Normal humidity in the room 🥝 how to check at home without a hygrometer

The air we breathe is one of the main factors affecting our health. In this article we will talk about how to measure the humidity in the room so that you can always stay in good health and feel cheerful, comfortable and full of energy.

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Optimal humidity in the apartment

Comfortable air for the whole body should have a humidity in the range of 45%. But for each room, this parameter can fluctuate in acceptable norms:

  • Cabinet and library - 40-45%.
  • Dining room, bathroom, kitchen and living room - 40-60%.
  • Adult bedroom - 40-50%.
  • Children's room - 45-60%.

It is quite difficult to save the humidity parameter at the required values, because it is affected by:


  • change of seasons;
  • change of weather;
  • operation of heating appliances and air conditioning;
  • features of materials used for interior and facade decoration.

Therefore, you need to know how to measure the humidity in the room in order to maintain optimal mode.

Important! These factors can reduce air humidity by at least 20%.

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Damage to high humidity

A visible sign of a violation of the humidity level in its larger direction in the room is foggy “crying” windows. Things become excessively damp, an unpleasant musty smell appears, mold begins to develop in the corners.

As you know, the fungus is unsafe microorganism for human health. It can provoke serious diseases:

  • Allergies Going Into Asthma
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Diathesis in infants.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • The rapid development of cancer cells.
  • Otitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

And this is just the beginning of the list of those terrible health disorders that high humidity can cause. Therefore, you must be able to determine the humidity in the home to eliminate such problems.

Important! The recovery process with air humidity above 60% takes a long time and is incomplete.

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Dry air hazard

The problem of dry air is especially relevant in the hot season, when the ambient temperature rises significantly. This leads to the fact that dust, pollen, animal hair and other allergens easily move around the rooms and do not settle on furniture. Thus, it is easier for them to enter the human body through the respiratory tract and cause a serious reaction. This is especially dangerous for young children.

Important! When staying for a long time in a room with dry air, moisture evaporates from the skin. This leads to cooling of the body.

In addition, dry air causes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to dry out, which makes organs vulnerable to the action of microbes. It is difficult to work in a room with dry air, even for a very able-bodied person, since the body quickly gets tired. A person constantly experiences a feeling of drowsiness. Elevated static electricity is also a common occurrence in such rooms.

Important! Pediatricians claim that dry air causes a change in the normal functioning of the kidneys and the development of dysbiosis even in healthy children.

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How to determine the humidity in the apartment?

Which device measures humidity and where to buy such a meter? If the air in your apartment is excessively humid or, conversely, dry, then you need to apply some measures to establish its optimal level. But first, you should familiarize yourself with how to determine and how to measure air humidity at home. In order to measure air humidity, there are several ways.


Using this device is the simplest and most correct option. When choosing a hygrometer, attention should be paid to its accuracy. The measurement deviation should be no more than 1%.

Important! Similar devices on the modern market are multifunctional devices. In addition to measuring humidity, they can show temperature, pressure, hours and other data.

Glass beaker

This method is not accurate, but if necessary, will help to understand the values ​​of humidity. The necessary items for the implementation of such a task are likely to be in the arsenal of every housewife.


  1. Fill a glass jar with cold water.
  2. Cool the contents of the glass to 3-5 degrees.
  3. Place the vessel in the room away from heating appliances and analyze the result.


Evaluation of the result:

  • The walls of the vessel became foggy, but after about 10 minutes they became dry. This result indicates an extremely low level of humidity.
  • The misted walls of the glass did not even dry after 5-10 minutes and the drops drained into the glass. Such indicators indicate increased air humidity.
  • The condensate formed on the walls of the glass containers did not evaporate, but it does not drain in large drops. A similar effect indicates that moisture in the air is within normal limits.


Air humidity is measured by a thermometer according to the principle of a psychrometer.


  1. First you need to measure the air temperature using a standard mercury thermometer. Record your testimony.
  2. Wrap the head of the device with wet wet cotton wool or gauze and after 10 minutes evaluate the performance of the thermometer.
  3. Subtract the number of dry indicators from the temperature of the “dry” thermometer.
  4. Find the resulting difference by the values ​​of the special psychometric table of Assman, determining the level of air humidity in the room you need.
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How to increase air humidity?

Knowing how to check the humidity in the apartment, you will see, albeit not an accurate, but an approximate picture of the real situation. Thanks to this, you can take the following measures to saturate it with moisture.


Typically, such devices are designed to work in rooms up to 150 square meters. The principle of its operation is as follows: water is poured into a special tank to a certain level. During the operation of the humidifier, water evaporates and saturates the air with its molecules.

Humidifiers come in three forms.

Traditional type

The mechanical humidifier fulfills its mission with the integrated fan. It drives air through a special container of water, as a result of which the air is cleaned of dust and saturated with moisture.

Important! A significant drawback of such a device is the high noise level during operation and the limited possibility of humidification. A traditional humidifier is able to raise air humidity only up to 60%.

Steam type

A similar appliance works just like a kettle. Water boils and comes out in the form of steam. Some models have special nozzles for inhalation. Thus, the device can be used not only to increase air humidity, but also to treat airways.

Important! A steam humidifier can increase air humidity to over 60%.


  • Hot steam, the temperature of which reaches 60 degrees, can cause, if the safety rules are not followed, damage to human skin and the surface of closely located objects.
  • High noise level during the work.
  • Sufficiently large electricity consumption.

Ultrasonic type

Such a device, thanks to a built-in special membrane, turns water into steam. It is less noisy than mechanical and steam humidifiers. The presence of the water heating function contributes to the effective fight against microbes in the air.


It works only with distilled water or with special cleaning cartridges to clean and soften the liquid. The latter should be changed regularly.

Important! When choosing a humidifier, it is imperative to consider the size of the room. Otherwise, its use can lead to excessive moisture.

Folk ways to increase humidity

In the absence of an air humidifier, you can use simple folk methods not only to determine the humidity in the room at home, but also to correct the situation.

In this case, such measures are suitable:

  • The easiest way is to place a wet towel or sheet on the battery. When the fabric is heated, water from it begins to evaporate. After the towel has dried, it should be wet again.
  • An analogue of the first method is the placement of water tanks on heating devices. It will be necessary to add water inside the tank once every few days.
  • You can arrange containers with water on furniture, such as a cabinet. With this method, water does not evaporate as fast as on a battery, but still, humidity rises.

Important! An aquarium with fish also has a beneficial effect on air humidity, like any other container with water.

  • For the next method, you will need a bowl of water and a bandage. Having placed a cup of water near the battery, one end of the bandage should be placed in water, and the other should be fixed to the heating element. Water will constantly rise upward through the threads of the bandage and evaporate into the air using the heat from the battery.
  • If the air is too dry, then drying the laundry in the room can moisturize it.
  • The presence of a large number of indoor plants has a beneficial effect on the normalization of air humidity.
  • After the shower, leave the bathroom door open. Thus, you will get rid of excess moisture in the bathroom and saturate with it the air of other rooms.
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How to lower humidity?

If the rooms have a high level of humidity, then you should deal with air drainage.

Air Dryer

The special device will effectively and quickly remove excess moisture from the air. It blows air through an “evaporator”, where due to temperature differences, moisture turns into condensate. Drops of water flow into a specially designed container. The air warms up again and returns to the room.

Important! When buying such a unit, you should pay attention to its performance, which is measured by the number of liters per day.

A dehumidifier for domestic use can absorb from 12 to 300 liters of water per day and can be of two types: portable and stationary:

  1. The first version of the device can be transferred from one room to another.
  2. The second one - you can not move to another room, since it is mounted on the wall.

Important! Dehumidifiers can be used even in cold rooms. Hoarfrost formed during operation is automatically removed. When the tank with water is full and untimely emptied, the dehumidifier is automatically turned off.

Moisture absorber

Such a device is very convenient to use in small rooms. A special tablet that enters the device adsorbs water from the air. It is designed primarily for an area of ​​up to 20 square meters.

Important! The main disadvantage of the absorber is the need for frequent tablet changes.

As a rule, such a device is used in case of high humidity during a certain season.

Important! The absorber is very convenient to use, does not make noise during operation, has compact dimensions and favorable cost.

Folk methods of lowering humidity

In order not to spend money on the purchase of special devices, and if the issue of high humidity is not critical, then you can use one of the simple methods available to everyone:

  • Regular ventilation, even in rainy weather, helps to reduce the amount of moisture in the room air. The more often airing is carried out, the more air is dried.
  • Sun exposure through non-curtained windows helps to dry the room.
  • In rooms where ventilation is not possible, for example in a toilet or bathroom, you must get rid of the increased moisture by the hood. However, often they can not cope with a heavy load. The installation of an exhaust fan comes to the rescue.

In addition, household appliances that are used for other purposes can also help.

  • An oil cooler with a built-in fan is able to rid the air of a small room from excess moisture.
  • Modern air conditioners regulate not only the air temperature in the room, but also the humidity level.

Important! Interestingly, air temperature and its humidity are important not only for humans:

  • indoor plants also need a certain value of moisture - from 40 to 70%;
  • household appliances and electronics are well preserved at a humidity of 45-60%;
  • antiques, furniture and books - at 40-60% humidity.
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Take seriously the problem of overdried or too humid air. If there are problems with this, then it is necessary to solve them quickly, because they can result, at least, in feeling unwell.

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