How to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes?

Smells accompany us everywhere - at home, on the street or at work. They affect our well-being, create a pleasant atmosphere of warmth and comfort, or vice versa. By the smell that a person’s clothing publishes, one can learn about his habits and addictions. Sometimes, unpleasant odors emanating from clothes can significantly spoil the impression of the desired image. But the reason may lie in a wardrobe, in which you have not spent a long time revising products and processing furniture to store things. Today we will tell you how to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes, and what to do to prevent its occurrence in the future.

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Causes of smell in the closet

A foreigner in a wardrobe may appear for the following reasons:

  1. High humidity in the room. If the room with the wardrobe is very humid, mold may appear on the surface and inside the cabinet. In this case, the piece of furniture and the clothes inside, get a musty smell.
  2. Lack of airing. As well as rooms in the house, the closet needs to be ventilated. In a confined space, air always becomes stale and musty. To prevent this, not only the closet, but also things must be periodically ventilated.
  3. Bad wardrobe location. If the wardrobe is located in close proximity to the kitchen or the bathroom, then the dampness and aromas of the cooked dishes can settle on the walls of the wardrobe, and, accordingly, on clothing.
  4. Wrong storage of things. If you fold and hang clothes that you wear every day with clean linen in the closet, the smell of sweat, deodorant, perfume, dust and dirt is mixed with the smell of clean linen, which makes it heavy and musty.
  5. Long-term storage of linen. Bed linens, items of clothing that have been in the wardrobe for months and years, while not being used, eventually acquire a stale and musty scent.
  6. The chemical composition of one of the products. The unpleasant scent of chemical fibers of one of the products can be transmitted to other things, and then you are confused - how to remove the smell from the closet with clothes.
  7. Dust mite. If this small nasty insect has settled in the wardrobe, then getting rid of it is quite difficult. A dark and warm place is an ideal environment for its reproduction and vital functions. And as a result: a suffocating and musty smell - both inside the closet and on the contents of the wardrobe, and you have an urgent problem, how to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes.
  8. Poor material for the manufacture of a wardrobe. Always before buying new furniture it is necessary to clarify the composition of the material from which this furniture is made. After all, we can talk not only about discomfort and unpleasant smell, but also about the safety and health of households.
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Cabinet odor control measures

To prevent the appearance of various unpleasant darlings in the wardrobe, follow simple rules for storing things.

The correct arrangement of furniture:

  1. Do not install a wardrobe against the wall next to the kitchen and bathroom.
  2. Do not put a wardrobe against the wall if your apartment is angular and is located on the north side.Such external northern walls are not illuminated by the sun and dampness and mold may appear on them, and, accordingly, the problem of how to get rid of the smell in a closet with clothes.
  3. Do not put the wardrobe very close to the wall. Leave space between the wall and the cabinet for air movement.

Proper care of things:

  1. Ventilate your wardrobe and contents more often. In sunny and frosty weather, dry seasonal clothes on the street or balcony, especially woolen and fur.
  2. Do not hang wet, dry clothes in the closet, so as not to look for the reasons where the musty smell came from.
  3. Keep everyday clothing away from clean and new.
  4. After ironing, allow things to dry thoroughly before you put them in the closet.homeme-ru_

Regular cleaning of the cabinet:

  1. Once every three months, free the wardrobe from clothing, wipe all shelves.
  2. Rubbing the shelves, the bottom with a cloth, add a little vinegar to the water.
  3. Ventilate, dry the furniture, and then hang things in a closet.

Proper storage of items and linen:

  1. Store bedding, underwear separately from other clothes.
  2. Keep only clean, dust-free clothes in your wardrobe.
  3. When changing clothes seasonally, before putting things in storage in a closet, be sure to wash or clean them. Place outerwear in moth-soaked cotton cases.
  4. Do not store shoes with clothing.

The correct organization of life:

  1. Do not smoke at home and do not let others do it. The smell of tobacco permeates everything, including clothes in the wardrobe.
  2. Watch out for pets; do not let them sleep inside cabinets or on clothing.
  3. Inspect regularly to remove dirty or long-worn, old clothes, and put them in order. Do not get attached to things, get rid of them in time. Otherwise, due to the violation of the texture of the fibers, old things will begin to exude an unpleasant smell.
  4. Do not use old antique grandmother's furniture at home, as it often smells very unpleasant.
  5. When cooking, keep cabinets always closed.

Important! Do not attempt to mask unpleasant odors in the cabinet with deodorizing agents. This will only exacerbate and exacerbate the problem.

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Preventative measures

So that you do not have to long and hard to find in the bowels of your wardrobe a musty thing or other source of unpleasant amber, in addition to the above rules, take care of preventing the appearance of an unpleasant smell:

  1. Use absorbers of odors, moisture. These include: charcoal or activated carbon, salt, soda, silica gel. Put the absorbers on shelves - it will always be dry in the cabinet.
  2. To prevent odors, put the fragrance in the closet. As a flavor, use soap, coffee, citrus peel, dried herbs, bottles of used perfumes:

If you adhere to preventive measures, simple rules for storing things, then the problem of a musty bad smell will never appear. But if you still couldn’t avoid the problem, then use the tips below.

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How to remove the smell from the closet with clothes?

There is a list of activities that will help you quickly get rid of the smell in the closet, regardless of the nature of its origin. It is necessary to carry out work in stages, but quickly.

Step number 1. Airing the wardrobe and its contents:

  1. Remove all items from the cabinet and shelves.
  2. Open the window, wardrobe doors.
  3. Audit things. If necessary, send dirty laundry for washing, and old things in the trash or in bags for further disposal.
  4. Dry your woolen clothes and outerwear on the street or on the balcony.

Step number 2. Wet cleaning:

  1. Wipe off dust, dirt on shelves, walls of the wardrobe with a damp cloth. Add some vinegar to the water.
  2. Clean all shelves and compartments with a wax cleaner to disinfect the cabinet and remove odors.
  3. Ventilate, dry the cabinet well.

Step number 3.DIY deodorants

After all the hygienic work with the cabinet has been carried out, put flavorings of natural origin on the shelves, compartments:

  • Soap. Wrap small pieces of fragrant soap with a cotton cloth or handkerchief. Put the soap on the shelves. This method of flavoring will get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes and at the same time from the main enemy of many things - moths.
  • Citrus. Fold the citrus peel into compartments or wrap it in cotton. Arrange the laundry with the fragrance.
  • Coffee. Pour coffee beans into jars, and ground coffee into bags. Shelf.
  • Herbs. Dense cotton bags fill with dried herbs: lavender, oregano, hops, thyme or rose petals. You can use spices: cinnamon, cloves. Put the bags into compartments or hang them in a closet.
  • Sachets of fruit tea. Fasten unused tea bags with adhesive tape over the cabinet walls. Choose such places for fastening that during extraction of things bags did not touch by hands. Fragrant fruit tea will forever solve the problem with an unpleasant odor.
  • Perfume. Put used perfume bottles (cologne) on shelves. For the same purpose, use a handkerchief sprayed with perfume. Put the fragrant scarf between the piles of clothing.

Step number 4. Correctly hang and lay out clothes in the closet

In order not to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the closet with clothes, arrange things in this order:

  1. Hang or lay out new things separately from those that you already wore.
  2. Lay out bedding and towels in a separate compartment.
  3. Put underwear on a separate shelf or put it in a chest of drawers.
  4. Clean outer clothing from dust, hang.

All of the above measures will save the wardrobe from an unpleasant darling, but if the problem of mustiness is more serious, then additional measures must be used, which we will discuss below.

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How to remove a musty smell?

The most persistent odors are tobacco and musty. They leave the enclosed space very reluctantly. To get rid of them forever, prepare:

  • Water.
  • A large towel or sheet.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Remove all items from the wardrobe.
  2. Hang clothes in fresh air for ventilation. Wash clothes if necessary.
  3. Dip a large towel in water with a little vinegar.
  4. Squeeze the fabric thoroughly.
  5. Wipe the walls, the bottom of the cabinet with tissues moistened in the same solution.
  6. Hang a damp towel in an empty wardrobe.
  7. Close the cabinet doors.
  8. Wait half an hour.
  9. Wash the towel, hang again. After 3-4 procedures, persistent odors of mustiness and tobacco will leave the cabinet.
  10. Wipe the furniture dry.
  11. Ventilate the closet, hang clean, fresh clothes.

Important! Sometimes it is very difficult to establish the source of the smell. It can come from clothes, and in some cases from furniture. Therefore, combine wardrobe cleaning with washing all the laundry. Rinse things in water with vinegar or lemon juice, hang them up for ventilation. And in order not to encounter the problem of musty odor in the future, place boxes of soda in the corners of the cabinet. She perfectly absorbs all “aromas”.

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How to get rid of the smell of mold?

To eliminate all the signs of mold, you will have to carry out a comprehensive treatment of the wardrobe and clothes.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Free all shelves and wardrobe compartments from things.
  2. Dry things in direct sunlight.
  3. Wash clothes in the machine using special odor removers.
  4. Dry your clothes in the sun.
  5. Iron your laundry with a hot iron.
  6. Treat the internal and external surfaces of the furniture with a weak solution of vinegar (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water).
  7. Dry the furniture.
  8. Leave the cabinet doors open for 2-3 days.
  9. With an ultraviolet lamp, enlighten the wardrobe inside to get rid of microscopic mold spores.Pay particular attention to corners, furniture joints.
  10. Place clean, ventilated clothing in a closet.

Helpful hints:

  1. Before starting the fight against mold, eliminate the cause of its appearance. Mold appears in rooms with poor ventilation, high temperature, high humidity, lack of light. The source of mold can also be: a washing machine, poor-quality drying of linen. Mold may appear in the cabinet from condensation behind the battery cabinet or from a forgotten damp cloth. Only by identifying and eliminating the cause of the mold can you be sure that the unpleasant odor will not appear again.
  2. If necessary, first mechanically clean the furniture wood from mold, and then use special tools. As an alternative to vinegar, use hydrogen peroxide or boric acid.
  3. If mold reappears after processing, use “Whiteness”. Treat the affected area with the product.
  4. To prevent mold, put a piece of cotton wool moistened with iodine in a jar. Put a cotton pad on top of the jar so that things are not saturated with iodine. Put the jar in the wardrobe.

Important! Never take the situation to extremes, remember that dampness and mold corrode wood, fibers of fabric. Always adhere to preventive measures and follow the simple rules for storing clothes, otherwise - over time, you will have to change not only furniture, but all clothes.

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We hope that the information received has helped to return your clothes to a clean and fresh aroma, and it will no longer spoil your unsurpassed image. Let only pleasant aromas and nice people surround you!

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