How to hang a garland on a wall?

The society has affirmed the assertion that a garland is a decoration used only for New Year's holidays. In fact, this is not so - now luminous jewelry is used at any holiday, whether it is a birthday or a wedding. People who want to make a holiday memorable often wonder how to hang a garland on a wall beautifully. In order to understand this issue, you should first familiarize yourself with the types of such products and how to fix them on the wall and other surfaces, and then choose a more suitable idea for a particular celebration.

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Types of Garlands

A wide range of such jewelry is presented on the market or in specialized stores, which differ from each other in design and size. These products are divided into several groups, depending on the type of light elements. Consider the types of garlands in more detail:

  • Light network - represents a wide or narrow tape with medium bulbs. This model is ideal for decorating a window or doorway.
  • Light dynamic network - when connected, it seems that you are looking at the fireworks. This type of garland is perfect for the holidays, for example, birthday or New Year.
  • Light threads - are distinguished by many bright lights. This type of jewelry is used to frame mirrors, windows and paintings.
  • Clip Light - is a tape with small bright lights of blue or white. They are used to decorate trees.
  • Light fringe - is a small thin thread that hangs from the ceiling or windows.
  • Duralight is a flexible garland in the form of a cord, with its help you can recreate any desired figure (circle, star, square).

Important! In modern decorating details, LED elements are used, since they save electricity, they can be used outdoors and indoors.

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Recommendations for fixing the garland on the window

Before decorating a window with a garland of your choice, there are several important rules to consider. They have a huge impact on the safety of jewelry and even on the health of your family:

  1. If you have wooden windows, you will need to use the usual buttons to hang the garland. Make sure that the buttons securely fix the LED decoration.
  2. If you have plastic windows, then you can use silicone hooks on the suction cups. They are sold in different sizes in stores, so if you want them to be inconspicuous, choose the smallest hooks.
  3. Decoration can be fixed with adhesive tape, but this method is not suitable for massive products. This mount is more suitable for thin LED threads.
  4. Use double-sided tape in the color of the garland to fix it to doors or mirrors. Traces left by adhesive tape can be removed using alcohol-containing compounds.
  5. If you purchased a very massive garland, then in order to hang it, use a few nails. The only negative of this method is the traces after the nails.
  6. You can use a thin strong thread (fishing line) in order to fix the decoration on the window. The fishing line will serve as a cornice for the LED attribute.

Important! The process of securing the garland must be approached very responsibly so that the decoration retains all its technical characteristics and appearance.

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How to make a garland with your own hands?

Not everyone is satisfied with the standard LED attributes. If you want to make your holiday creative and vibrant, you can turn to online resources. Now on handmade sites, you can find a wide variety of ideas for creating homemade glowing lights. Consider one of the most common options for homemade products of this type.

For manufacturing you will need the following tools:

  • LED thread.
  • Paper or plastic cups (the quantity is selected depending on the length of the LED product).
  • Sheets of translucent paper (a shade of your choice).
  • Transparent double-sided adhesive tape.
  • Scissors and stationery knife.
  • Pencil.

Next, we proceed to create a creative luminous product:

  1. Decorating cups - this step involves wrapping the cup with paper.
  2. We fix the paper using double-sided tape.
  3. We make a hole in the bottom of the cup and insert the LED thread.

This is one of the most beautiful and simple options for making homemade holiday lanterns.

Important! You can use paper with patterns, so the product will look in the end more impressive and contrast.

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Garland Workshop

From the finished garland on the wall, you can make a lot of interesting ideas. For example, if you have a wooden panel in the shape of a star on your wall, you can frame it on all sides with luminous lights. As a result, the decor will look very beautiful and bright. If this option seems too simple to you, then you can use the idea a little more complicated. But the tools will need accordingly more:

  • LED thread.
  • Five liter bottle.
  • Vata.
  • Super glue.
  • A thread.

We begin to create a creative garland-night lamp:

  1. The bottle must be washed and dried well.
  2. To apply on all external part of a bottle of superglue.
  3. On the outside, gently glue pieces of cotton wool (the more it is, the better).
  4. Leave everything to dry completely.
  5. We put an LED thread inside the bottle.

As a result, you will get a beautiful night cloud, which when turned on will look very realistic. This product can decorate the walls and ceilings in the bedroom and children's room. The cloud can be attached to the wall with a thread and a nail, or suspended from the ceiling using a silicone hook.

Important! It is not necessary to use a five-liter bottle; you can take several liter or half-liter bottles as a basis.

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If you want to experiment and make several copies of such products, then you can use multi-colored LED threads. For a strong visual effect, bottles of various shapes and sizes can be used. In the end, this would be an ideal option for a party or as a night lamp in a children's room.

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