How to paint the ceiling?

Ceiling decoration is a very important and crucial stage in the repair process. And before painting the ceiling, it is necessary to thoroughly study the proposed paint options and the technique of applying them to the surface. The construction market offers a wide variety of colorful material, which is suitable for both residential and office, non-residential. Due to the different structure and the effect obtained after application, it is very difficult for an ordinary buyer to make a choice in favor of a particular dye. But this, so to speak, is only the visible part of the iceberg. The challenge ahead is the correct painting of the ceiling, the result of which will determine the appearance of your home.
The ceiling is a part of the room, which, upon entering the room, is immediately paid attention to, so the quality of painting should be at the highest level. In our article, we will consider all the subtleties of its decoration, tell you what it is better to paint the ceiling in order to achieve a perfectly flat and smooth surface without streaks from paint and other defects.
to contents ↑How to paint the ceiling? Choose paint
Before buying paint, determine for yourself what effect you want to achieve after applying it to the surface. There are several types of paint, they differ among themselves in the appearance of the final result, as well as in the methods of application.
- After processing, the surface has a matte (non-shiny) surface.
- This option of paints and varnishes is in great demand, easy to apply and does not require additional care.
- Paints of such a sample are able to hide minor irregularities and flaws on the surface.
Semi gloss
The paint has a slight sheen, the ceiling acquires a pleasant flicker.
Important! Cheap dye options are not recommended for wiping with soapy liquids - stains subsequently form on the surface.
It is quite difficult to work with glossy paints, the surface should have a perfectly smooth base. All irregularities and roughnesses on the ceiling are very noticeable and spoil the appearance.
to contents ↑Important! It is better to use this type of paint on ceilings with a large area, as well as in non-residential premises.
The main properties of high-quality dye
So, what effect the surface will have as a result of staining, we figured out. The next step when choosing an emulsion is to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for finishing material:
- The material must certainly be environmentally friendly, since you will apply it in the living room.
- We recommend choosing waterproof versions of paints and varnishes. Thus, you can carry out wet cleaning and use it in rooms with high humidity.
- The vapor permeability of products is another important nuance. This property contributes to resistance to mold and mildew.
- Resistance to temperature differences is especially important for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom.
- For self-finishing, give preference to matte paints. They will hide small irregularities and errors of the painter.
- Pay attention to the production time - frozen or expired products will not be suitable for repairs.
- If possible, paint the ceiling in any light shade except white. It is on a white surface that the drawbacks of staining are most noticeable.
to contents ↑Important! Having studied in detail the composition, as well as the properties of the dye, water dispersible paints correspond to all the above requirements. These products are environmentally friendly and practically odorless. Due to its properties, it can be used for decorating children's rooms. <
Water paints
Water-dispersed paints also have different compositions and are divided into the following categories.
Acrylic dyes are an excellent option for decorating the living room and bedroom, and have the following number of features:
- Wear resistance and durability.
- Affordable cost of production.
- Easy to apply on the surface.
- For a long time they retain saturated color.
A suitable option than painting the ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen. They have the following properties:
- Water resistant.
- The elasticity of the paint allows you to hide on the surface of the cracks and bumps up to 1 mm in size.
Important! The cost of latex dyes is slightly higher than the previous version.
- Products have the highest cost among the entire range of paints.
- Products have the best performance. The elasticity and durability of the coating are one of the main indicators of the quality of silicone paints and varnishes.
- They do not have a sharp unpleasant odor.
to contents ↑Important! Before buying a dye, make sure that it is intended for internal use, because toxic products may be present in products for external use. Such information should be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the goods.
Tools required for work
To finish efficiently and spend a little time at the same time, take care of the painting tools in advance. To do this, you will need:
- Roller.
- The brush is narrow and wide.
- Plastic tray for paint.
How to choose a roller?
Do not paint a large and even surface with a brush. The brush is useful for painting corners and decorative elements on the ceiling.
When buying a roller, pay attention to the following nuances:
- The length of the rod for convenient operation should be from 25 to 40 cm.
- The roller should be with a pile, and the rougher the finish, the pile should be longer. So the paint will penetrate all the bumps and evenly paint the ceiling.
Important! Categorically exclude velor and foam rollers. They too absorb the coloring matter, bubbles and smudges form on the surface as a result.
- Squeeze the roller by hand: if it is deformed, then such an object will not be able to carefully cover the treated area with an emulsion.
- Look at the seam of the roller. A too coarse seam will leave on the surface of the strip.
- The pile pile should hold firmly. If the fibers come out, the pile will remain on the surface during processing.
to contents ↑Important! Buy a roller with a telescopic handle - painting the ceiling with a tool with a small handle will be extremely inconvenient.
Preparation of the ceiling for painting
After you have purchased a suitable dye in the paint and varnish materials department, you should start preparing the ceiling for painting.
Work sequence:
- First of all, before applying the paint, it is necessary to prepare the perimeter for work. To do this, remove all dimensional furniture or cover it and the floor with oilcloth.
- Preparation begins with the removal of old whitewash or other coatings.
Important! Whitewash and water-based paint are washed off with water, waterproof - with a spatula or a special grinding machine.
- Then treat the ceiling with a primer - it contributes to better adhesion between the materials.
Important! The primer will additionally strengthen the old base, and also have an antiseptic effect.
- The primer must be applied with a special roller in a thin layer in two stages.
- As soon as the primer is completely dry, we proceed to puttying cracks and other defects that formed during the cleaning of the old coating. Putty is applied with a thin layer over the entire surface, a wide spatula is used for work.
Important! When preparing the ceiling, the masters recommend putting the start putty first, and the finishing layer with the second layer.
- To achieve a perfectly even and smooth coating, sand with fine-grained emery paper the processed perimeter.
- At the end of preparation, apply another layer of putty, thus reducing material consumption and improving the absorption of paint.
to contents ↑Important! In case of a large difference in the ceiling, we recommend sheathed with plasterboard, only then putty.
How to paint the ceiling?
After the preparation of the ceiling is completed, you will get a suitable surface for applying the emulsion. So to say, the most difficult stage of surface finishing is already behind. Next, you should know how to properly paint the ceiling with your own hands.
Work sequence:
- First of all, it is necessary to prepare a coloring matter. As a rule, in stores water-dispersed paints and varnishes are sold in white. If you want to make a surface of a different color, you can add a special color to the paint container.
- You can color the paint in the store with a special device or at home on your own. To do this, add a little color to a small amount of paint and mix. If you get the desired shade, add proportionally color to the bulk of the dye.
- Pour a small amount of paint into a special roller for working with a roller.
- To avoid smudges on the surface or splashing, squeeze out excess dye in a special area.
Important! If you haven’t had to work with a roller before, practice on an unnecessary surface or wall, which you can wallpaper on later on.
- Professional craftsmen recommend starting painting the surface from the corner opposite from the window. Apply the paint evenly with a thin layer, moving the roller along the back and forth strips with an overlap of 8-10 cm.
Important! Do not try to paint over the entire surface the first time and do not work with the roller for too long in one area.
- After applying the first coat, let it dry well, only after that apply the second coat.
Important! Each subsequent dye layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one, in this way a perfectly painted surface is obtained.
- Places where it is difficult to paint with a roller, the area is covered with paint with a brush.
Important! Stretch ceilings are painted exclusively with acrylics and are only carried out if the surface has no joints.
- This completes the painting process, leave your ceiling to dry.
Tips for quality ceiling painting
In addition to the basic rules for surface preparation and direct application of paint, there are a few more secrets on how to get a perfectly painted ceiling:
- The final coating layer is applied in the direction of the window. Thanks to this application, the light from the window will hide the joints on the ceiling.
- In case of incompletely stained surface area, do not paint over the defect separately. An additional coat of paint must be applied to the entire ceiling.
- Do not save on primer quality. Due to such savings, the emulsion will absorb and will soon fly around.
- Check the quality of the processed surface by examining it at different angles, or take an assistant who will look at your work from the side.
- Apply paint quickly, surface treatment 20-30 square meters. m should not take more than 30 minutes.
- It should be painted wet on wet, otherwise - the surface will be completely covered with stripes.
Stock footage
As you can see, painting the ceiling with your own hands is quite simple.All that a beginner needs to do is to carefully familiarize himself with what the ceilings in the apartment paint, and also to observe a simple sequence of work, which we described in detail in our material. Without certain knowledge regarding the decoration of the ceiling, to achieve a high-quality result, unfortunately, will not succeed. We hope our tips and tricks will help you make the ceiling surface beautiful in a short amount of time!
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