeled and sliced ​​potato into the oil.
  • Some housewives advise to drip a little lemon juice into the oil - this also prevents the spread of fish aroma.
  • If you don’t want the smell of fish to pass on to subsequent dishes prepared in this pan, add a separate pan for the fish. And then the question of how to remove the smell of fish from the pan will disappear by itself.
  • Some women, so that during cooking the fish exudes less odor, lower it for several minutes in a solution of water, vinegar, pepper and bay leaf. You can rub salt in the fish carcass for the same purpose, wait 15 minutes and rinse.
  • Another way to neutralize the smell is to use dill seeds. Just sprinkle them with fish that is ready to freeze, or vice versa - taken out of the freezer to defrost. Then during cooking there will be less unpleasant aromas.
  • When preparing the fish broth, add a little milk - this will not only improve the taste, but also neutralizes the smell.
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How to remove bad breath from hands?

It is convenient to clean with gloves, but not to cook, although sometimes you really want to, because the smell of onions, garlic, herring eats into the skin for a long time:

  • To prevent the aromas of these products from absorbing into your skin, treat your hands with a weak solution of vinegar before cooking.
  • After cooking - first rub the skin with salt, then wash with soap.

Important! It is advisable to have a liquid soap in the kitchen that removes unpleasant odors.

  • If this does not help, wipe your palms with a slice of lemon.
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Some useful odor elimination tips:

  • If the clothes are soaked after cooking in the kitchen with the smells of food, soak them for 40 minutes in water with the addition of vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). It will not damage the fabric, but it helps to remove excess odors.
  • Unpleasant aromas from the kitchen will help drive the coffee away - it needs to be roasted for a while in a dry frying pan. If someone does not like coffee, then you can just use air fresheners.

Important! Do not forget to turn on the hood while cooking.

  • After washing dishes, pots, pans, if you cooked fish, cabbage, lamb and other strongly smelling products, do not forget to wash the kitchen sink, clean the drain, otherwise the smell will remain in the kitchen:
    1. The sink can be washed with laundry soap.
    2. Pour soda abundantly into and around the drain and extinguish with vinegar. This will not only refresh it, but also relieve small blockages and disinfect it.
    3. You can pour a boiling solution of washing powder (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water) into the drain, but you need to be careful.

Important! For plastic pipes, this method is not suitable.

  • To get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, you need to wash it with a weak solution of vinegar or with soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
  • If you put the fish in the refrigerator, spread the slices of brown bread on the shelves or pour charcoal in a saucer.
  • Charcoal poured into an open vessel will help to neutralize unpleasant odors in the pantry or other small utility rooms where fish products are stored.
  • Extraneous aromas of cooking fish, tobacco, paint in the room help to remove wet towels. They can be hung or laid out on upholstered furniture.
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It is quite possible to get rid of the smell of fish in a pan, pan, plates, on hands and even indoors. To do this, you do not need to buy expensive money and spend a lot of time. It is enough to know a few secrets and take advantage of the products that every housewife has. With the help of practical tips from this article, you can not only remove unpleasant odors of products, but also prevent their appearance or reduce their intensity. Use the recommendations of experienced housewives, and cooking will be for you a much more pleasant pastime.


