How to pack things compactly in a suitcase?

Preparing for a trip or business trip, you need to pack a travel suitcase. It all starts with an obvious fact - a lot of what you originally wanted to bring with you does not fit into your travel bag and the question arises of how to pack things compactly in a suitcase so that you don’t have to jump on the lid to close it.
to contents ↑Suitcase Requirements
So that when collecting things do not jump out from under the lid, take with you the most necessary. Compare the size of the heap of clothes you want to take with your baggage. Most likely, every fifth thing you definitely will not need, but you need to choose a high-quality suitcase so as not to suffer on the way:
- First, it must be large so as not to lose anything along the way.
- Secondly - one large luggage is much more convenient than several small ones.
to contents ↑Important! Choose a suitcase made of high quality material, and it will be plastic or fabric - you decide:
- The advantage of plastic cases is the good protection of fragile and fragile things, and dirt is removed from such material much easier.
- Fabric products are cheaper, in addition, they allow the use of various patch pockets, which is very convenient when transporting things. Thanks to this, the question of how to put things in a suitcase correctly will be solved much faster and easier.
When choosing luggage, pay the main attention to the wheels, handle and other structural details. A definite advantage nowadays is the built-in combination lock or the presence of an electronic baggage tracking system. For more detailed advice on buying luggage, see our special article. “How to choose a suitcase?”.
How to pack a suitcase?
When packing your bag, follow these guidelines.
Nothing extra
We recommend that you make a list of what you really need and without which you definitely cannot do. Think carefully about the purpose of your trip, about your plans. Will it be a beach holiday, business trip, sightseeing tour, because all this requires completely different clothes. Based on this:
- Check out the weather forecast so you don’t get extra things.
- Choose the right wardrobe. Take along the most versatile items of clothing. This also applies to shoes. Try to pick up quick-drying things, as the iron in your luggage is superfluous. And so that you do not have problems with how to straighten clothes, read our useful tips, how to smooth things without an iron.
Everything should be easy
- Cross off items that you can purchase locally.
- If you take your favorite shampoos and creams with you, which you can’t do without, pour them into small jars (100 ml each) or take mini options with you.
to contents ↑Important! After collecting your suitcase, review the list and packed items again critically. Leave at home something that you can definitely do without on a trip.
How to pack a suitcase?
You can pack compactly in a suitcase much faster if you organize this process correctly. To do this, first of all, divide all things into the following categories:
- Documents and money - this is the most important thing, they should always be kept with you. You can use a transparent plastic folder in A5 format.One glance at the folder is enough to not worry about documents. Keep money in your wallet. Belt bags did not take root. It is better to use a regular bag with handles, which can be thrown over your shoulder. Be sure to make photocopies of the documents and put them in your suitcase so that you can use them if necessary.
- Toiletries and cosmetics. Before the trip, specify the level of service at the hotel or hotel in which you will stay. If hair dryers and irons are not everywhere, then shampoo, soap and dental supplies are provided. Just in case, take a disposable shampoo and a dental kit with you, which you can purchase in the departments of cosmetics or household chemicals.
- Clothing. No clothes “in reserve” and “just in case”. Better take a few sets of things that fit together. It is desirable from a thin fabric so that they dry quickly after washing.
- Footwear. All shoes should be light and comfortable, the usual set: sandals, sneakers, beach shales.
- First Aid Kit. Be sure to bring along an antipyretic (Paracetamol), a remedy for the gastrointestinal tract, painkillers. You can also take an antiallergic drug, at least Suprastin. All funds take one blister.
- Leisure. Take on trips small cameras. If you need a laptop, then upload something interesting to it: books, films, so that you don’t get bored on the road. Can grab e-book, and for children, prepare road games: puzzles, designers, etc.
Important! In order not to forget anything and correctly pack your suitcase on a trip, make a list of things in advance according to the listed categories. Note for yourself which things are ready and which need additional training. For example, you need to have time to charge the batteries of the camera, phone, etc.
How to pack things compactly in a suitcase?
So that the details of the wardrobe do not wrinkle in the luggage, there are two ways to stack them.
Method number 1
Clothing does not fold, but rolls into a tight roller:
- Turn the wardrobe detail inside out.
- Gently straighten it.
- Lay the sleeves inside.
- Fold in half and roll.
To arrange such rollers is very convenient, while things do not wrinkle.
Important! You can put together two or more items of clothing and also roll them into a tube.
Method number 2
We put things together in a knot:
- Put the longest things (dresses, trousers, skirts) to the bottom. So that their lower or upper parts hang on the sides of the luggage.
- On top, put something that practically does not wrinkle (piles of socks, underwear, swimwear). At the same time, wrap each part in a separate package.
- Seal clothes with knitted garment rollers.
- Cover all wardrobe items with the edges of long items.
This method will provide not only a practical and compact styling of outfits, but also will not allow things to significantly wrinkle along the way.
A few tips on how to pack your suitcase
To compactly put things in a suitcase, follow the following sequence:
- Place heavy and heavy objects at the bottom of a suitcase or bag.
- Place the shoes on the edges of the suitcase. It is folded separately: with the toe to the heel, the upper part to one another.
- Roll up pantyhose and socks and hide in shoes.
- Wrap breakable things in something soft and dense, for example, in a sweater.
- Twist knitted items into dense rollers and fill them with voids.
- Short shorts and skirts that fit entirely in luggage should not be folded.
- Put clothes that are decorated with rhinestones and beads in separate bags so as not to damage the decor.
- Position the belts around the perimeter of the suitcase.
- Pack cosmetics separately in plastic bags so that lotions and creams do not ruin your clothes. It is better to put all the toiletries on the top.
- Pack the things that will come in handy on the go.
Important! To make your suitcase different from others, stick or fasten a tag with contact information to it.It will also help to find it faster if a loss occurs, and those who find can contact you.
How to put a suit (jacket) in a suitcase so that it does not crumple?
The jacket is the most difficult wardrobe item to transport. Its fabric is easily creased. It is bulky in itself and contains many details. Of course, if you are traveling for 1-2 days, your travel bag is small and there is a special device - a wardrobe trunk, it is better to carry it in it. If you still need to compactly put the suit in a suitcase, do it in one of the following ways.
Method number 1
- Turn one sleeve of the jacket inside out, while inserting the second sleeve into the first one (shoulder to shoulder).
- Put the jacket on a flat surface, align the sides. You should get an even rectangle. Put the sleeve on top.
- Fill the shoulder voids with socks, underpants, and T-shirts. This will help to keep in shape and during transportation the shoulder will not break and will not hesitate.
- Roll up the jacket with the “filling” roller.
- Put ironed trousers on a flat surface in the direction of the arrows, put a T-shirt and other items of clothing on top, and roll up trousers with “filling” into the roller without creases.
- Carefully fold the rolled up rollers into the suitcase and the suit will not be wrinkled.
Method number 2
- Take the jacket by the collar and turn one shoulder inside out.
- The second shoulder, without twisting, insert into the resulting opening. The shoulders will touch each other, and the jacket will be turned inside out.
- Align the sides of the jacket to make a rectangle.
- Fold the jacket in half and pack it in luggage.
Important! If on arrival you notice that things are still wrinkled, do not despair. Hang them on a hanger in the bathroom, turn on a hot shower until steam forms. After half an hour, under the influence of steam, clothes will be smoothed even without an iron.
Method number 3
In this way, the jacket folds three times and you do not need to twist it:
- Lay the jacket down on an even surface.
- With one hand, grasp the middle of the shoulder and wrap this part of the jacket on the back.
- With your other hand, lay the sleeve on the second side. Align the sleeves so that the jacket is folded three times.
- Fold the trousers in the same way, but across. Put on a jacket and fold in half. Trousers should lie inside the jacket.
to contents ↑Important! Use this option if you plan to iron after transportation.
Stock footage
We hope that our effective packing instruction will help you put even more clothes than you planned in your suitcase. Have a good rest and pleasant experience!