How to glue wallpaper with a pattern?

When planning the design of premises, we strive to create comfort and coziness in our home. Most often, wallpapers help us with this. With their help, you can change the stylistic direction of the interior, hide defects, visually enlarge the room, even decorate the ceiling. To date, the proposed range of such finishing materials is simply unlimited. A variety of colors and textures can please even the most demanding customers. But, unfortunately, due to our ignorance of how to glue wallpaper with a pattern, we try to acquire something plain and plain. But if you know some of the nuances and technology, you can easily master the technique of wallpapering with a pattern and easily decorate your home correctly, stylishly, and most importantly - comfortably!
to contents ↑How to correctly choose a wallpaper with a picture?
- The most important factor when choosing is to pick up the wallpaper in the style of the room, its lighting, size and the desired color scheme.
- If you want to emphasize one wall, then for it you need to pick up wallpapers with large patterns.
- For background decoration, you must use light colors, with small prints and neutral shades.
- For small rooms, you should not take large drawings and various storylines.
- Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern visually increases the width of the walls, and with a vertical one, their height.
to contents ↑Important! Always focus on the style of the room:
- If the design is in the Provence style, you better pay your attention to floral patterns and a cage.
- Monograms and damascus are suitable for classics.
- If modern style prevails, wallpapers with geometric and abstract compositions will look best.
Glue the wallpaper with the picture correctly
Very often during repairs, we are faced with the fact that one roll is not enough in order to finish gluing, or vice versa - they took more than required. Therefore, before buying, it is worth calculating exactly how many rolls you need.
To do this, you need to know the height of the walls in the room and the perimeter of the room.
How to calculate the number of rolls?
Wall lengths can be easily measured using a tape measure or laser range finder. Farther:
- If you know the perimeter of the room, then you can easily calculate how many solid stripes of wallpaper you need. Just divide the perimeter by the width of the web in a roll.
- The next step is to calculate the height of the ceiling. It is equal to the height of the wall. The strip should be taken with a small margin, in case there are slight differences in measurements.
- In order to find out the number of pieces in a roll, you should divide the total footage of the roll by the height of your ceiling.
- Next, divide the total number of pieces we need by the number of pieces in a roll. The number we receive is the number of rolls you need to purchase.
Important! Do not forget about door and window openings. Measure the height above and below the openings. According to the above diagram, calculate the footage you need and add to the total number of rolls.
Materials for work
After you have decided on the required number of rolls, you should consider the auxiliary tool, which will be your faithful assistant. To paste and wallpaper, you need to have:
- a container for diluting glue (most often use a bucket);
- glue brush (most convenient to do this with a roller);
- stationery knife or scissors (knives with segment blades are best suited);
- pencil;
- plumb line;
- long ruler;
- roulette;
- putty knife;
- rubber roller (thanks to it, you can easily smooth the wallpaper during gluing).
Rules for sticking wallpaper with a picture - preparation
In order to properly glue the wallpaper with the selection of the picture, you need to know some rules. Thanks to them, you will save your time and money:
- The first thing to do is prepare the room. Furniture should be completely removed, or covered with a film.
- We clean the walls of old wallpaper. You can help yourself with a spatula.
Important! If you have difficulty not being able to remove the old wallpaper from the wall, you should wet them with water and leave for a few minutes.
- We close up cracks, various holes and other damages in the wall with putty. It is at this stage that, if possible, everything should be eliminated so that the wallpaper lies smoothly.
- If there are edges on the wallpaper, then they must be cut off, but you should also consider how you will paste the walls:
- If you will be glued with an overlap, then the edge should be cut off on one side.
- If you glue the wallpaper in the butt, then the edge should be cut on both sides.
We do this very carefully with a ruler and a clerical knife. After you cut the edges, carefully examine the front side of the wallpaper segment. This is necessary in order to identify defects and correct them.
Important! Tearing off the edge is not recommended. Use scissors or an office knife for this.
Cut the wallpaper with a pattern
Measure the height of the wall and cut off the same length of the canvas, not forgetting to add about 10 centimeters in reserve. But just “picked up and cut off” does not work when gluing wallpaper with a pattern, because in a roll, the paintings go one after another. If the cut is uneven and curved, then all subsequent ones will be similar to the first.
There are several ways you can crop your wallpaper evenly:
- Cross cutting. Here, in addition to the length of the blade, it is important to take into account the cutting angle. If the angle between the vertical and horizontal edges is not 90 °, then problems may arise. You need to combine the edge of the workpiece with the edge of the blade. Since the intersecting angles are parallel when crossing parallel straight lines, we get angles of 90 °. It follows that our edge is perfectly flat.
Important! Thanks to this method of cutting, you can cut the wallpaper before pasting, as well as those ends that we left in reserve. It is best to do cross cutting with a wide spatula and knife.
- Cutting along the blade. Cutting is similar to transverse, only done with scissors. To do this, you need to measure the width of the canvas and quickly, in one motion, cut off the excess material.
Glue wallpaper:
- Apply glue to the cut sheet. Remember to pay special attention to the tips. It is very important that while you lubricate the canvas with the adhesive, the tips do not become dry, but are well coated with glue.
- Already oiled canvas should be left for several minutes. During this time, it is necessary to glue the wall to the width of the wallpaper strip.
Important! So that the bottom of the wallpaper does not stretch across the floor during the transfer to the wall, do not forget to select the reverse edge of the cut used.
- We glue the canvas from top to bottom. The side edge should be aligned with a plumb line. If this is difficult for you, then you can pre-make notes and align the sides on them.
- Using a brush or rubber roller, smooth the canvas. Movements should be exclusively from top to bottom and diagonally. Excess glue is removed with a clean damp cloth.
Important! During wallpapering, there should be no drafts in the room where you work. Close all windows and doors.
- Excess - cut along the perimeter of the ceiling and floor skirting.
- All other paintings are glued in the same way.
to contents ↑Important! Very often, the place from which wallpapering will begin is difficult, especially for beginners. If you will be sticking wallpaper with an overlap, then start from the window. Thanks to this technique, you can visually hide the seams. If the sticking will take place end-to-end, you can start from any place you like.
The nuances that arise when gluing wallpaper with a pattern
When gluing walls, a very important point is the gluing of wallpaper with the selection of a picture. Therefore, we dwell on this point in more detail.
We combine drawings
Before cutting and pasting, drawings of paintings should be compared. This can be done in two very simple ways:
- After the first sheet has been pasted, the drawing is combined for the second canvas directly on the wall. If the drawing converges, then marks are made on which we will cut. Using this method alone is very difficult. In this case, you will need an assistant.
- Given the measurements of the wall, cut one canvas and turn the front side towards you. Roll the roll next to it. The canvas is shifted by the required distance to the combination of all elements of the pattern. After this, cuts are made, along which the cutting is carried out.
Important! Sometimes for this method it is necessary to use several wallpaper rolls.
Wallpaper Sticker
There are patterns and drawings that do not require a special fit. If you have acquired more complex options, we offer you methods that will facilitate your task.
Wallpapering without shifting the picture:
- Cut the roll in full accordance with your calculations with canvases, with a small margin and multiples of the drawing step.
- Pokleyka starts not from the corner, but from the vertical line drawn next to it along the plumb line. After the wall opposite the window was pasted over to the corner, we return to the line from which we started. Then we move again from her.
Glue wallpaper with an offset image
If your picture elements on the edges of each strip do not match in height, then the next strip should be glued with an offset relative to the previous one. Thanks to this method, you can paste the walls without breaking the picture at the lowest possible cost:
- Take two rolls and cut strips of the length you need, laying them in stacks.
- Cut lines are adjusted so that when sticking stripes from the first roll, the pattern matches the image on the glued first web from the second roll.
- With further cutting of canvases that are multiples of the step of the drawing, it will coincide without any additional effort.
Stock footage
If we talk about wallpaper with a picture, then they can be described as follows: "the wolf is not so terrible as it is painted." Sticking wallpaper with the selection of a picture is not difficult, given the above recommendations. And if you add a little patience and practice, you can easily make repairs not only in one room, but in the whole house.
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