How to eliminate cat smell in shoes?

A cat is a creature that can bring owners many pleasant minutes, but also a lot of problems. For example, the owners are unpleasantly surprised that a cute, affectionate and murmuring, like a tractor, animal is used to tag shoes and slippers. The cat is sitting on the side with the most innocent look, and you think how to eliminate the cat smell in shoes. In this article, we will consider all effective methods for solving such a problem.

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What is the cause of the bad smell?

Before you remove foul-smelling substances from your shoes, think about what you are going to remove. The source of unpleasant odor is uric acid, which crystallizes quickly and does not dissolve in water. Therefore, the use of any aqueous solutions will allow to wash off only urochrome and urea. But water does not remove uric acid crystals.

Of course, you can temporarily kill an unpleasant “aroma” with various aromatic fragrances of a detergent. But as soon as they evaporate, the smell of cat urine in shoes is again right there.

On sale you can find special products that dissolve uric acid and eliminate stench. But you can not always buy them, and you can’t delay. The sooner you get down to business, the more likely you are to succeed.

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“Ambulance” for shoes

Imagine the situation: you returned home, and your favorite sneakers or shoes are fragrant throughout the apartment. Cats are great acrobats and do not be surprised that the products of their vital activity will be not only on shoes, but also inside.

Important! Scolding a pet in such a situation is useless. Read Krylov’s fable “Cat and Cook” - everything is great described! But this is later.

In the meantime, get first aid for the affected shoes:

  1. Soak up the liquid with paper towels, remembering to change them more often.
  2. Clean the shoes from the outside with a sponge soaped with laundry soap.
  3. Dampen a piece of soft textile in table vinegar and wipe the shoes from the inside. It is acetic acid that neutralizes the smell of cat urine well.
  4. Then pour baking soda into the shoes and leave them for a day.

Important! Make sure that the shoes dry well. The risk of an unpleasant odor arising during socks will be minimal.

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How to eliminate the smell of cat urine from shoes, depending on the material?

Consider the different types of materials from which shoes are made, and how to get rid of cat stench.

the cloth

Textiles wash well. The fabric is well tolerated by detergents:

  • If the textile is dark, then it is advisable to treat it with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. The next step is washing by hand or in a washing machine.
  • Glycerin copes with uric acid (it is sold in pharmacies).
  • If glycerin is not at home, lather cloth shoes with household soap. Leave the soapy sneakers or sneakers for about half an hour, and then send them to the washing machine. If you are afraid to wash products in automatic mode, you will have to wash them manually. Rinse and dry your shoes well. If you did everything right, the smell will go away completely.

Important! To eliminate cat urine odors, use brown, not white, soap.The laundry soap contains glycerin, which well eliminates the “aroma” left by the pet.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from leather shoes?

With leather products, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

Important! To be honest: only the smell of fresh urine can be completely eliminated. If the liquid has absorbed, the shoes are hopelessly spoiled.

So, if you notice that the pet “marked” your boots or shoes, pat them with napkins or a paper towel, trying to absorb as much liquid as possible.

Next, proceed in this order:

  • Dissolve an iodine alcohol solution in water at the rate of 10 drops of iodine per glass of water. Moisten the sponge in the resulting solution and treat the product from the outside and from the inside.

Important! This procedure is only valid with dark leather products.

  • The second method of processing dark leather products is a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Light-colored leather shoes can be saved with citric acid or table vinegar. First process a small inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

Important! If a tailed bully staged a “terrorist attack” inside the shoes, then treat them from the inside with a solution containing chlorine (for example, “Whiteness”). Then wipe off excess moisture with a natural soft cloth and dry the shoes for at least 24 hours.



If you know how to remove the smell of cat urine from leather shoes, then the actions with leather products are very similar. It is difficult to wash leather shoes from cat urine. First of all, because there are many varieties of leatherette. And it is completely unclear how the material will respond to a particular tool.

The best option - washing products with household soap and drying for at least a day. Only with prolonged ventilation can you hope that the unpleasant smell will go away.

Important! As with leather goods, you can try to solve the problem with a solution of potassium permanganate, iodine or citric acid. First try these products on a small area of ​​shoes.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from suede shoes?

Suede - a very beautiful, but capricious and difficult to care for material. If it so happened that the cat mixed up the tray with shoes or boots made of suede, wipe the shoes from the inside with glycerin or a solution of glycerin soap, and from the outside with a solution of citric acid. And do not forget to dry the product well!

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How to remove the smell of urine from shoes - tips for cat owners:

  • Remove traces of cat urine immediately after you notice them without delay. Old urine is easier to remove.
  • Do not try to drown out the smell of urine with perfume or cologne. Cat urine smells unpleasant, but a “cocktail” of urine and cologne is a harsh thing.
  • The same can be said about aromatic oils. They can scare the animal away from a repeated “crime”, but they are powerless to drown out or, even more so, eliminate the smell. As soon as they disappear, the smell becomes noticeable again.
  • If you purchased expensive boots or shoes, don’t be too lazy to immediately treat them with a pet repellent.

Important! Have you decided to buy a special odor neutralizing agent? Carefully study its composition. It should contain special enzymatic substances that dissolve uric acid.

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Analyze the reason for the revenge of the animal. Pay more attention to the pet, do not be lazy to remove the filler in the tray, and the risk of opportunity will be much reduced!

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