How to fix a baguette for suspended ceilings?

For many years, stretch ceilings were considered something transcendental and unrealistic, but today they are found in many apartments and private houses. There are many reasons why such ceilings have ceased to be the prerogative of extremely wealthy people. Thanks to the simple installation, the relatively low cost of the material, its excellent appearance, stretch ceilings have become popular among ordinary people with an average income. Perforated ceilings and made with the 3D effect are especially popular today. Naturally, any kind of ceiling covering needs a good edging, for example, such a baguette popular in our time. It is used today in the installation of almost all types of suspended structures, so you need to pay attention to the following question: how to fix a baguette for suspended ceilings? We will get the answer in this article, because many people are engaged in repair work on their own, and this information will be very useful for them.

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Varieties of baguette

Before you deal with the ceiling itself, you need to understand why it is worth choosing a baguette as the material for fastening. There are a huge number of varieties of this product, which are classified depending on the principle of fastening and components used for its manufacture. First you need to figure out the differences.

According to the installation method, the following systems are distinguished:

  • Harpoon system. It is used to install PVC film.
  • Harpoonless system. It is used when installing fabric stretch ceilings.

Today in the market or store you can purchase:

  • PVC baguettes. Attached exclusively to the wall.
  • Aluminum baguettes. Aluminum elements are mounted directly to the ceiling and wall.

According to the installation method, baguettes are as follows:

  • Visible baguettes. Such products, in addition to all their direct functions, also play the role of a decorative element. They adorn the entire plane, perfectly hide the joints of the film and the ceiling, as a result - a single whole system is obtained.
  • Invisible baguettes. Such designs are considered quite flexible, due to which they completely repeat the laying contour. Due to such unique properties, they can also be used in other areas, for example, to make arches edging, decorate drywall decoration and arches.
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How to attach a baguette for a stretch ceiling?

In fact, the whole process is divided into a large number of stages, each of which is important in its own way, so all of them must be considered separately. So, installing a baguette for a stretch ceiling consists of the following steps:

  • Training.
  • Drawing a marking.
  • Fixing baguette.

Surface preparation

First, we determine the set of tools necessary for the work. You will need:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer drill.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Ladder.
  • Paint cord.
  • Dowels and screws.

dizayn-natyazhnyih-potolkovThe following is the preparation of the premises:

  1. You need to free all the space around the perimeter of the room at a distance of one meter from the walls.
  2. All plants and, of course, animals should be removed from the room.
  3. If something cannot be removed from the furniture, then these elements need to be covered with a film.
  4. It is also advisable to pre-drill holes for the dowels at a distance of 15 centimeters.
  5. Indentation cannot be done too large; otherwise, the material will begin to pull back and bend at the attachment points.

Important! When working with plastic baguettes, holes are made in special stiffeners. And in aluminum baguettes - in special shelves.

Be sure to consider the moment the electric cable is located in the walls. It is necessary to clearly understand where it is located, so as not to accidentally damage it.


To make marks on the plane, you can use a device such as a laser level.

Important! The ideal mounting height for a baguette is considered to be a distance of 5 centimeters from the ceiling. If you observe this condition when marking, you can avoid accidental contact with technical seams.

Getting started:

  1. Firmly fix the laser level and make marks in each corner of the room. Choose a place so that you can clearly mark each corner from it.

Important! If the room also has an unusual shape and it is unrealistic to highlight all the corners from one place, then first apply all available marks, and then move to another place to continue marking.

  1. As soon as you make all the markings, draw straight lines between all the points, as a result - you will get a plane where the stretch ceiling will be. To do this, take a masking cord, keep one end of the thread on one mark, and the other end on the other. Pull back, slowly, and let go, from the clicks on the wall there will be straight lines. And so we do everything in a circle.image

Baguette mount

Installation of a baguette for suspended ceilings always starts from the most inaccessible or inconvenient corner. Follow the instructions clearly and follow each step carefully:

  1. Fastening the first element. We sawed the baguette in the corners in a special way, namely, sawed only the back wall, and the front one remains intact, and then we bend the profile in the saw cut places.

Important! You can not dock the profile directly in the corners, even if they are perfectly flat. The fact is that when stretching the canvas, the greatest load falls on the corner, as a result, the film simply tears at the junction.

  1. We fix the second baguette whip. It must be installed end-to-end with the first element in such a way as to fit horizontally the joint. Make sure that no steps form.
  2. As soon as you reach the next corner, be sure to measure the distance. You can do this by unfolding the profile outward with the back wall so that the groove for the harpoon is at the bottom, then press one end into the corner, and install the other along the level line on a fixed baguette with an overlap.
  3. Put a point at a distance of a centimeter from the location of the future joint, you will have to shift to the side of the corner.
  4. Saw the back wall on this mark.
  5. The outer corner is even easier to prepare. Press the end of the profile at the end, where the baguette is already attached, draw a line right along the corner along the back wall. This will be washed down.
  6. On the mount campaign, make one more mark, while it is necessary to retreat two centimeters from the first mark. This is the second washed down.
  7. According to the marks received, cut the back wall and cut the rest. This can be done with an ordinary knife or pliers. Then bend the baguette right in the middle of the recess.
  8. After attaching the battens, each joint must be treated with tape or household tape.

This completes the fastening of the baguette for suspended ceilings!

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We hope you managed to do everything in a quality and accurate manner, and now the ceiling in your room looks perfect, and the realization that this perfection has been achieved with your own hands adds moral satisfaction and a feeling of true coziness and comfort in your own home.

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