How to boil milk to benefit from it?

Many of us are accustomed to modern foods - pasteurized, sterilized, artificially manufactured, and dairy products are no exception. Nevertheless, naturalness remains a priority, especially when it comes to feeding your own child. And like meat, fish, such a product requires special treatment before eating. Therefore, despite the variety of products in bottles, plastic and thermal packs, the topic of how to boil milk remains relevant. In this article you will receive an answer to this and many other questions related to the preparation and storage of such a valuable product.

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Why boil milk?

Of course, if you yourself grow a cow, take care of it carefully and create extremely hygienic conditions for its living, this procedure can be omitted. But in a situation where you acquire the most valuable source of nutrients for your child from an unfamiliar grandmother or from a wholesale supplier, you cannot ignore this stage.

Why boil milk? - The answer to this question is very simple. There are several reasons:

  1. A cow that has been milked can get sick and harmful bacteria will be passed on to your baby with milk.
  2. The milkmaid herself may be far from a clean young lady or not fully comply with the rules of procedure.
  3. Care and nutrition of the cow was not properly controlled, and harmful microorganisms got into its body, and, accordingly, milk.
  4. Storage and delivery of the product was carried out without hygiene.


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What is the difficulty of boiling milk?

If you do not know how and how much to boil milk, you can spoil the product. In the process of heating, it has the property:

  • stick to the surface of the pan;
  • “Run away” from the dishes.

As a result, the taste is far from pleasant, and there will be much less benefit in it, since most of the valuable substances will go away.

Important! During boiling, all harmful bacteria die due to the high temperature, but, subject to the technology and the duration of the heat treatment, valuable substances are preserved.

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How to boil milk?

If you decide to maintain the maximum benefit and pleasant taste of the product, you need to know how to boil milk so as not to burn. To do this, you need to comply with the following rules:

  • take suitable dishes;
  • comply with the rules of procedure;
  • stick to heat treatment time exactly.

Important! To check the naturalness of milk, do a little test:

  • Take a glass of water.
  • Put milk there.
  • Rate the result.

If the drop immediately spread, then the milk was diluted before sale. An indicator of a quality product is a drop dropped to the bottom of the glass, which will dissolve there.

Choose the dishes

To boil milk without a stick, it is better to give preference to pots from:

  • glass;
  • aluminum;
  • of stainless steel.

Important! Enameled utensils are categorically not suitable for this purpose. When looking at containers of a suitable volume, give preference to those that have a thick or double bottom.

Preparing for boiling milk

In addition to the basic rules of technology, there are several secrets that will help prevent unpleasant consequences. To prevent milk from sticking and running, do the following:

  1. Rinse the pan thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Put the saucer on the bottom upside down.

Important! When the product reaches its boiling point, it will not boil violently and form a foam. So - he will not run away.

Boil milk

There are no special difficulties in this procedure. For everything to go smoothly, all you need is:

  1. To be near the pan and watch the heat treatment process.
  2. Stir the milk constantly as it warms up.
  3. Remove foam formed during drilling.

This is all the wisdom of how to boil milk.

Important! The film that appears as the product cools down should not be removed. It is in it that most of the nutrients are concentrated.

How much to boil milk?

Regarding how much milk to boil for a child, there are several opinions:

  1. Some experts say that 2-3 minutes is enough after the boiling point has been reached.
  2. Other nutritionists advise to make this process longer - from 10 minutes.

Important! Based on the basics of biology, most harmful microorganisms die at a temperature of 100 C, and the value of achieving this state for milk corresponds to 100.2-100.5 C. Therefore, a decision on a duration of 2-3 minutes will be reasonable and rational.

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Useful properties of milk

Milk is one of the most valuable products, which includes:

  • proteins
  • amino acids;
  • fats
  • minerals - magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

Important! To get the healing effect of using this product, the daily norm for an adult is 500 g.

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Useful Tips:

  1. If there is no suitable size saucer on hand, grease the edges of the pan with any grease. This will help prevent the boiling point situation.
  2. To keep the product fresh as long as possible, add sugar to the milk during boiling. It will be enough 1 tsp. for 1 liter
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Now you know all the rules of how to boil milk. We hope it does not run away from you, does not burn, and you will be healthy!


