How to beautifully fold socks for a gift?

Many women have difficulties during the choice of a gift for a man, and it does not matter whether she has a gift - father, brother, husband, son or just a good friend. Women, as a rule, are happy about any trinket, but it is more difficult to surprise the stronger sex, because they rarely show their emotions and feelings. Socks are the most successful and already traditional thing that is presented as a gift to men. But the main thing is to properly present them. In this article, we will consider options for how to beautifully fold socks for a gift on your own in order to truly surprise and please a man.

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In what cases is such a gift considered relevant, and in which not?

Naturally, it is not appropriate to present such a gift to a man who is your boss or colleague. In other words, experimenting with such presentations for men whom you don’t know too closely is not worth it, otherwise you might just be misunderstood and even offended, because in such cases such gifts are considered bad form.

Different and full of socks is a problem for almost all men, so be sure that your gift in the form of a set of socks will come in handy for your loved one.

Important! Please note that you can’t save on such a gift, because most men are well versed in the quality and materials of this wardrobe item. Some wear socks made only from cotton fabrics, while others prefer more delicate and sophisticated materials. Therefore, if you are not yet strong in this direction, be sure to read all about how to choose quality socks.

In order not to miscalculate:

  • If the person to whom you intend to make such a gift prefers a business style in clothes, then choose socks of dark shades.
  • But for those who like to amaze and laugh, models with humorous patterns and images, and even knitted ones, are suitable.
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The most original gift sock packaging ideas

Now we will learn how to pack and wrap socks beautifully as a gift, because our main task is not only to present a useful thing, but also to surprise a person. You must admit that giving socks just bought at a nearby store with a label is unethical, and a man can even consider such a step as disrespect and carelessness.

Socks, as a rule, are inexpensive, so you need to try to present them as interesting and original as possible. On the Internet you can find a lot of videos in which people share their ideas of beautiful and unusual design of such men's gifts with their own hands. If you make a little effort and do everything with the soul, then you will surely succeed.

How to make a bouquet of socks?

Fresh flowers are rarely presented to the stronger sex, because many believe that this gift is only suitable for women. But the original bouquet of socks will delight any man. Such a gift will certainly amaze with its simplicity and originality.

For its manufacture you will need such tools and materials:

  • Socks.
  • Wrapping paper.
  • Safety pins.
  • Tape.
  • Long skewers or sticks.

The very production of such an unusual bouquet consists of only a few steps:

  1. First, take a few pairs of socks and remove tags from them.
  2. Put the socks on top of each other, slowly twist them as tightly as possible in a roll towards the heel. Make sure that the top of the bud is wider than the bottom.
  3. Unscrew the edges of the socks, and then the bouquet will become like a natural one.
  4. Secure with a safety pin.
  5. With the other pairs of socks, do the same.
  6. Put each bud on a stick or skewer.
  7. From the wrapping paper, cut two identical rectangles. Each bend in half a bit obliquely so that the corners do not converge.
  8. Wrap the finished bouquet with paper and tape.

Important! Buds can be made from each sock or combined in pairs. We all know that the bouquet should consist of an odd number of flowers, which is why in this case it is better to use two socks at once.

The same idea can be applied to other underwear. Read a detailed workshop and other ideas, how to fold men's underpants for a gift.

DIY gift sock

Now we will consider another interesting option on how to beautifully design socks as a gift. The real strategic stock of brand new socks in a suitcase is a real gift for any man, at any age.

Important! You can use it to fill both packed socks and folded neatly into a tube so that it fits more pairs.

noskiOf course, it would be better if you made the suitcase yourself. To do this, you can glue some cardboard box with beautiful paper and attach a pen to it. But the size of your suitcase will depend on the number of socks purchased.

How to make a tank out of socks?

If you decide to give an original gift to a man for the holiday on February 23, then the best option would be a tank of socks. Leaving someone without a gift on such a day would be ugly, so many women use such unusual and at the same time budget ideas for gifts.

At first glance, it might seem that it is simply unrealistic to make such a design on your own, but no, in fact, such a surprise will not require much time and financial costs.

From the materials you will need:

  • Three pairs of socks.
  • Tape.
  • Ball pen.
  • Already finished bow.

maxresdefaultThis gift is created in several stages:

  1. You need to buy three pairs of socks, but it is better that they are contrasting in color, for example, two pairs of light and one dark socks. To get started, remove them from the packaging and remove the labels.
  2. Take the bright pairs and separate each of them one sock. Now roll each sock into a tight roller, and secure them with a rubber or a pin. The resulting ducts will be the wheels for the tank.
  3. Take one dark toe and flatten it well so that the heel does not stick out. On top of it lay rolls of light socks. Lay in such a way that the wheels fit as tightly as possible to each other. Now wrap the structure with a dark toe, and fill the toe with elastic.
  4. We make the turret from the second dark sock. It is necessary to fold the product not too tightly in the form of a tower and place it directly on the finished elements of the tank.
  5. We fix all parts of the craft with a tape that will combine them together.
  6. The final touch - insert a handle into the turret that will simulate the muzzle of the tank.
  7. To give a gift of festivity, you can stick a bow to it.

Important! Perhaps your man will be surprised and pleased with another gift option or an addition to it. Take note of the idea of ​​how to arrange a beer basket as a gift to a man.

Original dumbbell socks

If your beloved or close man is interested in sports, then you can make him an original gift in the form of dumbbells from socks. Such a present will be especially valuable also because you make it yourself.

To make sock dumbbells, you will need to prepare such materials for work:

  • Four pairs of socks.
  • Two cardboard tubes.
  • Pins
  • Foil.
  • The tape.

And now we will perform the following simple steps:

  1. To make the basics for dumbbells, you will need two cardboard tubes. More often, these elements remain after using parchment paper and foil in the kitchen. Each tube must be wrapped with foil, fill the ends into the holes and glue them with glue.
  2. Pair the socks. Now align each toe so that the heel does not protrude.
  3. Stand back a bit from the edges of the tube, wind the sock tightly, and then fasten with a pin. Then wrap it in a second toe, carefully tighten. This procedure must be done on the other side of the dumbbell.
  4. Now take a satin ribbon, wrap rolls of socks with it.
  5. Do the same with the second dumbbell.

Important! On our portal you will find many more useful tips. In order not to repeat from holiday to holiday, click on the article link with gift ideas for men.

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So we learned how to beautifully curl up socks as a gift, and thanks to this knowledge, anyone can turn such a familiar item of men's wardrobe into a creative and interesting present that can really please and surprise.

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