How to fix roller blinds on plastic windows?

Modern sun protection systems for windows are functional, easy to operate and look very elegant, which is why they are so popular among consumers. Among all the new products on the construction market, roller blinds are of particular interest. Today we will tell you how to fasten roller blinds to plastic windows, because any owner will be able to install the sun protection system according to the instructions - attracting a master for this process is not required. Installation of roller blinds will help not only darken the room, but also decorate the window opening. A diverse material design will allow you to make new and unusual colors in the interior of the room and create a unique style.
to contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of roller blinds
Since ancient times, people used pieces of fabric to decorate and decorate homes. Only noble and wealthy citizens could afford such a luxury. But time is passing, mores are changing, and now the old solid wooden frames are everywhere changing to high-tech and so fashionable plastic designs. And along with the window openings, the curtains also change. Ordinary curtains and curtains are transformed into dozens of new types and types. One of the most popular and popular varieties of window systems are roller blinds that are installed on a window opening even without drilling holes.
Here are just some of the good things about using Rolshtor:
- Large selection of colors and shades. Solid, multi-colored products are on sale, as well as with photo printing and complex drawings.
- The diverse structure of the canvas. The product can be made both from natural materials - cotton, silk, linen, and PVC.
- The thickness of the web can be different. The canvas can be thin, almost transparent, or dense.
- Practicality. The composition of the impregnation of the material of the product protects the canvas from burnout, getting wet, dirty and loose threads. Roller blinds can be hung without any fear in the bedroom, living room, nursery and even in the kitchen or bath.
- Compactness. Curtains tend not to hide space and leave a lot of space on the windowsill.
- Easy installation. Installation of roller blinds does not take much time and does not require tremendous effort.
- Functionality. Perfectly cope with sun protection function. In addition, for the bedroom and study, you can choose two-layer models that will not only protect from the sun, but also decorate the room. The inner layer of these models is made of fabric, and the outer one is a reflective screen. Some products have anti-reflective and thermal insulation properties.
- Reliability and simplicity.
- Attractive appearance.
- Unpretentiousness in leaving. Curtains are easy to clean, do not wrinkle, so they do not need to be ironed.
- Easy to install in any glazing. They can be mounted on individual casement windows and do not interfere with their opening.
- Durable to use.
- Affordable price.
Important! Refusing other types of curtains by installing curtains is not worth it. Skillfully arranging new-fashioned roller blinds with light tulle or dense velvet canvases, you can create a unique interior in a very unexpected style - from the pompous Classics to the innovative High-tech.
Product disadvantages:
- Do not wash.
- Absorb odors.
- Plastic fasteners may break during inaccurate use.
- Do not open the window sashes for ventilation if the curtains installed inside and outside the window opening are closed.
Thoroughly preparing for the process
Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows should be done very carefully and carefully - incorrectly performed work can lead to malfunctions in some functions of the system.
There are several basic mounting methods:
- Wall mounting, ceiling. If the task is to completely close the window opening and hide the window sill, then the best option would be to use curtains mounted on a wall or ceiling.
- In the window opening. Mounting directly in the window opening is a more popular way to position the roller blind. It makes it possible to use the entire area of the window sill.
- To a PVC frame or window sash. There are two types of installation: with drilling and without. The holes in the frame or the casement of the window cannot be ideally closed, so give preference to fastening without drilling.
Important! The type of product models also affects the mounting method. By the type of mechanism, roller blinds are of two types:
- Open. The fabric in open form is wound on a shaft. When unwinding, the fabric hangs on the frame due to the weight strap.
- Closed (cassette). In the design of this type, the shaft is placed in a compact box. Guides along the edges prevent the web from moving sideways.
Materials and tools for installing curtains
In order to hang the roller blind on a plastic window, you will need the following tools and materials:
- Roulette.
- Building level.
- Pencil.
- Long wooden plank.
- A stationery knife, scissors or a hacksaw for metal, if it is necessary to cut the curtains in width.
In addition, for mounting with drilling, stock up on the following tools:
- Electric drill with a drill of 6 mm (for walls and ceiling) or 2.5 mm for wood (for a window system).
- Dowels (for walls and ceilings).
- Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver.
For installation without drilling, you will additionally need:
- Solvent for degreasing the surface.
- Construction adhesive for a more secure fit.
- Double-sided tape (if it is not included).
Step-by-step installation instructions for roller blinds
The installation procedure for roller blinds on plastic windows will be as follows.
Choose installation principle
When mounting on a wall or ceiling, the canvas will completely block the window opening. If the upper part of the frame is wide enough, then you can install the structure on it, but then it will not work to open the window for ventilation with the curtains closed. There are blinds that are mounted on the sash and do not interfere with opening windows.
Important! If you opted for sash-mounted blinds, be sure to check the vertical installation of windows using the building level. On strictly vertical window systems, you can install curtains with a free edge, then gaps that allow light to pass through will not appear. In other cases - use blinds with guides for the canvas.
Measure with a tape measure
If there are no products of suitable width on sale, then buy wider and cut off the excess. Surplus the pipe on which the canvas is wound and the wooden plank cut with a hacksaw.
- To avoid problems during installation, measure carefully. We recommend recording all the results obtained on an impromptu drawing.
- To measure the required blinds on the window sash, measure the width and height of the glass without a frame. Add 3 cm to the resulting width, and 12 cm to the height.
Important! Choose a curtain with a free edge a little wider - so that it overlaps part of the frame, but does not cling to the handle on the sash.
Mounting with drilling:
- Choose on which side the control chain of the structure will be located, since the bracket for installing the control mechanism has a special configuration.
- Mark the mounting location of the bracket under the control mechanism (on the ceiling, wall, in the window opening).
- Focusing on the marks, drill holes for the fasteners and install the bracket. Screw the screws not completely.
- Insert the mechanism with the chain on one side into the shaft ends, the plastic tip on the other.
- Install the control gear onto the bracket.
- Align the mechanism horizontally with a building level and wooden plank.
- Locate the exact location of the second bracket.
- Drill a hole for the second bracket according to the mark.
- Secure both structural members.
- Insert the shaft with the curtain fixed in advance into the brackets. First insert the end face with the mechanism, and then with the plug.
- Place the guides (small plastic washers with a slot) on the chain. Set the first limiter when the lower edge is raised to the required height, and the second - with the curtain fully lowered.
Important! When performing work, consider the following nuances that affect the quality of the result:
- To correctly and accurately determine the mounting location of the bracket (on the ceiling, wall), find the central axis of the window opening and put equal lengths to the right and left from it.
- To assemble the roller blind on the shaft, it is necessary to bend its upper edge by 5 cm and form a fold. Remove the protective film from the shaft with a self-adhesive strip and install it in the crease, with the adhesive part up. Then roll the shaft toward the top of the roll. Make sure that the blade adheres to the shaft strictly horizontally. Fold the canvas completely and insert the bar into the special slot located on the bottom edge.
- Correctly install the mechanism in the shaft, as the canvas should be close to the window.
Installation without drilling
The principle of assembly and installation of roller blinds remains the same. The only difference is that the brackets are glued to the leaf or fixed on the upper edge of the leaf with the help of special hooks.
Important! Use fasteners with hooks only if the sash with seal have a suitable thickness.
Installation of roller blinds with hook brackets is as follows:
- Assemble the bracket from the parts according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Make all necessary markup.
- Install the fasteners with hooks on the upper edge of the open sash according to the marking.
- Insert the roller blind shaft into the brackets.
- Make sure that the sash with hook brackets closes normally.
Installation of brackets equipped with an adhesive layer is carried out according to this principle:
- Degrease the mounting location of the brackets. This is necessary so that the fixation is as reliable as possible.
- Attach the brackets to the surface of the sash by removing the protective film from them.
- Remove the protective film from the guides.
- Insert the top edge of the guide rail into the special groove in the bracket.
- Attach the bar to a fat free surface.
Important! For a more reliable fixation of the brackets with an adhesive layer, you can use a suitable building adhesive.
How to hang a roller blind on a plastic window with double-sided adhesive tape and PVC staples?
The advantage of this method of fastening is the speed of work, the lack of requirements for building skills. Using tape and special PVC staples, you minimize work, since it will only be necessary to fix one bracket near the chain mechanism with or without self-tapping screws.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Assemble the purchased kit.
- Insert a plug into the pipe to which the web is attached.
- Attach the prepared roll to the installation site and mark the places for the correct mounting of the brackets.
- According to the manual included in the kit, connect the rest of the kit:
- The clamp (bracket) is installed in the bracket.
- Pull the line through the bottom hole of the bracket. The line is responsible for raising and lowering the canvas.
- Tie a knot at the edge of the hole.
- Pass the free end of the fishing line through the ring on the guide, pull it into the lower latch.
- Glue the tape to the bracket.
- Set the brackets according to the length of the blind with blind.
- Remove the protective layer from the adhesive tape and fix the bracket on the window.
- Put two ears into the holes of the blinds of the weighting sheets of the rolshtora.
- Secure the bracket on the control side with self-tapping screws.
- Insert the second bracket and secure it.
- Attach the magnets to the curtain bar (window side).
Helpful hints:
- Do not use adhesive tape to fasten the blinds to the frame, as it spoils due to the heating of the sun, and there is a risk that the entire structure may fall.
- If possible, do not purchase ready-made designs, but order curtains according to individual sizes. This will allow not to adjust the blinds to the dimensions of the plastic window.
- When buying roller blinds, immediately select the desired type of dimming, as its further change is impossible.
- Choose closed mechanisms, as they allow you to keep the fabric clean and beautiful longer.
- When attaching the blinds to the wall, take into account the fact that when lowering the canvas will reach the middle of the window sill, so it should be free from indoor flowers and other objects. Otherwise, it will be difficult to use the curtain at full length.
- If you want to leave indoor plants on the windowsill, it is better to fix the curtain on the ceiling. To determine the location for the brackets on the ceiling, use a plumb bob brought to the level of the edge of the window sill. Remember that in this case you will not be able to use the guides and the spring mechanism for winding the curtains.
- Do not use “Secunda” glue for gluing the brackets, as it is based on cyanoacrylate, which is destroyed by exposure to humidity. There is a risk that in a couple of years the blinds will fall.
- Use the “Mini” blinds, the design of which is installed directly on the window sash and allows you to fully use the window system - open windows without lifting the blinds and swing it to the “airing” position. Mini blinds come in two forms: open and cassette (closed). There is no significant difference in the mounting methods. The only difference is the price.
- Before final installation of the brackets with holders, be sure to clean the frame of the window system from dust and degrease it with alcohol or clean gasoline (for lighters). Never use acetone or other similar solvents that can damage the PVC profile.
- The decorative covers for the brackets that come with the kit should be used last and only after you are convinced of the full functionality of the roller blind.
- Classic roller blinds are usually sold pre-assembled, so you can immediately proceed with installation and save your own time.
- In the deployed position, the curtains on the pipe should remain at least one and a half revolutions of the canvas.
- A free-hanging control chain can be dangerous for children, so install the holder and lock the chain in it. This does not allow a small child to reach a loose-hanging thread.
Installation of roller blinds with fishing line on plastic windows at the bottom
Relatively recently, an interesting Rolshtor system has appeared, which is attached to the window frame not in the upper part, but in virtually any part, but most often in the lower one. We are talking about the Mix system, which is confidently gaining relevance and relevance in the market. In practice, it turns out that the whole structure is turned upside down. It looks original.
To fix such a roller blind, perform the following manipulations:
- Cut the line into two equal parts.
- Pass each part into the upper stops.
- Tie in two knots.
- Fasten the stops to the window glazing beads.
- Carefully thread the free edges of the fishing line through the holes in the box.
- Pull the line to the lower stops, securing the bar on top.
This design will allow you to squeeze the tabs to raise the canvas to the distance you want, and not necessarily to the very top.Curtains look unusual and original. So the most daring experimenters will like them.
to contents ↑Important! Measure the length and width of the canvas clearly by the distance between the glazing beads of the window. No allowances are needed.
Care for roller blinds
For roller blinds to serve for many years, adhere to the following care recommendations:
- Dry clean using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachments.
- Wet wipe the product using a soft sponge and a neutral soap solution.
- If the curtains are located in the kitchen, then while cooking, lift them so that the fabric does not absorb odors.
- To avoid creases, fold the curtains very carefully.
- Dry the product unfolded to prevent deformation of the canvas.
- Do not soak the product in water, as this leads to a deterioration in the protective properties of the canvas.
- Use only natural stain remover to remove contaminants.
Stock footage
As you can see, hanging a roller blind on a plastic window is not so difficult. But it will help transform the interior and protect you from the summer heat. With its help, you can even choose the "view outside the window." To do this, you need to set any pattern using photo printing. Flowering sakura branches will delight on a cloudy autumn day, and images of your favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales will delight children. We hope that our tips and tricks will help you not only install the blinds, but also evaluate all its advantages.
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