How to get rid of the smell in the apartment of tobacco?

Anyone today has faced such a problem as the unpleasant smell of tobacco smoke. Someone smoked next to you, a neighbor from below smoked on the balcony and smoke got into your apartment or guests came and you could not refuse this dubious pleasure to them. In any case, you are looking for answers to the question of how to get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment. Using the tips in this article, you can solve this problem quickly.
to contents ↑How to quickly eliminate the smell of fresh tobacco smoke?
There are several ways that will help you get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment as quickly as possible if it appeared just from cigarettes smoked by guests or by you:
- Open the window wide and ventilate your apartment for 15-60 minutes.
- At the same time, you can soak a thick terry towel in water, in which vinegar was present in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l on 1 liter of water. Vigorously wave a wet towel in the air. Rinse the towel, soak it again in water with vinegar and hang it as high as possible in the room in which you smoked.
- Then you can light a scented candle and cook something in the oven. Yes, the aroma of food cooked inside the oven completely and completely interrupts the smell of tobacco smoke, especially if you cook meat with garlic or a vanilla muffin.
Technical air purification
The modern market for household appliances provides a wide selection of various appliances, one of which, or maybe several, will definitely be found in your home. Feel free to use them to get rid of the smell in the apartment of tobacco.
In order not to delve into the technical jungle, the operating principles of this ingenious device, in two words its action can be described as follows: the elements of tobacco smoke under the influence of an ionizer become heavy and settle on the floor surface. Accordingly - in the air they remain much smaller and they can not get into the lungs during breathing.
Important! Together with the elements of tobacco smoke, the air is also cleaned of dust of various origins. Such a device is a real salvation for allergy sufferers, as well as asthmatics.
The ionizer will help to quickly eliminate the unpleasant smell of tobacco in your apartment, as well as from other contaminants that are harmful to the respiratory system.
Air conditioning
An air conditioner that has an air purification function will also solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment. If the smoker refuses to quit smoking, let him buy such a conditioner for the house in order to at least somehow compensate for the inconvenience to the other residents of the house.
Humidifier allows you to increase air humidity, aromatize and clean it. He will not be able to remove bad aromas very quickly, but moisture will restore it and remove amber from cigarettes during the day.
Cooker hood
Equip a smoking area in your apartment where the smoke will immediately be drawn into the ventilation or into the street, into fresh air. The minimum solution is to smoke in the kitchen with the hood turned on above the stove.
to contents ↑We remove the old smell of tobacco and cigarettes by means of general cleaning
How to eliminate the smell of tobacco, if it has already thoroughly settled in your apartment? The greatest difficulty is the neutralization of tobacco smell from the surface of textiles, as well as carpets - they are the ones that perfectly hold, according to experts, up to about 70% of the total smell of tobacco smoke.
Of course, if you carry out a major overhaul, paint the ceilings, re-glue the wallpaper, replace the doors and flooring, then there will be no smell - he simply will have nowhere to come from in your apartment. But these are already such drastic measures, which not everyone is ready for. Therefore, we try to get rid of the smell in the apartment of tobacco with improvised means more affordable.
Wood absorbs odors, which is why the wooden frames of your windows must be painted or replaced with the usual plastic ones. In general, repair is a thorough, effective, but cardinal measure. But what if there is neither the time nor the opportunity to carry out repairs?
Textiles, carpets and more
The smells absorb fabrics best of all, and for this reason, first of all, it is necessary to wash curtains, bedspreads, blankets. It is better to buy new pillows or to give old ones for dry cleaning.
Important! It is also advised to hold unpleasantly smelling pillows and other things in the cold for several days, this should help remove the smell of tobacco.
All carpets must be cleaned:
- The easiest way is to wash the carpets, as well as the carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner using aromatic shampoo.
- In the event that you do not have a washing vacuum cleaner, you will have to do the cleaning manually. They clean and eliminate odors from the surface of carpets very well, like Vanish. To do this, you must first vacuum the carpet, then prepare a tank of water and foam from detergent, distribute the resulting solution on the surface of the carpet with a mop. When your carpet dries, vacuum it again.
- In winter, you can do carpet cleaning on the street - twist it, take it out, load it in a car and take it to the wasteland, which is covered with pristine snow. After completing such snow cleaning, your carpet will smell not of unpleasant smoke, but of fresh and pleasant air.
Upholstery of upholstered furniture
Upholstery of upholstered furniture also requires cleaning - with a washing vacuum cleaner or with special cleaning agents, for example, the same “Vanish”.
Important! Alternatively, soda can be used for light material, and tea leaves for dark. It must be applied to the surface, wait a bit and then remove from the material, preferably with a vacuum cleaner.
Mattresses and sofas
Bed mattresses, if you have such an opportunity, it is better to replace with new ones. If you do not have such an opportunity:
- Knock out your old mattresses.
- Take a piece of soft cloth, for example, a flannel, the size of which is about 40 by 40 cm, soak in water, you can add a small amount of essential oil, squeeze carefully. Lay the fabric in a flattened form on the area of the mattress or the sofa and gently pat the fabric with a special beat. Going out, all the dust is immediately absorbed by your damp cloth. Of course, it is periodically necessary to rinse, squeeze again and continue cleaning the mattress or sofa.
Mattress cover
If the mattress cover is non-removable, it is also necessary to clean it with a wet brush; you can add a small amount of shampoo or liquid soap to the water to moisten the brush.
Of course, clothing also absorbs odors, but mass washing may not start - gradually all clothes will be washed. But such things as sheepskin coats and fur coats should be given to dry cleaning, otherwise the smell will remain.
Stuffed Toys
Soft toys must be washed - manually or in a washing machine.
Important! When rinsing clothes, soft toys, rugs, sofa cushions, you need to add fragrant air conditioning to make your home more pleasant aromas.
Surfaces to be washed
To get rid of the smell of tobacco, you must clean all your moisture-resistant surfaces, including ceilings, window sills, floors, walls, windows, and so on:
- A small amount of vinegar must be added to the water for mopping - it carefully eliminates the smell of unpleasant tobacco smoke.
- If the walls are washable wallpaper or painted, they also need to be washed. But, and walls that are not glued with moisture-proof wallpaper must be vacuumed, and after that walk along them with a slightly damp cloth. It is also advisable to add a small amount of vinegar to the humidification water.
Unfortunately, you won’t wash or clean the books. There are three ways:
- Put your books in a cabinet with incredibly tight doors;
- To organize a library on the balcony for at least one winter. It is during this time that the unpleasant smell, albeit partially, will disappear, you can store books on the balcony / loggia in boxes or in the closet;
- Say goodbye to paper volumes, go on reading a variety of e-books.
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These tools perfectly help those who intend to solve the problem of how to eliminate the unpleasant smell of tobacco during constant smoking in the house. We hope you still get tired of getting rid of it with enviable regularity and you decide to say goodbye to this addiction in order to become more energetic and healthier.
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