How to fix the laminate on the wall?

The popularity of the laminate as a finishing material is becoming more and more. As a floor covering, it has been known for a long time, but increasingly it is also used for wall cladding. In this article you will learn how to fix a laminate to a wall, what are the advantages of this material over other decorative wall coverings, and a lot of other useful information that will help you make a unique design for your apartment or home.

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Why laminate flooring?

There are many materials designed specifically for wall decoration. And among all the others, the choice of a laminate - a floor covering for improper use looks rather strange. What are the designers guided by, preferring such a strange material for the walls? The fact is that the choice of this particular material has its undeniable advantages, which are much greater than it might seem at first glance.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. This material is an environmentally friendly product.
  2. Very high wear resistance, even for flooring. And using special panels for walls, you can forget that someday it will have to be changed. At the same time, you do not need to buy the most expensive and durable material - a minimum wear resistance will be enough. This allows you to significantly save.
  3. The color palette is very diverse, which allows you to create the most diverse design of rooms.
  4. Ease of care. Laminate is not as finicky as detergents like most wall materials.
  5. Methods of fixing the material can hide any unevenness of the walls.
  6. It has excellent antistatic properties and does not attract dust.
  7. Even a novice who does not have special skills can fix the laminate on the wall.

But where there are advantages, disadvantages are always nearby. But there are much less of them:

  1. Laminate is susceptible to high temperatures, so it is not recommended to place it in the kitchen near the stove.
  2. The cost of working with a laminate will cost more than, for example, painting or wallpapering.
  3. If fixing is done directly to the wall with glue, the wall must be leveled.
  4. From excess moisture can swell, therefore, is not suitable for the kitchen and bathroom.
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Which laminate flooring to choose?

Before talking about how to lay a laminate on a wall, you need to clearly understand which of its types is best for these works. The choice must be made according to several criteria, namely: the system of locks, price and strength class.

Lock system

There are several options for fixing each other boards of this material: glue, sheet pile, click. What is the difference between the two:

  1. The adhesive laminate does not have a special system for fixing the panels to each other. Everything is done with building glue.
  2. Sheet pile - has a mount in the form of a sheet piling lock. This technology allows you not to use glue and get smooth joints.
  3. The click version has a more advanced lock system compared to the previous version. This makes the coating more stable.


Price and strength class

First of all, choosing such a finishing material home, choose the right color and texture. An important factor will be the cost. It is not worth saving here - the quality of the laminate directly depends on its cost.

Speaking about the strength class, we can safely say that material with a low rate of 21-31 is suitable for you. Do not take material with a digital designation 33-34. Such high strength for the walls is not required, and you will pay more money.


Based on what we just examined, we can select a list of rules for choice:

  1. When choosing such a decor element, always take into account the load that can be produced on it. The safety of the material directly depends on the quality. The key point may be the presence of small children or pets that can damage the coating.
  2. Appearance also plays not the last, but almost the first role in the choice. The design of your room will completely depend on such a prominent detail. The market provides a sufficient number of various colors and textures of this material, so you do not have to limit yourself. It is quite possible to buy material suitable for any style and any color scheme of the room.
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Mounting Methods

There are 3 options for fixing a laminate to a wall:

  1. Using construction glue.
  2. Nails to the bar of the crate.
  3. Kleimera to the crate.
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Preparation for installation

Before you start fixing the laminate on the wall, you need to prepare the surface and the material itself. To do this, do the following:

  • It is usually recommended to leave the purchased material for a couple of days in the apartment in which the work will be carried out. This allows the material to acquire the final shape for this environment.
  • If you are going to fasten the laminate to glue, then you need to carefully prepare the surface of the fastener. Level the walls so that the divergence does not exceed 3 mm.
  • If laying is done on the crate, you need to do it. To do this, take rails of 2-4 cm and fasten them with screws at a distance of 30-40 cm.

Important! Depending on the direction of the boards, rails are also installed. This must be done perpendicular to each other.

  • Pay attention to the corners. They should also be as smooth as possible, the ideal styling directly depends on this.
  • It is necessary to dismantle the platbands on the doors and windows.
  • Calculate the material consumption for the job. This is done very simply. Multiply the width by the length of the installation area. Add ten percent for this number to fit and trim. The resulting number will be the area of ​​the required material.
  • Select a starting point. If you fix the laminate only from above, it is worth starting on the wall from above. Mark one wall on the wall. If only the lower part is finished, or the whole wall starts from the bottom.

Necessary tools that are also worth immediately preparing:

  1. Hammer or drill. If the walls are made of stone, concrete or brick, the drill must be victorious.
  2. Screwdriver, hammer, jigsaw, pliers.
  3. Pencil and marker.
  4. Construction level, tape measure and plumb.
  5. Spatulas, including serrated.
  6. Necessary materials, which are determined by the method of fastening. For example, screws or glue and a container for it.
  7. Trowel or trowel.
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Glue fixing

This installation method is considered the simplest among all others. We talked about preparing before sticking, for the very process we will need:

  1. Construction glue or liquid nails.
  2. Wooden mallet.
  3. A rag to remove excess glue.

Important! For better adhesion of the adhesive to the surface, the wall is pre-primed.

After all the preparatory work, we begin to glue the laminate on the wall. For this:

  • Apply glue to the panel and stick it to the wall at the starting point.
  • Depending on the glue, you may need to remove the panel for 5-10 minutes and let it wind off.

Important! Be sure to leave a gap between the bottom row of the laminate and the floor. The gap that forms will be closed by the baseboard.

  • After - all other panels are stacked, periodically checking the evenness of the stack using the level. The surface is tapped with a hammer.
  • Depending on the picture, the next row starts with half of the panel or with the whole.
  • If the adhesive for the laminate on the wall is not weathered, then after 3 rows it is necessary to let it grasp. Otherwise, under the weight of subsequent rows, the lower ones may shift.
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Fasten to the crate

This method is more time-consuming, but at the same time, it can be used for any walls. If in your house they are not even and it is not possible to level them, this installation method is for you. Also, this method of attachment allows you to hide various communications.

After you have prepared the frame, from the zero point, fasten the strips, fixing them to thin nails through the bottom wall of the groove.

Important! The head of the nail should be thin enough so that the laminate fits flat and there are no gaps.

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Kleimer mount

Not only nails and glue will help you fix the laminate on the wall, but also kleimers. They are galvanized staples that are designed to fix the laminate to the wall. There are 2 types of fixative data:

  1. With serrated protrusions. These are driven into the board and then fixed with screws to the crate or the wall.
  2. With a flat ledge. Used to press the protruding part of the lock to the wall or crate.
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Laminate is a reliable and durable material for wall decoration. With it, you can easily make a unique modern design of any room. And with the help of our article, fixing the laminate on the wall is not difficult for you.

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