How to fix the MDF skirting board to the wall?

At least once in a lifetime, each person is faced with the need for repairs. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to hire professional builders who would quickly and efficiently update the interior of the premises. In this article, we will share recommendations on how to fix the MDF skirting board to the wall, tell you what the features of such products are.
to contents ↑What is a skirting board and what are its main functions?
A plinth is a fringing, which is presented in the form of a plank and serves as one of the main elements of the interior. Although this part seems almost invisible, without it, repair will create the impression of incompleteness. In addition, it is precisely such panels that perform many useful functions, the most significant of which are the following:
- Masking joints. In the gaps between the wall and the floor, a huge amount of dust and various debris is usually accumulated, which is quite difficult to remove. The ingress of moisture to these areas over time will certainly cause mold and fungus, which will entail damage to the floor covering.
- Special panels with cable channel allow you to safely lay the main communications. Such designs are especially convenient for disguising Internet cables.
- Aesthetic appeal. Skirting allows you to ensure a smooth, and most importantly - a beautiful transition from wall to floor.
Based on individual preferences, you can choose a bar of various heights and colors.
to contents ↑Important! Depending on the purpose, experts share two types of skirting boards - floor and ceiling.
MDF material features
MDF is a medium-density fiberboard made from small sawdust. They are pressed on special equipment under conditions of high temperature and pressure. As the main binder, lignin is added to wood shavings, which is a natural and safe material for human health.
Installation of MDF skirting has several advantages compared to the installation of similar products from alternative materials:
- protection against moisture provided by the melamine coating of the outer surface;
- MDF skirting board does not fade even in direct sunlight;
- ease of care, which does not require the use of special cleaners;
- relatively low cost.
to contents ↑Important! Among the minuses of the MDF skirting board, one can only note its not very high resistance to mechanical damage.
Installation of a plinth from MDF
Regardless of whether you need to install a ceiling or floor skirting, the installation process is carried out according to the general algorithm. Experts distinguish three main ways how to fix the MDF skirting board.
Method No. 1 - On special staples
Some of the modern manufacturers of skirting boards equip their products with special fasteners - brackets. In shape, these fasteners resemble hooks, on which you can carefully put on a panel of MDF.
Important! The main advantage of this installation method is that the strips can be easily removed during a new repair and can be returned back without any problems upon completion of work.
Method No. 2 - On self-tapping screws
When deciding how to fix a baseboard from MDF to a wall, many choose to use dowels with self-tapping screws.This method is one of the most popular and practical, if the product is not supposed to have special brackets.
In order for the skirting board to hold tight and have the most attractive appearance, adhere to the following recommendations for its installation:
- Attach the panel to the wall.
- Drill holes at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.
- Remove the baseboard from the wall.
- Insert dowels into the holes on the wall surface.
- Return the bar from the MDF to its place and fix it with screws.
Method No. 3 - On liquid nails or glue
Installation of MDF skirting boards on glue is one of the simplest solutions. To achieve the desired result when using this technology, it is only important to correctly observe the markup and the basic rules for working with adhesive compositions.
Important! Before attaching the MDF skirting board to the glue, you should achieve the most even surface of the wall. Any, even slight bending can cause insufficient adhesive strength.
The technology for gluing the skirting board itself requires the following instructions:
- Using a special composition, degrease the wall surfaces in the area of the upcoming gluing with the panel.
- Apply glue on the surface of the skirting board.
- Attach the MDF panel to the wall and press firmly on the time interval specified by the adhesive manufacturer.
Important! Fixing the MDF skirting board to the wall with the help of special glue starts from the corner of the room.
This installation method is rational to use in cases where fastening products using self-tapping screws and dowels is impossible, because it is worth considering that the dismantling of glued material without spoiling is impossible.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Today, a plinth made of MDF is one of the most popular, because it not only has many advantages and is quite easy to install, but also has a relatively low cost. In this article, we shared with you recommendations on how to independently fix the MDF skirting board and save on the services of professional craftsmen. We hope you will usefully apply the new knowledge gained!
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